Attacking someone for what they do in their personal life when you don't know them is so ridiculous! It's like people getting all bent outta shape about Tiger Woods cheating on his wife. How the fuck does it affect you? At all? Same with Harley Spencer. She is cool enough to hang and chat and gets this...ridiculous. I don't like cheating, but it's her life, not yours, mine or ours.
Obviously people have been cheating as long as we started creating values. (I don't know what values because somehow, letting someone starve isn't as bad as having sex with someone else, and certainly cheating at the polls or cheating in your taxes isn't THAT important). But what are the values of having more than one wife? As opposed to only having one wife and not telling her you have another "wife?" Or three? Is it honesty? Or not hurting someone? Or society telling us what is right and what isn't right? And which society? Whose society? Yours?
So when someone goes off about "you should" or "you shouldn't" probably the first thing they should think about is . . . maybe you should re-think this for a second. The most obvious value we consider is killing someone. We all think it is bad. Is it? We do it all the time. We justify it in war by saying that we are doing it for our country? Or for our buddies. Or because someone is attacking us. So it's GOOD. Right? And when a woman or child (or man) is abused, and beaten and derided for a day, and a week and a month and a year and several years, and five years. It's still bad. Right? But if the abused kills the abuser? That's wrong? Or ok? Or right? Or not.
I agree with all the people who feel that Harley should never have spoken out. But she did. But also, without knowing, who are we to condemn, or criticize or attack her. She didn't say she killed anyone. And we don't even know the circumstances. But I could point out situation after situation after situation in which WE DON'T KNOW. And until we do, we should reserve judgement. And even as we know more, we should reserve judgement, and if it doesn't matter, we should hold judgement.
Bill Clinton cheated on Hillary. And she stayed with him. And he stayed with her. And he was a great President who helped most of us. And Hillary IS doing much for us. So we should say that she should leave him? It's none of our business. And he's bad? People aren't good or bad or perfect or right. They just are. Until we screw things up ourselves. And then we need to face ourselves in the mirror and just say: "whoops, I did it again."