Sueing a porn company

I found this place on google and not sure if this is the right place i need to post this but maybe someone can help point me to the right place with this. Its somewhat complicated but not sure where i can get help with this. Basically what i need help with is my girlfriend is 19 yrs old and her and her friend went to a place about 2 hrs from here where she was supposed to pose for nude pictures and get paid $300 plus $100 for travel so $400 in all and this was a little over 1 month ago. My gf is very very pretty but cannont work a normal job or she wouldnt do this. Before this she posed for nude pics with a photograher here and got $200 and there was no problems at all. One of our friends is a dancer and she has been giving us the names of the people who do the pics and thats how we found these people. Anyhow when my gf went to do this last photos they did her pictures and then put her in a room with only a bed and did not give her her clothes back. Basically a man came in and had sex with her and then about an hour later two other men came in and had sex with her and none wore any condoms and did stuff that we would never ever do. We never agreed to any of that and the only time anyone from there has talked to us or returned our call the woman said that my gf agreed and signed all of the paperwork (they did not give her a copy of the paperwork she signed by the way which is very unprofessional!) They said she did not copoerate and couldnt follow directions and they could not work with her and so they are not paying her. THe thing is my girlfriend had seizures when she was little and effeted her brain. When she talks she has a bad speech empedament so people think shes retared or dumb or something but she is not..its just her speech otherwise she is normal. She was homeschooled by her grandparents who raised her and they did not get her the speech help she needed. Her other issue is she has really bad anixty issues and so thats why she didnt say no or fight back when the men had sex with her and was afraid so went along but she never agreed to it either. just didnt fight back or say no because she sort of locks up when she gets nervous. I dont really know what to do and im afraid if i call a lawyers office it will mess up her disablity that she gets but im still very mad about how they did her. Who is it i should call about this or tell about this company that did her like this.
File a police report. Your gf was raped and your worried about disability payments??? She shouldn't have a bf like you.
Kev, just let go man! If she doesn't want to do anything with the police and she signed off on all the consent paperwork (even though it sounds like she didnt fully understand it) then just let it go and chalk it as experience. You more or less put a bow on her pussy, and sounds like her asshole too ("and they did stuff that we would never ever do" <---your words) when you let her go off 2 hours away to do a porn picture shoot. Did you think they were gonna be gentlemen to her? Those guys are usually sharks and if shes as good looking as you say and acts or rather sounds like shes retarded then how could you not expect people to try and fuck her??? . Im sorry your girl has some mental issues and the speech problem but they probably ate that up and saw her as a easy target. Yes we get that she got taken advantage of bu honestly thank god it was only 3 dudes that fucked her and not like 100 that lined up on know? They could have shot a huge gangbang with her if she just lays there and takes anything people do to her. If she is too meek to be able to say NO when a guy starts fucking her then she has no business being around this business guy! Live and learn.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
It would be a case of he said, she said. Frankly I dont know why the hell you would have let her go alone if she has all these issues. If she cant have a normal job due to disabilities and wants to work in adult, she should try a web cam site.

Even going to the police you dont really have a case. She went there willingly, she never said no during the shoot, they claim they have a signed contract, etc. She would have a better case had she made a report right after the event happened. Anxiety and a speech issue dont mean you cant say no. A lot of adult performers have anxiety including myself and you bet your ass I would have said no and left.

I found this place on google and not sure if this is the right place i need to post this but maybe someone can help point me to the right place with this. Its somewhat complicated but not sure where i can get help with this. Basically what i need help with is my girlfriend is 19 yrs old and her and her friend went to a place about 2 hrs from here where she was supposed to pose for nude pictures and get paid $300 plus $100 for travel so $400 in all and this was a little over 1 month ago. My gf is very very pretty but cannont work a normal job or she wouldnt do this. Before this she posed for nude pics with a photograher here and got $200 and there was no problems at all. One of our friends is a dancer and she has been giving us the names of the people who do the pics and thats how we found these people. Anyhow when my gf went to do this last photos they did her pictures and then put her in a room with only a bed and did not give her her clothes back. Basically a man came in and had sex with her and then about an hour later two other men came in and had sex with her and none wore any condoms and did stuff that we would never ever do. We never agreed to any of that and the only time anyone from there has talked to us or returned our call the woman said that my gf agreed and signed all of the paperwork (they did not give her a copy of the paperwork she signed by the way which is very unprofessional!) They said she did not copoerate and couldnt follow directions and they could not work with her and so they are not paying her. THe thing is my girlfriend had seizures when she was little and effeted her brain. When she talks she has a bad speech empedament so people think shes retared or dumb or something but she is not..its just her speech otherwise she is normal. She was homeschooled by her grandparents who raised her and they did not get her the speech help she needed. Her other issue is she has really bad anixty issues and so thats why she didnt say no or fight back when the men had sex with her and was afraid so went along but she never agreed to it either. just didnt fight back or say no because she sort of locks up when she gets nervous. I dont really know what to do and im afraid if i call a lawyers office it will mess up her disablity that she gets but im still very mad about how they did her. Who is it i should call about this or tell about this company that did her like this.

Will E Worm

Thanks everyone for your help here but the lawyer wasnt much help. I did call one here in town and he had me come by and talk to him. He says that if she is not willing to persue charges or talk to the police there is not much i can do just being her bf. He said we should request a copy of all the contract stuff that she signed since they did not give her a copy but that she is not really consindered disabled mentally but her disablity with speech is more physical since she can sign for herself and has a high school diploma and a drivers license and what not. I took him her disablity stuff and he said her disablity comes from a thing her grandparents who raised her set up for her but that she could look at getting her reevluated if her anxity is as bad as i say it is..which it is. He said that she really should have spoke up and said no to them and should have read the contact. He said that after they took her pictures and took her to a room with just a bed and didnt give back her clothes and she was afraid to try to leave because they had her clothes and couldnt leave if she had said no or to give back her clothes it could have been kidnapping if they had said no. He recommended that we go to the Health Dept to make sure she does not have a std since they didnt wear condoms which we are going to do. We have been doing pregnancy test twice a week to make sure she didnt get pregnant and from what i read online it would have shown positive by now so thank god she didnt. Anyhow im still upset about the whole thing and know they didnt do her right and she is never gonna do anything in this business again.
Thanks everyone for your help here but the lawyer wasnt much help. I did call one here in town and he had me come by and talk to him. He says that if she is not willing to persue charges or talk to the police there is not much i can do just being her bf.

If your GF is not cooperative there is nothing to pursue. And while your story and that of your girlfriend seems credible, you were not there and you don't know exactly what took place, just what she told you.

I find your willingness to allow her to go to a photo shoot alone rather disturbing. The whole thing seems like a cluster fuck. She needs to surround herself with different people and that includes kicking you to the curb.
It was not my idea but her friend who dances...her idea. Everyone tells her she is so pretty and should model it wasnt my idea. And my gf already did it once and they were very nice to her and paid her cash and there was no problems what so ever. And as I had said above one of her friends went with her but they sent her friend to a spa place to get her nails and hair done and to lunch and paid for all of it while my girlfriend was there and all this was happening to her and I figured her friend was gonna be with her the whole time. Anyhow its over now so it dosent matter.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
What you're saying could very well be true, and I'm sorry that it happened. However, as others have noted, You Might not be getting the whole story. Maybe she didn't say no because she actually did agree to it. Maybe it was supposed to be an actual porn shoot and she either didn't tell you, or she didn't read that's what it was. And of course maybe she's telling the whole truth, but if she won't press charges, there's really nothing you can do.

Also, it's not really commonly smiled upon to take someone along with shoots to keep an eye out. But that's a whole other issue that I'm not going to get into right now.