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Study: 86.7 million Americans uninsured over last two years

Damn, my worst fears are true, the number of uninsured of Americans has increased based on the last figure I was aware of which was at 46 million of uninsured Americans


Study: 86.7 million Americans uninsured over last two years

Story Highlights

Study: One out of three Americans without health insurance at some point in 2007-08

Study is released day before White House health care summit

U.S. Census Bureau reports lower numbers, only counts those uninsured for full year

Critic says Families USA exaggerated numbers to make a political point

By Jennifer Pifer-Bixler
CNN Senior Medical Producer

(CNN) -- One out of three Americans under 65 were without health insurance at some point during 2007 and 2008, according to a report released Wednesday.

The study, commissioned by the consumer health advocacy group Families USA, found 86.7 million Americans were uninsured at one point during the past two years.

Among the report's key findings:

• Nearly three out of four uninsured Americans were without health insurance for at least six months.

• Almost two-thirds were uninsured for nine months or more.

• Four out of five of the uninsured were in working families.

• People without health insurance are less likely to have a usual doctor and often go without screenings or preventative care.

"The huge number of people without health coverage is worse than an epidemic," Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA, said in a press release. "Inaction on health care reform in 2009 cannot be an option for the tens of millions of people who lack or lose health coverage each year ... the cost of doing nothing is too high."

The study came out the day before President Obama plans to hold a health care summit at the White House. The President says reforming health care is one of his top priorities.

The number of Americans without health insurance reported by Families USA is much higher than those reported by the U.S. Census Bureau. According to the census numbers, in 2007 there were 45.7 million uninsured Americans.

Families USA says those numbers tell only part of the story. The Census bureau counts only people who were uninsured for the full calendar year. For its own study, Families USA commissioned The Lewin Group to analyze data from the Census Bureau and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Its study includes people who did not have health insurance for all or for part of the past two years.

Critics say the number of uninsured Americans cited in the Families USA report is misleading. "No one disagrees we have a problem with the uninsured," says Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who advised Sen. John McCain on domestic and economic policy during the 2008 election.

But Holtz-Eakin thinks Families USA is exaggerating the numbers to make a political point the day before the White House summit. "They are simply choosing to report over a two-year window a measure that always gives you a larger number."
Tough shit.

Get a decent job and pay for some if they really want it that badly. Their choice to go insured or uninsured.

They don't like it, well, move to Cuba. That seems to be a hot spot for it.


Is it true that if passed the Health care bill would not go into effect untill 2013, I remember hearing something about that but I was not sure.
Tough shit.

Get a decent job and pay for some if they really want it that badly. Their choice to go insured or uninsured.

They don't like it, well, move to Cuba. That seems to be a hot spot for it.

Thanks to Bush this tough shit is occurring. Hundreds of thousands of people have been laid off. Once that happens you can bet that your health insurance disappears along with it.

Why should an uninsured U.S. citizen move and his family to Cuba instead of picking up picket signs to demand healthcare insurance here in the good ol' U.S.A., the land of their birth?
Yes. Bush is at fault for everything.

That mean, horrible Bush. How dare Clinton not get that third term and continue America down that righteous path! Heck, how dare they not have allowed Jimmy Carter in office up until now!

I am sure Bush had something to do with Carter and Clinton getting out of office one way or another. I just know it!

Damn Bush, I say! Damn him! He been screwing America up for the past 30+ years!!!!!


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Tough shit.

Get a decent job and pay for some if they really want it that badly. Their choice to go insured or uninsured.

They don't like it, well, move to Cuba. That seems to be a hot spot for it.

An absolutely idiotic comment.

Let 'em eat cake, huh? As long as you're OK, fuck everyone else. That's the American way??

Have the misfortune to lose your job and get sick and tell me how you'd feel then, whimsy.

Yes. Bush is at fault for everything.

That mean, horrible Bush. How dare Clinton not get that third term and continue America down that righteous path! Heck, how dare they not have allowed Jimmy Carter in office up until now!

I am sure Bush had something to do with Carter and Clinton getting out of office one way or another. I just know it!

Damn Bush, I say! Damn him! He been screwing America up for the past 30+ years!!!!!

We have to quit turning this into a partisan problem. It isn't Bush's fault. Lots of republicans are out of work and uninsured too.
No. I'm not for the government coming in and trying solve another problem and screw us up more in the process. People can be insured, most just don't like spending money on it, yet they can spend money on the latest tech gadget that costs hundreds of dollars, drive all around and waste gas for some stupid reason, or find a way to squander money on what they want! Yet, they can't spend some money a month to get some health insurance?

It's just I want, I want, I want mentality. Let the government be my daddy and mommy and give me what I want, while I go do what I want.

My first comment might of been a bit cynical. Ah well. I admit it wasn't right on. But how many of these topics are going around anyways? I was cynical and didn't put any kind of true rebuttal in the process.
Yes. Bush is at fault for everything.

That mean, horrible Bush. How dare Clinton not get that third term and continue America down that righteous path! Heck, how dare they not have allowed Jimmy Carter in office up until now!

I am sure Bush had something to do with Carter and Clinton getting out of office one way or another. I just know it!

Damn Bush, I say! Damn him! He been screwing America up for the past 30+ years!!!!!

what a pathetic NeoCon attempt at being sarcastic, please keep your day job and don't pursue a career in stand up comedy
Tough shit.

Get a decent job and pay for some if they really want it that badly.

Your comment shows exactly what's wrong in the world today. Most people are just looking out for themselves and have completely forgotten the meaning of the word sympathy. As long as everything is OK in their little world it's fuck the rest. That is as long as it doesn't happen to them.
Get over it.

Also, my Bush post was sarcasm. Sorry to upset the "Neo-Libs"
Been without normal insurance for many many years. I only like to keep some kind of basic catastrophic stuff.

Cheaper to pay for the 1 time a year I see my doctor with cash (around 80$) then to pay 100+ a month in health insurance just to pay a 30$ deductible. Whereas with a high deductible style plan I can pay around 30$ a month to help cover the major stuff.

There is a much better way to fix insurance. Open the laws to allow national companies, not state only insurance companies. Competing across state lines will place enormous pressure on all insurance vendors.

Open the doors to allow people to get their prescriptions from more than just the USA.

Forcing people to spend the same freakin amount on a government plan that they would on an employers plan is just asinine, I always take the cheapest employer plan possible with high deductibles. (for me, its called smart shopping)

Ask your doctor if they take cash. The fee is much smaller since they don't have to deal with insurance headaches.

Get your prescriptions at Walmart, Publix, etc. Many have month supplies of many common prescriptions for 5$ or so.

You can go to a minuteclinic at CVS or Walgreens and still only spend 60$. Then your prescription can be generic which is just as cheap (or cheaper) than what insurance will normally cover.

So if you don't have insurance, spend the 30$ a month for the catastrophic or high deductible stuff, shop around and save money.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Been without normal insurance for many many years. I only like to keep some kind of basic catastrophic stuff.

Cheaper to pay for the 1 time a year I see my doctor with cash (around 80$) then to pay 100+ a month in health insurance just to pay a 30$ deductible. Whereas with a high deductible style plan I can pay around 30$ a month to help cover the major stuff.

There is a much better way to fix insurance. Open the laws to allow national companies, not state only insurance companies. Competing across state lines will place enormous pressure on all insurance vendors.

Open the doors to allow people to get their prescriptions from more than just the USA.

Forcing people to spend the same freakin amount on a government plan that they would on an employers plan is just asinine, I always take the cheapest employer plan possible with high deductibles. (for me, its called smart shopping)

Ask your doctor if they take cash. The fee is much smaller since they don't have to deal with insurance headaches.

Get your prescriptions at Walmart, Publix, etc. Many have month supplies of many common prescriptions for 5$ or so.

You can go to a minuteclinic at CVS or Walgreens and still only spend 60$. Then your prescription can be generic which is just as cheap (or cheaper) than what insurance will normally cover.

So if you don't have insurance, spend the 30$ a month for the catastrophic or high deductible stuff, shop around and save money.

All really good ideas :thumbsup: but if you are disqualified from pre-existing conditions, your "catastrophic" strategy doesn't work. For instance, I have high blood pressure (it will happen to most of you as you age....just part of the deal). Therefore, if I have a heart attack or stroke....guess what? I'm fucked.

Also, if I have a chronic condition for which I am disqualified, I'm equally fucked....except this time, it is a slower process.

For-profit insurance companies are fine if that's the way you want to go. We must have a public option in order to have true health care reform. I fear it will never happen.
All really good ideas :thumbsup: but if you are disqualified from pre-existing conditions, your "catastrophic" strategy doesn't work. For instance, I have high blood pressure (it will happen to most of you as you age....just part of the deal). Therefore, if I have a heart attack or stroke....guess what? I'm fucked.

Also, if I have a chronic condition for which I am disqualified, I'm equally fucked....except this time, it is a slower process.

For-profit insurance companies are fine if that's the way you want to go. We must have a public option in order to have true health care reform. I fear it will never happen.

Sorry, forgot to include the part about pre-existing conditions. There should be a law against this. It has bit me in the past as well.
i'm frequently surprised by the passion surrounding health-care in this country. while there is no perfect solution (no one can possibly believe the current situation in America is good, or even adequate; no one has seen perfectly executed socialised medicine), there are improvements to be made here.

how about we all put aside the crap stupid dumb limiting partisan politics. turn off fox AND cnn. let's have a discussion about what is needed. what we have is not working. what others have won't work here. America is different, and complex. let's be creative instead of hostile and come up with some way to help underprivileged, middle class, and very-privileged have good access to life-saving health care.
Get over it.

Also, my Bush post was sarcasm. Sorry to upset the "Neo-Libs"

Get over your ignorance and become aware of the facts.

Apologize for regurgitating NeoCon cliches and not being able to hold an intellectual and meaningful discussion based on research, comprehension and facts.