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Students boycott school cafeteria

Will E Worm

High school students boycott school cafeteria over new lunch restrictions

With new federal guidelines dictating what is served at school cafeterias during lunch time, school districts all over the country have reworked their menus to accommodate the new rules. The changes include serving more whole grains, daily doses of fruits and vegetables, less sugar and salt, and only low- or non-fat milk.

For the first time, school lunches must have age-aligned calorie maximums, capping the amount of calories high school students eat to around 850 calories. The new restrictions all come from the updated Dietary Guidelines for Americans from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and are funded by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 – legislation promoted by Michelle Obama.

While the changes may seem like a step in a healthier direction, not all students are finding them so tasty. On Monday, about 70 percent of the 830 students at Mukwonago High School in Wisconsin who typically buy their lunch boycotted the school’s cafeteria, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. The high schoolers were joined by middle schoolers in the district, reducing the number of lunches sold by half.

According to the Journal Sentinel, the Mukwonago School District is not alone, as many other schools nationwide are also reporting students frustrated with the new rules.


:clap: Good job! Follow their lead and boycott over-regulations.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Good! From taking a friend of mine to pick up her kid after school, the kids I saw waddling out to the parking lot could stand to skip a few (dozen) meals anyway.

Kids today don't eat right and they're too lazy to exercise. They want to eat junk food and sit on their fat asses playing video games, instead of going outside and playing like we used to. The worst part is their parents treat them like they're miniature adults, capable of making wise decisions, instead of what they are: mush-brained children, who don't know shit from shellac!

We're talking about public schools here, supported by taxpayer dollars. I say serve them the kind of food that is healthy and if they don't like it, they can bring or buy their own food. Or like my dad used to say when I didn't want to eat what my mother had fixed: "when he gets hungry enough, he'll eat it!"

I don't even have kids and I'm paying property taxes in three states, supporting school kids that I'll never lay eyes on. So I say, feed 'em what is healthy and let them starve if they don't like it!
So let me get this right. They are saying the food taste horrible and the portions are too small.
And that makes a lot of sense to Will E.

I assume the school food is cheaper than what it would cost them (or their parents) if they would have to buy their food at Wall-Mart, right ?
So let them buy expensive and fat donuts from Wall-Mart instead of cheap healthy fruits from the school cafeteria.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I'm with the above. Mom and Dad make the choice. Eat what I make you or eat what they serve you. Your protest isn't going to change the school menu or mine. And another thing, vending machines in schools should be gone.

Will E Worm

These boycotts are going to lead to lay offs. The boycotts will work! Like it or not, you can't make people do as you want. :tongue:

Also, you do not teach children how to just follow orders like they live in a Communist country. :nono:


These boycotts are going to lead to lay offs. The boycotts will work! Like it or not, you can't make people do as you want. :tongue:

Also, you do not teach children how to just follow orders like they live in a Communist country. :nono:

Are you confortable with how you contradict yourself? You have stated on any number of occasions that children are not to be trusted in making their own decisions, now you're saying that they are the only ones who should. This is horseshit.

Personally, I think you are just looking for excuses to complain about something/anything.


My Penis Is Dancing!
I would rather see my tax money being used to feed kids healthy, not shove more sugar into their pie holes. This nation has way too many fat fucks, anyhow.

Will E Worm

Are you confortable with how you contradict yourself? You have stated on any number of occasions that children are not to be trusted in making their own decisions, now you're saying that they are the only ones who should. This is horseshit.

I said driving and things like that. Not food. No contradictions here.

Personally, I think you are just looking for excuses to complain about something/anything.

That's you, not me.

yep , the GOV cares.

I know. :rolleyes:

two words: sack lunch

That's what they are doing.

Will E Worm

And you wonder why healthcare costs are through the roof? This is the frontline.

Illegal's and welfare recipients are problem.

No one wants to diagnose the major healthcare problem facing the United States today, and no one wants to acknowledge the role of illegal aliens in driving Medicare and Medicaid over the cliff.

Medicare, a federal health insurance policy amended to the Social Security program (Title XVIII) in 1965, is not nor has it ever been free.

U.S. workers have Medicare payments deducted from their paycheck and after retirement from their Social Security check. Medicare covers about 80 percent of bills for hospitals, doctors, medicine, rehabilitation, and ambulance services for persons over 65 years of age, persons younger than 65 with certain disabilities, and all persons with end-stage kidney failure.

To cover the balance, Medicare customers purchase supplemental insurance on the open market. Medicare is impacted when Congress regularly raids the Social Security account for other purposes.


Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
These boycotts are going to lead to lay offs. The boycotts will work! Like it or not, you can't make people do as you want. :tongue:

Also, you do not teach children how to just follow orders like they live in a Communist country. :nono:

They are not being forced to eat the cafeteria food. They still have the option of bringing their own food. But if you're eating on my dime, then you'll eat what I give you. If these addle-brained brats think that United States taxpayers (public school meals are government subsidized) should be forced to provide them with full gourmet menus, as if they're dining out on the town, then they have another thing coming.

American kids have now set a record low in SAT verbal scores. And they're something like 27th in the world when it comes to math and science. The problems related to dramatic rises in childhood obesity are just the icing on the proverbial cake. I don't know how much kids drink these days, but the way I see it, they most certainly are fat and stupid. And this wise man summed it up best:



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
A Chicago school lunch is $2.25. In NYC it is $1.50. There is a charter school in Philly with $1.49 breakfast and $2.30 lunch. I'm not going to go looking for more prices or cities but I want to make a point. I am confident that these meals are nutritious and a bargain considering that they are prepared and served at such little cost. Mom and Dad can send Joey to school with more of a variety, with the same nutritional values, at a lesser cost, if they wanted to take the time to prepare them. All of these places have programs for free food in school also.

Look, I'm not one to say that the government should decide what my kid should eat. The choice is there so make the decision. Take the time to make Joey happy (and save a few bucks) or get what you pay for. Shit, my Dad went to work every day with a brown bag and most times I did when I was a kid. We were both happy campers when it was time to eat.
If your boss dismisses, in France, he must pay you some compensation, the amount of which depends on your seniority and your salary.
Then for a year to all registered unemployed Pole Emploi receives an allowance paid by the state in the amount equal to 70% of the average wage of the last three months as an employee (but if you have to lok for a job, for real, if you just spend your day watching TV, you will probably loose that).

If you've never worked in France or you are unemployed for more than a year, you get the RSA, €418 if you're single and you have a housing ( €475 if you do not have housing) .
You will also be entitled to APL, €192 to help you pay for your home (unless you're an owner and you have finished paying). To accommodate you, you can also find a HLM housing discounted only available for the unemployed and low-income families.
Being unemployed you are also entitled to discounts on many services such as, for example, public transport
Since you're not employed, you don't pay your share for public social security. But you're still entitled to it (even if you don't benefit of the "full package"). And if you've got a private health insurance, you will pay less than those who have a job. As for all kind of insurrance : car, house, etc...

That's the main stuff, there are probably other stuff but I don't know them.

This is the reason why France has so many taxes : When you have very few money, you're entitled to a lot of things. And many people are entitled to some of these things.