Strange Bathroom Activity

I have started this thread to confess a strange bathroom activity I have developed and to get some opinions, comments and insight from my fellow members.

Here in our new apartment, Becks and I have a window right next to the throne, and you can easily look outside onto the sidewalk and street from our second-floor apartment. Any passers-by cannot really see into the window very well, and even if they did see my face, they would not be able to tell my circumstances that I was on the toilet.

So, when I sit on the throne, I have taken to spying on the people walking by and parking or sitting in their cars. In fact, you might call me "The Peeping Pooper" if you wish.

I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience on the giving or receiving end of such a phenomenon. I can't exactly say why I like doing this, and it is honestly nothing sexual, just something to pass the time while emptying the squeezebox.

Any input would be appreciated! :hatsoff:
Disgusting... I shall not think of you in the same way again, Senob.

So, when I sit on the throne, I have taken to spying on the people walking by and parking or sitting in their cars. In fact, you might call me "The Peeping Pooper" if you wish.
Don't they have newspapers to read in Wisconsin?:D


knows petras secret: she farted.
i cant see out my window and no one can see in since its on the second floor. i wonder about when i move into my new place in a week or 2. i honestly cant remember what the fucking house looks like..


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The only window I have in a bathroom is above my toilet. The other two bathrooms don't have windows.

I do have a window in my shower, though. And oddly enough I can see into my neighbor's house from it, though I have yet to see any females walking around wearing only a g-string.
Disgusting... I shall not think of you in the same way again, Senob.

If it makes you feel any better, Tunsty, I try not to think about him at all.

And I agree with what you wrote. I feel the same way. :helpme:
Kinda reminded me, I went to this club in Korea, and the bathrooms were up on the 2nd floor overlooking the dance floor. I walked up the stairs and realized that the urinals were on a half-wall that overlooked the dance floor. If the folks on the dance floor glanced up at the bathroom, they could see you from the chest up, I always thought that was funny. Let you look at all the hotties on the dance floor while you peed... Weird...
going toilet is boring... so i think myself if i add a big window like yours do the same thing :) and finally read the news on my kitchen table :p
You are just people watching... a wonderful pastime made even more enjoyable since you can do it from the comfort of your toilet!
As long as you are not rubbing one off it is not that wierd. Not a lot different then the elderly couple next door to me that sit on their porch watching everyone.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
There's a window in my bathroom too and I'm always looking out of it when I make stinkwater. The only thing that sucks though is that I'm on the 3rd floor of my apartment building and I can't see anything except for rooftops.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I have to concentrate on the comics page...laughing helps make the poo slide out.


Is somewhere outhere.
Senob.I don't think Wisconsin realizes what kind of pervert is newly
residing in their state.I'd just keep my head down and poop quietly :wave2: