Starman for President

Would I have your vote?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • No

    Votes: 12 54.5%

  • Total voters
Please read the text before you vote. I apologize for its length.
Originally posted by Dolman in the Michael Moore thread
BTW - no offense, but I dont think there is any way you would be better than Bush. :)
None of us realise what the presidents job consists of. Im sure its not easy AT ALL, which is why so few people want the duty.
Is that's a challenge? ;)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The president must be a natural-born citizen of the United States (or a citizen of the United States at the time the U.S. Constitution was adopted), be at least 35 years of age, and have been a resident of the United States for 14 years.

The natural-born citizenship requirement has been the subject of some controversy in recent years. Some commentators argue that the clause should be repealed because it excludes qualified people based on technicalities, and fails to appreciate the contributions made by immigrants to American society. Prominent public officials that are barred from the presidency because they were not born US citizens include California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm.
If they change that law about having to be a natural-born citizen of the United States, I can run for president in 14+ years from now if I move to USA. I would run on the Democratic ticket, because I have political kinship there.

I ask of you, FreeOnes members, to help me defeating the Conservatives on this discussion forum. I appeal to you! Men and women! Friends, acquaintances and strangers, for your support.

I've been in politics since I was 17, my crime record is a clean slate, I'm intelligent, compassionate, caring. I've always been good at finding compromises.

I'm also good at strategy and tactics, not only in games, but also in politics. I'm not lying or bullshitting you now, but at a political congress I managed to do something that some has claimed was historical. In one of the votes I managed to turn every district, except for one, against the committee. 26 districts, if I remember the right number... 25 to 1. The one I didn't manage to get on our side was the largest one, but well, we won anyway... ;)

What I want to do, both as a president and otherwise.
  • I will make USA will sign The Universal Declaration of Human Rights -
    And implement/incorporate those of these rights not covered yet into American law.
  • I will also make USA sign The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) -
    (USA has signed neither of these.)
    I will also implement/incorporate those of these rights not covered yet into American law.
    (Implementing the declaration and the convention should cover the Freedoms of speech, religion (or belief), association, movement (or travel), discrimination, press, and thought)
  • I will make a flat tax rate across the board. No unfair differences in taxing between the rich and the poor.
  • I will spend money on important stuff like schools, libraries, hospitals, elderly care, child care, creating more jobs, etc.
  • I will make government work better for small business
  • I will make sure there are a sufficient social security net.
  • I will work to make schools free, even at college and university level. Your money shouldn't be an object for receiving a good education. Democracy requires that the great majority of citizens being capable of logical thought, and needs the citizenry to be educated, and the skills of reason are the foundation of democratic education. Democracy cannot be established in any other way. The companies will also gain on this by getting more well-educated workers.
  • General health care.
  • Social security, also called social welfare. (Providing a minimal access to the basic needs such as food, education and medical care. It is defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948: "art. 22 — Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.")
I hope you think these things are reasonable, and that you think it sounds better than the Conservative politics of the Republican party.

These are the things I want to accomplish and will work over my lifetime to accomplish. There is nothing that is "impossible". Nothing whatsoever. All it takes are time and patience. One can move a mountain, even if it's just rock for rock, and even a water drop can drill a hole in stone. You may call me an idealist, but that is what we need in politics, idealists, not cynics that tell you that everything is impossible.

I know that I may have to "pick my battles" to achieve the higher goals. I may not have time to get everything through, but I would do all I had time with and could get through, not only in my precidency, but in my whole lifetime. One is only president for a limited time, but can be a politician for a lifetime. I'm well aware that my work will never be finished, because there will always come up new problems that has to be dealt with, but I will never stop fighting for Freedom, Equality, Solidarity and Democracy.

I ask for your help and support, to win over the Conservatives on this board. Any questions you might have, I'm happy to answer. I will listen to your problems, advice and suggestions to what you'd like to happen in the American society.

I promise to always fight for the "Average Joes and Janes"!

All you people here on the FreeOnes board, would I have your vote? Are there any here on the FreeOnes board that who would support me against the Conservatives? Starman for President! ;) (in about 14+ years from now)
I think you need to find a better financial aide to advise you on some of these things. Really not sure how you can actually fulfill those points without a major tax hike. But I guess that is a the Liberal/Democratic party; make broad, general promises without ever showing how you will accomplish those goals.

Oh BTW, freedom is important as well. I notice you left that out. Fair to say you wouldn't have the balls to strike back against those who threaten the American way of life?
we will have to see your performance first hand as a local official here in the US, Probably as a Gov., congressman or senator.:cool:
Dirty Sanchez said:
I think you need to find a better financial aide to advise you on some of these things. Really not sure how you can actually fulfill those points without a major tax hike. But I guess that is a the Liberal/Democratic party; make broad, general promises without ever showing how you will accomplish those goals.

Oh BTW, freedom is important as well. I notice you left that out. Fair to say you wouldn't have the balls to strike back against those who threaten the American way of life?
Well, I sure won't loan money until USA has one of the highest deficits it has ever had. Bush lacks a moderated budget. His tax policies can't be called "tax cuts": He is not cutting those taxes; he is just postponing them. But it's the usual tactics of the Conservative/Republican party. Spend money you don't have, run the economy into the ground, and then force the Liberal/Democratic party to repair the damages when they take over later. Clinton spent most of his years in office trying to repair the damages dealt to the government's economy, by the earlier Republican presidents.

So freedoms of speech, religion (or belief), association, movement (or travel), discrimination, press, and thought is not freedoms? Interesting... Are you showing your true colours?

Just because I left it out, doesn't mean that I don't have the balls, wanna try me? ;)

Remember that it's about 14+ years until it could happen, and I have no clue how the world will look like then. It would be dumb making plans to attack any countries, without knowing the current situation. I can't look into the future and see which countries will be allies and which will be enemies 14+ years from now. Can you?
Originally posted by websurfer
we will have to see your performance first hand as a local official here in the US, Probably as a Gov., congressman or senator. :cool:
Of course, I have to live in the country for at least 14 years before I can run for president, so there's plenty of time for that too. :)

And don't think I would quit politics after I've been a president. Oh no, they'll have to drag me kicking into the coffin! ;) *LOL* :D
Starman said:
Well, I sure won't loan money until USA has one of the highest deficits it has ever had. Bush lacks a moderated budget. His tax policies can't be called "tax cuts": He is not cutting those taxes; he is just postponing them. But it's the usual tactics of the Conservative/Republican party. Spend money you don't have, run the economy into the ground, and then force the Liberal/Democratic party to repair the damages when they take over later. Clinton spent most of his years in office trying to repair the damages dealt to the government's economy, by the earlier Republican presidents.

"Force"?!?!?! Comical. Typical of the Liberals/Democrates, blame the previous government for their own shortcomings. "It's not our fault". Hey, maybe if Clinton had done something about the growing problem in th eMiddle East when he was in charge, you wouldn't feel the need to blame everything on Bush. Those who live in glass house shouldn't throw stones.

So freedoms of speech, religion (or belief), association, movement (or travel), discrimination, press, and thought is not freedoms? Interesting... Are you showing your true colours?.

To quote
I will spend money on important stuff like schools, libraries, hospitals, elderly care, child care, creating more jobs, etc

I see nothing about the importance of a strong military and the ability to defend the country. You purposely left it out. All those things are great, but without the ability to protect those rights, we could end up under the brutal dictatorship like the people of Iraq WERE under.

Just because I left it out, doesn't mean that I don't have the balls, wanna try me? ;).

Sure, and you'll be tested over and over again because with sweetheart tree huggers like you in power, terrorists all over the world will take their shot at the US.

Remember that it's about 14+ years until it could happen, and I have no clue how the world will look like then. It would be dumb making plans to attack any countries, without knowing the current situation. I can't look into the future and see which countries will be allies and which will be enemies 14+ years from now. Can you?

Exactly, so how can you say this and that is what you will stand for? It is possible that if the Demos get back in power, we could be taken over by any number of militant groups, and simply being allowed to vote could be a thing of the past.


Dirty Sanchez said:
"Force"?!?!?! Comical. Typical of the Liberals/Democrates, blame the previous government for their own shortcomings. "It's not our fault".

Bullshit! You conservatives do the exact same thing when it comes to the economy! Everytime somebody asks you about the bad economy you give the same bullshit excuse that you "inherited" it from Clinton! You act like your never wrong and whenever something bad happens it's always Clinton's fault! Bullshit!

Hey, maybe if Clinton had done something about the growing problem in th eMiddle East when he was in charge, you wouldn't feel the need to blame everything on Bush. Those who live in glass house shouldn't throw stones.

Actually Clinton was doing something about peace in the middle east! Clinton was working with the palestinians and israelis for peace and things were getting better there until Bush came along and started to ignore them and violence started again!

If your talking about terrorism in the middle east then guess what, Bush didnt do much about that either even after being warned by the previous administration! It took a terrorist attack on our homeland to get him off his ass and do something about it!

Exactly, so how can you say this and that is what you will stand for? It is possible that if the Demos get back in power, we could be taken over by any number of militant groups, and simply being allowed to vote could be a thing of the past.

It's typical of you conservatives to think it will be the end of the world if a democrat is president! Well guess what, I got news for you, Democrats have been president before and the world didnt come to an end and it wont come to an end if a Democrat is president again! Youve been scared into believing that load of bullshit by people who want you to vote for them out of fear! But, ultimately, it's just bullshit rhetoric that will never happen!
I voted no. I would rather see a conservative as President.
Giulanni will probably run the presidential in 2008.He has more experience than you.You were not a mayor as far as i know and you didn't reduce criminality as he did it when he was a mayor.
It had been enough with clinton aw gun ban thanks fully it expires.
Knowing you, youwill ban aw and i don't want that. 2nd amendment has his importance.
Lot of Ceos, execs, graduates, engineers and all high educated people will put your program in doubt.
I don't want the us to be like Sweden.
Dirty Sanchez explained you the important points you left out.
The law about non us citicizen that can't be elected president will not change as far as i know.
Brino said:
Bullshit! You conservatives do the exact same thing when it comes to the economy! Everytime somebody asks you about the bad economy you give the same bullshit excuse that you "inherited" it from Clinton! You act like your never wrong and whenever something bad happens it's always Clinton's fault! Bullshit!

Oh, so when you do it, its fine, but when we do it, its wrong? I say again, when it comes to Liberals/Demos, what is good for the goose, ain't good for the gander.

Actually Clinton was doing something about peace in the middle east! Clinton was working with the palestinians and israelis for peace and things were getting better there until Bush came along and started to ignore them and violence started again! !

8 years in power, and all he was doing was "something"?!?!Wonderful, great, where's the Nobel Peace Prize? He didn't get the job done, plain and simple. Deal with it.

If your talking about terrorism in the middle east then guess what, Bush didnt do much about that either even after being warned by the previous administration! It took a terrorist attack on our homeland to get him off his ass and do something about it! !

Umm, hello. What was the date of the first attack on the WTC? Less then a year after becoming President, the attacks took place. That attack was planned on Clinton's watch, and even though he had the chance to take out Bin Laden, he didn't.

It's typical of you conservatives to think it will be the end of the world if a democrat is president! Well guess what, I got news for you, Democrats have been president before and the world didnt come to an end and it wont come to an end if a Democrat is president again! Youve been scared into believing that load of bullshit by people who want you to vote for them out of fear! But, ultimately, it's just bullshit rhetoric that will never happen!

geez, isn't this the fear tactics Moore has been using with his fake films to scare people away from voting Bush? There's that goose/gander thing again.

Amazing how the world looks from the other side eh Brino?

President doesn't have those powers. Thats Congress Mr. Politics Wiz Kid.

Go look up the Executive Branch.

And the reason for being natural born isn't questioned as much as your article says. It'll be a long time before a foreign born citizen is elected.

If California wasn't so damn republican Tuma boy wouldn't of been elected. Also there is the fact that he is a celebrity and the ticket was huge. So dumbass uneducated people just voted for someone with the most recognition.

EDIT: I want a president that knows his freaking job and does it.

Bush does... But he is still an ass. So Vote Kerry.
It so freaking funny, republicans are threatens by Starman candidacy... :D :rofl: :rofl2:

Btw Starman, i would vote for you, can i be your VP ? ;)


i cant believe i just read all this
i voted yes as my mouse cursor was nearest to that option
and in the long run, if we voted for real like that, it would probably be better
bigdan1110 said:
It so freaking funny, republicans are threatens by Starman candidacy...

Threatened??!?!? Dan, read your own signature.

Us "republicans" are just pointing out the many flaws in Starman's adventure into the world of make believe (much like his hero, Micheal "I distort the truth" Moore).
- "Flat tax" is an ultra-conservative idea, not a liberal one.

- There's too much money being made by insurance companies for them ever to allow for "general health care," if by that you are referring to single payer system (?).

- I do like the idea of signing The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and The Convention on the Rights of the Child.

In general, I'm suspicious of all politicians. It seems the higher you want to go, the more you need to compromise your beliefs. I like to think the more valuable work comes from the people outside rather than inside the system.
:2 cents:

Good luck. I can't see them ever changing the natural-born cirzen law however. If they do, then all that's left for you to do is raise 3 or 4 hundred million dollars from rich corporations who won't expect anything in return for their contributions.... yeah they just like giving that money out of the kindest of their hearts. :rolleyes: Um, that might be even tougher to pull off then getting the law changed. But it's nice to be optimismic. :)
Dirty Sanchez said:
Threatened??!?!? Dan, read your own signature.

Us "republicans" are just pointing out the many flaws in Starman's adventure into the world of make believe (much like his hero, Micheal "I distort the truth" Moore).

I guess you can't take a joke... of course i will not kill myself if Bush gets reelected...
Goblin said:

President doesn't have those powers. Thats Congress Mr. Politics Wiz Kid.

Go look up the Executive Branch.

And the reason for being natural born isn't questioned as much as your article says. It'll be a long time before a foreign born citizen is elected.

If California wasn't so damn republican Tuma boy wouldn't of been elected. Also there is the fact that he is a celebrity and the ticket was huge. So dumbass uneducated people just voted for someone with the most recognition.

EDIT: I want a president that knows his freaking job and does it.

Bush does... But he is still an ass. So Vote Kerry.

Well, if you checked what I've written more carefully, you would see that I wrote that I'm fully aware that I can't do all those things during my precidency, but that I would work to realise them "not only in my precidency, but in my whole lifetime. One is only president for a limited time, but can be a politician for a lifetime."

Over the list of goals it says "What I want to do, both as a president and otherwise.".

I also wrote "If they change that law about having to be a natural-born citizen of the United States". This is in other words a hypothetical example. A "what if?" scenario.

I've had over 10 years of experience in politics already, and there are still 7 years left before I become 35 years old.

I did also answer to Websurfer's comment, "we will have to see your performance first hand as a local official here in the US, Probably as a Gov., congressman or senator", with the answer:
Starman said:
Of course, I have to live in the country for at least 14 years before I can run for president, so there's plenty of time for that too. :)

And don't think I would quit politics after I've been a president. Oh no, they'll have to drag me kicking into the coffin! ;) *LOL* :D

Does this satisfy your concerns?
georges said:
I voted no. I would rather see a conservative as President.
Giulanni will probably run the presidential in 2008.He has more experience than you.You were not a mayor as far as i know and you didn't reduce criminality as he did it when he was a mayor.
It had been enough with clinton aw gun ban thanks fully it expires.
Knowing you, youwill ban aw and i don't want that. 2nd amendment has his importance.
Lot of Ceos, execs, graduates, engineers and all high educated people will put your program in doubt.
I don't want the us to be like Sweden.
Dirty Sanchez explained you the important points you left out.
The law about non us citicizen that can't be elected president will not change as far as i know.
Yes, it might be possible that Giulanni will run for president in 2008, and he do have more experience than me, now. But remember that I've been in politics since I was 17, that is over 10 years now. Yes, I haven't been a mayor yet, but that doesn't mean it's impossible for me to become it later in life.

Where have I stated that I'm trying to turn the US into Sweden?

Yes, the law might, or might not be changed, but that isn't really the object here. This is a hypothetical "what if?" scenario, and my question with this poll is if people would want someone that wants to try to make USA an even better place than it already is, unfair injustices in USA removed, etc. If you look at what the Democrats want, I'm not shooting too far off the target. Clinton and Kerry has a lot in common with me. Would they want someone like me, or would they want the Conservatives, that are doing most what they do to be able to stay in power.
Dirty Sanchez said:
"Force"?!?!?! Comical. Typical of the Liberals/Democrates, blame the previous government for their own shortcomings. "It's not our fault". Hey, maybe if Clinton had done something about the growing problem in th eMiddle East when he was in charge, you wouldn't feel the need to blame everything on Bush. Those who live in glass house shouldn't throw stones.
Clinton did plenty about the growing problems in the Middle East, but as usual you and the other Conservatives try desperately to forget everything you do not want to remember, so you can keep attempting to deceive the general public. The largest turmoil in the Middle East was, and still are, the Israel-Palestine conflict. On one side we have Israel, supported by USA, on the other side the Palestinians, supported by the countries surrounding Israel. Calming down this conflict, calms down the whole region in general. I've told this before, and I'm telling it again, Israel and Palestine has never, repeat never, been so close to closing a deal that would give peace and an end of the conflict, and has never had such a long period of cease-fire.
Dirty Sanchez said:
I see nothing about the importance of a strong military and the ability to defend the country. You purposely left it out. All those things are great, but without the ability to protect those rights, we could end up under the brutal dictatorship like the people of Iraq WERE under.
Yes, I did purposely leave it out, because I knew that whatever I would have written in that question, you would have found something to complain about. If I said I wanted to downsize it, you would have come with some nightmare scenario about USA being overtaken by terrorist, commies or whatever the current scare-flair would be. If I said I wanted to strengthen it, you would have said that it was just a pretense to use the army to take our the country and make it a dictatorship regime, or saying it wouldn't be sufficient enough, or whatever, because all you do is trying to find faults to complain about on everything that isn't Conservative/Republican. I never heard you utter one word of complaint against Bush and the Republicans, and I've never heard you utter one good word about anything concerning the political policies of other parties not being the Republican one. Where is your critical thinking, and ability to find faults in yourself and your own political policies. Are everything perfect and nothing ever wrong with the Republican politics?
Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez
Sure, and you'll be tested over and over again because with sweetheart tree huggers like you in power, terrorists all over the world will take their shot at the US.

Exactly, so how can you say this and that is what you will stand for? It is possible that if the Demos get back in power, we could be taken over by any number of militant groups, and simply being allowed to vote could be a thing of the past.

Geez, Sanches, what are your view of all the people to the left of the Republicans? That everyone not Conservative is a "sweetheart tree hugger"? Quite frankly your cynicism and lack of empathy needs to be ammended. And I say to all terrorists and militant groups, just go ahead and try, but you will deeply regret it. I suspect you will be one of them Sanchez, if my "what if?" scenario ever gets through, as you think me and all that might agree with me are weak tree-huggers, and probably should be shot.