Stan prepares for bed.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Seriously Stan, who decorates their walls with happy meal boxes?


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Stan decorates his wall with happy meal boxes. That's who, bitch.

You all fucking wish you were as cool as Stan.

well, I know I do.


For the EMPEROR!!
That look's like one sweet pad ;)


My Penis Is Dancing!
My bathroom is plastered with pictures of Scrappy Doo.

Did I just date myself there? I feel like I really dated myself. I mean, not everyone got to experience the true, terrific, overwhelming horror that was Scrappy Doo. Not everyone in the height of their childhood innocence got to see a masterpiece of entertainment suddenly and inexplicably anally raped before their very eyes with a creature so unwelcomed, unwanted and purely evil as was he. Fuck you, Scrappy Doo. I spit on your little puppy grave.