Serves the pedestrian right for standing so close to the road near water! THINK, dickhead!!
Well, I see more than one pedestrian standing there, which makes me guess, that there is probably a bus stop or something like that. OBSERVE, dickhead.
Besides that, a pedestrian is a part of traffic, too, so the guy in the car has as much responsibility to watch the pedestrian as the other way around. Especially if there actually is a bus stop or something like that. it obvious that I don't think this is funny :dunno:
I am glad though that the "owned"-phase is obviously over. My god was that an annoying time. You couldn't have posted this one without getting responses like "owned", "**wned", "ownd", "pwned", "pwnd", "pwn'd", "pwn3d", "pwnt", "poned", "pawned", "powned"... especially from the "retarded teenager crowd".