Something peculiar I've noticed trending in MILF scenes - keen on others thoughts

New here so go easy on me;

I've started to notice lately that some female performers during MILF scenes (or if they are MILF's) will start quickly making subtle comments to the male porn star when a certain type of background noise can be heard and at the same time they then dramatically increase the amount of moaning etc. they are doing to almost drown out the unwanted background noise. I'm listening through headphones and if I'm hearing what I think I'm hearing, firstly they're not doing enough to drown out the noise but it leads to a few other questions if that's the case.

Not sure if that makes sense or this is just an unspoken thing and always happens, I dunno, but if you can read between the lines, im suggesting that what I'm hearing are people brought along by female performers in these cases and left to sleep in a room somewhere on set for the duration, and this musn't always go to plan.

Here are two scenes, 10 or so years apart and different girls / companies that clearly have a certain type of background noise that develops once the scene has started, the male performer clearly becomes slightly disgruntled but gets on with it, and then amount of noise the girls start making is ridiculous and sporadic.

Diamond Foxxx - Working Overtime For Mrs. Foxxx (MommyGotBoobs) ~ Released late 2010.

Casca Akashova - DirtyWivesClub ~ Released 21.12.27

I'm not using two examples spread 10 years apart for any reason other than having noticed are probably the best two if anyone was to look into it. I've noticed it elsewhere so it's limited to just these performers, companies or anything. Listening through reasonably decent headphones so volume level isn't an issue and you can pickup what they thought maybe no one would notice?

Has anyone else noticed this at all? It it was confirmed or became undeniable it'd definetely raise some questions on whats ethical etc.

Keen to hear some thoughts.



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
bumping this, is not one person talking about it at all? its becoming super obvious
Generally they dont talk much about anything, anymore.
But I suppose if you posted some links, then mebbe. :)

1. create a post with video links (FO video if avail; a .. tube site; etc.);

2. add a time-stamp / "where" the suspect audio is, within the scene;

(Make it E-A-S-Y for peeps!)