Someone please explain this photo to me (PIC)



  • weirdo.jpg
    188.6 KB · Views: 447
but whats with the Bob Marley parrot?
Isn't this a typical day at the FreeOnes office? Giving sexual attention to dinosaurs that should have retired years ago, drinking hard while watching porn films, and hallucinating about various animals turning into Bob Marley while blaring the album "Legend"

It is merely a statement about the economy and how bad Obama is for the country.

Like, duh.

Will E Worm

Disgusting. :nono: No more pictures like this are allowed.

Now go sit in the corner and think about what you have done. :tongue:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Is that from Avatar?

Never saw the film, but I heard it had some fucked up shit going on. Guitar kid seems out of place...
roald...i'm pretty open minded but you're taste in girls is sub-par to be honest