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So, some of you in here still think I'm paranoid?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Let me wrap up your mental situation in one picture:


A guy using a picture of a mental black guy posting another video / article about mental black people.

Let's not forget the history of, what was it, four different usernames / two or three different accounts.

Yeah, why would I think you are paranoid?


I never thought you were paranoid. I thought you were obtuse. Hey, I'm really good at this movie quote thing, ain't I?
I'm using a picture of a mental black guy as my avatar????

And, it was three. Luvsemlarge, Jack 24 Bauer, and Sam Fisher.

And you know darn good and well that I closed the luvsem account to start over with Jack Bauer. And then, I requested permission through admins to close Bauer and start fresh with my real name. There was nothing "paranoid" about it. I just wanted to use my real name.

Paranoid people DON'T use their real names in forums. :)

Oh Sam. I've never met a more narrow minded and uneducated man than yourself. First of all the New Black Panther party is a fringe group with no more than a couple hundred members nationwide.

The New Black Panthers are a political party with no elected officers, and even trackers have no idea how many members it has nationwide-probably somewhere in the hundreds. A website maintained by Shabazz, chairman of the NBP, called RebelSlaves.com promotes a weekly meeting at a former post office on Girard Avenue in Philly, but this week no one showed up

The old Black Panthers from the 1960s and early 1970s, such as movement founder Bobby Seale, have disowned the New Black Panthers, insisting they were focused then on uplifting black communities and not on anti-white rhetoric and threats.
You're missing the point. Whether it's one person, ten people, or 100 people calling for the killing of all white people.. it is a serious charge.

Imagine if it was a fringe group of whites calling for the killing of all blacks in America?

Or, if it were a Latino group calling for the killing of all blacks in America?

Or, how about the skinheads who prey on the jews?

What I find strange is, you and others in here are blase` about it. But... let a guy like Sam Fisher post his ideas, concerns, and conscience, all hell breaks out in here.

Just sayin'

Will E Worm

You're missing the point. Whether it's one person, ten people, or 100 people calling for the killing of all white people.. it is a serious charge.

Imagine if it was a fringe group of whites calling for the killing of all blacks in America?

Or, if it were a Latino group calling for the killing of all blacks in America?

Or, how about the skinheads who prey on the jews?

What I find strange is, you and others in here are blase` about it. But... let a guy like Sam Fisher post his ideas, concerns, and conscience, all hell breaks out in here.

Just sayin'

Yes. If this were the Klan or another white group the news would be all over this and it would be a "horrible" crime. :rolleyes:

There are many more blacks on youtube calling for the death and outright extermination of whites. Go look it up.
I've got three advantages over the Black Douches: guns, ammo, and I hit what I'm aiming at.
Black Panthers are just some kind o "Black Ku-Kux-Klan"

They are the living proof that dumness has been equally distributed to each "race".
Funny how some white guys get their pantys in a knot over a small insignificant group like this New Black Panther Party. Yet they seem to forget, either by amnesia or deliberate, about all the actual Klan lynchings and killings. How does it feel when the tables are turned?

Will E Worm

Funny how some white guys get their pantys in a knot over a small insignificant group like this New Black Panther Party. Yet they seem to forget, either by amnesia or deliberate, about all the actual Klan lynchings and killings. How does it feel when the tables are turned?

More whites were lynched than blacks. The lynching statistics in the South are overblown.


More whites were lynched than blacks. The lynching statistics in the South are overblown.

Dude, either back a comment like this up with facts or don't say it at all. And don't tell me to "look it up". I have looked it up for the past 35 years.
Dude, either back a comment like this up with facts or don't say it at all. And don't tell me to "look it up". I have looked it up for the past 35 years.

The actual facts are, not all lynchings were recorded. Of the recorded lynchings in the South, Blacks were lynched more than Whites. Elsewhere in the U.S., Whites were lynched more than Blacks. However, most of the Whites that were recorded, particularly in the West, were Chinese, Native American, and Mexican.


There are three primary sources for lynching statistics, none of which cover the entire time period of lynching in the United States. Before 1882, no reliable statistics are available. In 1882, the Chicago Tribune began to systematically record lynchings. Then, in 1892, Tuskegee Institute began a systematic collection and tabulation of lynching statistics, primarily from newspaper reports. Finally, in 1912, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People started an independent record of lynchings. The numbers of lynchings from each source vary slightly, with the Tuskegee Institute's figures being considered "conservative" by some historians.[30]

Tuskegee Institute, now Tuskegee University, has defined conditions that constitute a recognized lynching:

"There must be legal evidence that a person was killed. That person must have met death illegally. A group of three or more persons must have participated in the killing. The group must have acted under the pretext of service to Justice, Race, or Tradition."

Tuskegee remains the single most complete source of statistics and records on this crime since 1882. As of 1959, which was the last time that their annual Lynch Report was published, a total of 4,733 persons had died as a result of lynching since 1882. To quote the report,

"Except for 1955, when three lynchings were reported in Mississippi, none has been recorded at Tuskegee since 1951. In 1945, 1947, and 1951, only one case per year was reported. The most recent case reported by the institute as a lynching was that of Emmett Till, 14, a Negro who was beaten, shot to death, and thrown into a river at Greenwood, Mississippi on August 28, 1955... For a period of 65 years ending in 1947, at least one lynching was reported each year. The most for any year was 231 in 1892. From 1882 to 1901, lynchings averaged more than 150 a year. Since 1924, lynchings have been in a marked decline, never more than 30 cases, which occurred in 1926...."[54]

Opponents of legislation often said lynchings prevented murder and rape. As documented by Ida B. Wells, rape charges or rumors were present in less than one-third of the lynchings; such charges were often pretexts for lynching blacks who violated Jim Crow etiquette or engaged in economic competition with whites. Other common reasons given included arson, theft, assault, and robbery; sexual transgressions (miscegenation, adultery, cohabitation); "race prejudice", "race hatred", "racial disturbance;" informing on others; "threats against whites;" and violations of the color line ("attending white girl", "proposals to white woman").[55]

Tuskegee's method of categorizing most lynching victims as either black or white in publications and data summaries meant that the mistreatment of some minority and immigrant groups was obscured. In the West, for instance, Mexican, Native Americans, and Chinese were more frequent targets of lynchings than African Americans, but their deaths were included among those of whites. Similarly, although Italian immigrants were the focus of violence in Louisiana when they started arriving in greater numbers, their deaths were not identified separately. In earlier years, whites who were subject to lynching were often targeted because of suspected political activities or support of freedmen, but they were generally considered members of the community in a way new immigrants were not. [56]"
