and for the first time ever I wondered, what would you do? What would you do if you came across a large group of musically gifted dancing zombies?
1. Run and hide.
2. Get to work hacking them to bits with chainsaws, shovels, and axes.
3. Start dancing with them.
4. Cry because you realize your dance choreagraphy is nowhere near as good as people who have been dead for 30-50 years.
5. Point and laugh.
6. Feed sporty_carr to them.
1. Run and hide.
2. Get to work hacking them to bits with chainsaws, shovels, and axes.
3. Start dancing with them.
4. Cry because you realize your dance choreagraphy is nowhere near as good as people who have been dead for 30-50 years.
5. Point and laugh.
6. Feed sporty_carr to them.