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So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kind?


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

As I have typed earlier, I haven't met a single Indian immigrant who rubbed me the wrong way . . and I've dealt with hundreds. No sir-y, they all seem to be happy and well dispositioned here, the executives, the small time merchants (who I often patronize because they appreciate my business and they're hard workers) the whole dang Klan, they're all cool. :D

Maybe the Indian advocacy groups/houses of worship are just better here . . you know, perhaps they project a more positive outlook on things. Good for them if that's the case.

Good post. The Indian work and learning ethic is second to none, their dedication to improving the actuality and potential of each generation is awe inspiring. For me, and most rational, happy people, that demonstrates a fundamental honesty, decency and humility that is ingrained at the deepest level of Indian culture and society.

For the haters and bigots, it's threatening, because it holds a mirror up to their own inadequacies, corruption and failings (individually and, even, societally) and they do not like what they see.

I never got a particularly racist vibe in NJ. But it is a tough, blue collar place in its collective cultural consciousness, and if you are not familiar with that kind of cultural affect, it might come off as hostile, particularly so to an immigrant (community) .....


Closed Account
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

To Nylo: Before coming to the place I am now I lived in a deep south state which supposedly had a history of racism. I had Black and White friends mainly but I also managed to get friends from other ethnic groups. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE even saw me as an Indian, heck, my Black friends always thought I was Mexican or something and my White friends told me that they had Native American relatives who resembled me. If ANY racism was seen, it was by the elderly White population who said racist things but were not aware of it, they didn't know what they said was racist. That was by far the only racism I ever saw so I never understood the issue there, if anything it was more so religion than skin color.

Having family in Jersey I have heard some horror stories from them. My cousin was in ER about four weeks ago because his girlfriend was a different color than him. My cousin is light brown and his girlfriend is a Sicilian, Italian men didn't even know her called my cousin out and when he ignored them one of them slapped him (word is my cousin hit back and was jumped).

Also to Nylo (for your second post): It was not the "satire" that the person was trying to get across which had me provoked but what really vexed me was the use of "dothead". The author comments saying Dothead was a common term that they called Indians and lets not forget about a group called "DOTBUSTERS" which attacked Indian immigrants in New Jersey.

That in itself gives me the racist vibe about the state. Maybe there is heavy hostility there towards Indian people afterall.

Facetious: I was trying to see if an Indian guy - Latina couple exists in California.

Rey C
: I fail to see how Indians (men or women) in any way, shape or form resemble Italians.


Closed Account
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

Good post. The Indian work and learning ethic is second to none, their dedication to improving the actuality and potential of each generation is awe inspiring. For me, and most rational, happy people, that demonstrates a fundamental honesty, decency and humility that is ingrained at the deepest level of Indian culture and society.

For the haters and bigots, it's threatening, because it holds a mirror up to their own inadequacies, corruption and failings (individually and, even, societally) and they do not like what they see.

I never got a particularly racist vibe in NJ. But it is a tough, blue collar place in its collective cultural consciousness, and if you are not familiar with that kind of cultural affect, it might come off as hostile, particularly so to an immigrant (community) .....

Issue is what I have heard. THEY LOVE EAST ASIANS but hate South Asians, don't know why.
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

Edsion is my home town and I am older than the author and yes the town has changed a LOT in the last 50 years.But I can tell you it is a lot less racist than it was 30 years ago.When I was a teen in the 70s the Edison cops would pull over cars with blacks in them from the neighboring town of New Brunswick and slap them around and tell them to stay the hell out of Edsion.The cops also blocked a White Castle being built here cause they said it would be a magnet for you know who.:eek::facepalm:

I just love all you foreigners (that means anyone not from central jersey) talking trash about places you know little or nothing about.

You all need to keep in mind that NY/NJ is an area that all new immigrant groups hit first when they come over.When I was a kid it was the polish,Italians etc.Now its the Indians and pakistanis.And as always some of the locals resent it,but make no mistake for the most part these people are very much integrated and welcomed and accepted.


Staff member
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

Edsion is my home town and I am older than the author and yes the town has changed a LOT in the last 50 years.But I can tell you it is a lot less racist than it was 30 years ago.When I was a teen in the 70s the Edison cops would pull over cars with blacks in them from the neighboring town of New Brunswick and slap them around and tell them to stay the hell out of Edsion.The cops also blocked a White Castle being built here cause they said it would be a magnet for you know who.:eek::facepalm:

I just love all you foreigners (that means anyone not from central jersey) talking trash about places you know little or nothing about.

You all need to keep in mind that NY/NJ is an area that all new immigrant groups hit first when they come over.When I was a kid it was the polish,Italians etc.Now its the Indians and pakistanis.And as always some of the locals resent it,but make no mistake for the most part these people are very much integrated and welcomed and accepted.

Your state is still filled with criminality and it doesn't compare with some wealthy states. It was mainly a blue collar state, because there were former automobile plants in NJ, like the chrylser plant in Newark in the 50's till the 70's as well as ship construction plants. You want to brush a nice portrait of your state but your state is not New York, it doesn't have Central Park, Times Square, Manhattan or the fifth Avenue.
Newark is rated as the 8th worst place to live. It says a lot about your state
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

Your state is still filled with criminality and it doesn't compare with some wealthy states. It was mainly a blue collar state, because there were former automobile plants in NJ, like the chrylser plant in Newark in the 50's till the 70's as well as ship construction plants. You want to brush a nice portrait of your state but your state is not New York, it doesn't have Central Park, Times Square, Manhattan or the fifth Avenue.
Newark is rated as the 8th worst place to live. It says a lot about your state

Georges you need to stop talking about places and countries you are ignorant about.Doesn't compare to some of the wealthy states says it all about your knowledge of NJ.It happens to be the 2nd wealthiest state in the USA just behind our neighbor to the north CT.

BTW I love NYC but the truth is NJ is richer as a state then NY is.:1orglaugh

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

Rey C
: I fail to see how Indians (men or women) in any way, shape or form resemble Italians.

Have you ever been to Chile?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

speed kills rey

I thought the mushrooms in that sauce I made last night tasted kinda funny! I realized there might be a problem when the cat started running around the house barking. A barking cat would be bad enough... but I don't have a cat! :eek:

Just having some "stream of consciousness" fun with our lil generalizing, race obsessed pal, Revamp. In one statement he tells us that he was mistaken for a Mexican or Native American when he lived in the south. Fair enough. But then in the next breath, he claims that "in no way, shape or form do Indians (men or women) resemble Italians." I hate to pop his bubble but there are Italian women with blonde hair and blue eyes... and there are Mexicans with blonde hair and blue eyes. Hell, there are even Mexicans of Chinese and African origin! Just like there are Peruvians of Japanese origin! When my girl comes up, we watch a lot of HGTV. There is a girl on HGTV who I always thought was Black, or maybe Hispanic - but I guessed that she was Black/African-American. I thought her name was Tanya. But it's actually Taniya (Nayak) and she was born in India! The girl I mentioned who was on Rome (Indira Varma) could very easily pass for Italian or Greek. Unlike Revamp, I think I have a pretty decent idea of what an Italian would/could look like. ;) I could change her hair style, have her speak with some "dees" and "dos", take her to Brooklyn and she'd fit right in with the Marias. With her rather prominent nose, I bet I could pass her off as Greek even more easily. But because there is such a wide variety of possibilities in what an Italian or Greek girl could look like, only someone who lives in a world of stereotypes would assume that they can't have a certain look.

I don't know what tiny bubble Revamp has lived most of his young life in, but he's clearly demonstrated a lack of knowledge about the U.S. and other cultures and ethnicities. Based on what few people he's met in his short 21 years on this planet, I love how he's going to claim to know anything (of value) about Italians, Americans, southerners or anybody else. As for his claim that there is no racism whatsoever in the south, I know of a few bars in Greenville, MS where the only way he could get in would be if he was making a delivery... and that would be through the back door. Just a few years ago, an Indian family bought a motel in this area. Their son asked a White girl to the prom. The next day, some redneck boys at the school told him the healthiest thing for him would be to "stick with his own kind." Since he was the only Indian boy at that school, I'm not sure how he could have accomplished that, other than to go stag to the prom. But that was the message. And IMO, this isn't an overly racist area. But like every place else, there are racist people here. To make a blanket statement that this (here in the south) is not racist at all is just as dumb as branding ALL of New Jersey as a racist state.

Now, back to my mushroom sauce and pasta. And I bet I'll catch that fucking barking cat this time!!! :surprise:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

Not really, but I doubt they have many East Indians in Latin or South America.



Closed Account
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin


That Indira Varma lady or whatever is actually MIXED with White European and Indian, usually those mixes come out looking White (katrina kaif being an example). An average North Indian (since they are the lightest) could not possibly pass for Mediterranean, maybe Latino but not any type of Southern or Western European.

See there is a whole vibe about this, in movies Hollywood has Hispanic actors playing roles of Italians at times. Most Italians (believe me, I have been up North, TONS of Italians) look like your average White person (pretty much like your average WASP).

Mexican, Italian, Peruvian are ALL nationalities so of course a White guy with German parents born in Mexico is going to be a "Mexican" but he won't look like the majority of Mexicans. A Black guy born in Italy is going to be an "Italian" but he won't look like your average Italian.

The girl you met was probably South Indian, they look more Black, North Indians look more like Middle Eastern people.

Of course that girl could easily pass for Italian or Greek, SHE IS HALF ITALIAN.

The average Italian looks like your typical White person, they don't really have darker features, the Southerners might but they have brown hair and Black hair is uncommon among them. North Indians and all Indians in general have Black hair, they could not pass for Southern European at all, I have been to Southern Europe and believe me, they can tell the difference.

As for your Mississippi part, well lets put it this way. Had that Indian boy asked a White girl out to the prom in a place like New Jersey, the men would have had to do nothing, the girl would have automatically turned him down because he is an Indian.

Why else did I get so many questions in NJ when people found out I was Indian and my girlfriend (who looks White) was Puerto Rican?
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

Sadly racism exsists all round the world and always will.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

Why else did I get so many questions in NJ when people found out I was Indian and my girlfriend (who looks White) was Puerto Rican?

But I thought you said that you didn't like "White girls". If she looks White, then of course you realize there's probably a White person hiding somewhere in her family tree, right? I mean, where are you drawing the line, Revamp???

Dude, while your intentions MAY be (somewhat) honest. The truth is, all we're doing here is :horse: You keep coming up with all of these qualifiers (north, south, mixed marriage, born under a blue moon, etc.) to explain (actually, rationalize) what makes or doesn't make someone what they actually are... whether it be Indian, Italian, Greek, Mexican or whatever. At one point you told me that you just didn't care for girls who had a "White appearance": fair skin and light hair. And I told you that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their preferences. But here you say that your girlfriend (the one who you claimed calls you racist names during sex, I presume) looks White. That makes absolutely, positively no sense! None!!!

I don't mean to offend you - really I don't. And maybe it has to do with the caste system in your culture or something, so that's why I don't get what it is that you're trying to say or what you believe. But my friend, I have seen some real characters on this and other forums over the years, when it comes to matters of race, nationality and ethnicity (like the dopey kid here who said that if he was Italian, he'd be insulted if someone referred to him as "Latin" - he's borderline retarded, so why even address something so stupid? You can't be much more Latin than a native Italian!). But you seem to want to dwell on race and see NOTHING BUT racism where there may be SOME, and see NONE where I can guarantee you there is SOME.

As for the girl at the center of the prom dispute at the local high school, she did say no. How do you think the rednecks found out that he asked her in the first place? She told them! Apparently she was part of that crowd! But those redneck kids don't represent everyone in that school. And just because some kids might have come to his defense, that wouldn't have meant that there was NO racism there either.

Pardon me for saying so, but you are just eaten up with generalizations and stereotypes.


Closed Account
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

you may be right about the last part

okay, look, she may LOOK White but her features are a bit darker, better idea, should I just put up a pic and let you judge?

She is White but looks foreign

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

I appreciate that, Revamp. But it's really not necessary. Seeing a picture of her wouldn't help me to "judge" whether she should be considered White looking or not. That doesn't matter to me. I might give my opinion on whether I thought she was pretty or not. But ya see, whether she looks White, Latina, Black, Asian... or "foreign" :)confused:) wouldn't have anything to do with whether I think she's pretty or not.

Even when I was your age, I wasn't as "complex" as you seem to be. If you had been in the same bar or club as me back in the day, while you were scanning the crowd of girls figuring out who was sorta White looking but not too White looking, who was mixed and who was a racist... my simple little brain would just direct me to pick out a smiling pretty girl (whatever her race or ethnicity), ask her to dance, buy her a drink and either get her number or invite her to dinner that same night. If she had a decent personality, I'd ask her out again, If she didn't, I wouldn't. I'd be back to look for another girl by the time you got your list of White/Not White created.

Honest question here, Revamp. Do you think the caste system in India has contributed to your obsession with how girls look racially or ethnically? I know the castes aren't so much based on race or skin tone, but maybe it's made you sort of hyper-sensitive to things that many of us Americans don't give a second thought to. Just a thought. :dunno:


Hiliary 2020
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin


That Indira Varma lady or whatever is actually MIXED with White European and Indian, usually those mixes come out looking White (katrina kaif being an example). An average North Indian (since they are the lightest) could not possibly pass for Mediterranean, maybe Latino but not any type of Southern or Western European.

See there is a whole vibe about this, in movies Hollywood has Hispanic actors playing roles of Italians at times. Most Italians (believe me, I have been up North, TONS of Italians) look like your average White person (pretty much like your average WASP).

Mexican, Italian, Peruvian are ALL nationalities so of course a White guy with German parents born in Mexico is going to be a "Mexican" but he won't look like the majority of Mexicans. A Black guy born in Italy is going to be an "Italian" but he won't look like your average Italian.

The girl you met was probably South Indian, they look more Black, North Indians look more like Middle Eastern people.

Of course that girl could easily pass for Italian or Greek, SHE IS HALF ITALIAN.

The average Italian looks like your typical White person, they don't really have darker features, the Southerners might but they have brown hair and Black hair is uncommon among them. North Indians and all Indians in general have Black hair, they could not pass for Southern European at all, I have been to Southern Europe and believe me, they can tell the difference.

As for your Mississippi part, well lets put it this way. Had that Indian boy asked a White girl out to the prom in a place like New Jersey, the men would have had to do nothing, the girl would have automatically turned him down because he is an Indian.

Why else did I get so many questions in NJ when people found out I was Indian and my girlfriend (who looks White) was Puerto Rican?

too much to address.
the italian thing i will.

you havent seen my cousins, or me either.
italians look like italians, i dont even see how that can be debated.
i will say many people in new jersey who are part italian like to portray themselves as italian mostly because its "in" ever since the sopranos came to town.
but italians look like italians.
in new jersey i can pretty much tell a white persons ethnicity just by looking at them, in most people.
english/irish/scottish, greek, polish, scandinavian, germanic, they all have distinguishing physical traits.......

but its no big deal.
i told you once before revamp.
you should relax and just roll with it.


Closed Account
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

I appreciate that, Revamp. But it's really not necessary. Seeing a picture of her wouldn't help me to "judge" whether she should be considered White looking or not. That doesn't matter to me. I might give my opinion on whether I thought she was pretty or not. But ya see, whether she looks White, Latina, Black, Asian... or "foreign" :)confused:) wouldn't have anything to do with whether I think she's pretty or not.

Even when I was your age, I wasn't as "complex" as you seem to be. If you had been in the same bar or club as me back in the day, while you were scanning the crowd of girls figuring out who was sorta White looking but not too White looking, who was mixed and who was a racist... my simple little brain would just direct me to pick out a smiling pretty girl (whatever her race or ethnicity), ask her to dance, buy her a drink and either get her number or invite her to dinner that same night. If she had a decent personality, I'd ask her out again, If she didn't, I wouldn't. I'd be back to look for another girl by the time you got your list of White/Not White created.

Honest question here, Revamp. Do you think the caste system in India has contributed to your obsession with how girls look racially or ethnically? I know the castes aren't so much based on race or skin tone, but maybe it's made you sort of hyper-sensitive to things that many of us Americans don't give a second thought to. Just a thought. :dunno:

I have not been exposed to the caste system and quite racist for you to assume I have been because I am Indian. I only date Latinas, Asian women and basically all women who aren't White or Black because I am not into them at all. Of course with White women the ones with really dark features I have a tough time considering White but you can say I won't touch a blonde or redhead.

Eitherways, my life, my preferences, a debate won't settle a thing. If I don't want a White girl then I don't want one. My girlfriend does get Whiter when the temperature gets colder but her accent and other variables make her appear foreign, foreign as in non-European.

Also I am like that too, just happens that to me, attractive girls have to be Hispanic or Asian for me to be attracted to them, Black girls (some) are a maybe, MOST White girls are a no no (exceptions being Southern Europeans but I won't date or marry one because they flat out hate my kind).


Closed Account
Re: So can I assume that New Jersey is a pretty racist state especiall against my kin

too much to address.
the italian thing i will.

you havent seen my cousins, or me either.
italians look like italians, i dont even see how that can be debated.
i will say many people in new jersey who are part italian like to portray themselves as italian mostly because its "in" ever since the sopranos came to town.
but italians look like italians.
in new jersey i can pretty much tell a white persons ethnicity just by looking at them, in most people.
english/irish/scottish, greek, polish, scandinavian, germanic, they all have distinguishing physical traits.......

but its no big deal.
i told you once before revamp.
you should relax and just roll with it.

The other guy was implying that Italians have that stereotypical dark features look, I am saying that look is rather odd among Italians and most look like any typical European.