So about this Alex Jones purge from social media

For years, I listened to the media’s portrayal of him and said, oh that guy is a nut. I think it was the 9/11 truther shit that turned me off. Then I heard the Sandy Hook crap and was like holy shit what a fucking loon.

Then a funny thing happened. It turns out that there is a conspiracy within our government to keep things from us. Lois Lerner, the FBI, the deep state trying to remove a duly elected president. So around January I started tuning in to his show some nights. He makes a good case about what he said about Sandy Hook and that he never claimed no one died.

9/11 is total bullshit. We didn’t kill 3000 of our own people.

The main thing that Alex Jones haters jump in his face about and confront him personally is something about “ frogs turning gay” . I laughed and thought ok, that’s it frogs aren’t turning gay..

Then I see this:

This is a liberal scientist that is backing up what Alex Jones claims. Chemicals and pesticides are turning frogs gay.
So, being that our government can’t be trusted, what else are they doing? Maybe fluoride does affect people.

Things Jones gets right:
Globalization, he’s a Christian and he’s pro constitution.
He gets it wrong about 911, crisis actors etc...

But he gets it right half of the time which is twice as much as the fake news media gets right.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
What case did he make about Sandy Hook? And do you remember his Y2K show? Alex Joens isn't the nut job, the people that believe his shit are the nut jobs.
He claimed Sandy Hook was a hoax, that no one was killed, that the victims' parents were crisis actors, etc. all that to push for gun control.
And he does that for every mass shooting : Orlando, Vegas, Parkland... it's alse fake according to him.

But Sandy Hook is the ones he always speaks about (probably because it's the one that shocked people the most because of the age of the victims)

And one off the big issues with that is that for monthes now we've had report about victims' parents being harrased, receiving death threats, etc. all that from people who are InfoWars believers. And he doesn't seem to care, he never adressed that, never apologized to these people, etc. Instead he's been doubling-down running segments about Sandy Hook being a false flag operation.

He doesn't give a shit about the consequences about what he says (I even think he likes it, but that's just my opinion).
Several parents sued him for defamation, he did not showed up to the trial, he did not had the guts to watch the people he calls crisis actors in the eye.

Defamation isn't protected by the First Amendment. the right to free speech doesn't gives you the right to falsely accused people of something they didn't do, something you can't prove they did. And certainly when you have millions of people listening to you, trusting you.
He claimed Sandy Hook was a hoax, that no one was killed, that the victims' parents were crisis actors, etc. all that to push for gun control

And one off the big issues with that is that for monthes now we've had report about victims' parents being harrased, receiving death threats, etc. all that from people who are InfoWars believers. And he doesn'ty seem to care, he never adressed that, never aplogized to these people, etc. Instead he's been doubling-down running segments about Sandy Hook being a false flag operation.
He doesn't givesq a shit about the consequences about what he says (I even think he likes it, but that's just my opinion).
Several parents sued him for defamation, he did not showed up to the trial, he did not had the guts to watch the people he calls crisis actors in the eye.

Defamation isn't protected by the First Amendment. the right to free speech doesn't gives you the right to falsely accused people of something they didn't do, something you can't prove they did. And certainly when you have millions of people listening to you, trusting you

Infowars’ Own Website Admits ‘It Is Not Censorship If You Violate the Rules and Your Post is Deleted’

“You will not post anything libelous, defamatory, harmful, threatening, harassing, abusive, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, racially or ethnically objectionable, or otherwise illegal. You will not make threats to other users or people not associated with the site. If you violate these rules, your posts and/or user name will be deleted. Remember: you are a guest here. It is not censorship if you violate the rules and your post is deleted. All civilizations have rules and if you violate them you can expect to be ostracized from the tribe.”

I'm glad he's been banned for all these social medias. He had it coming for a loooooong time.

This guy is dangerous, because he never hsitates to defamate people annd because he never adresses the problems caussed by those who trust him
He claimed Sandy Hook was a hoax, that no one was killed, that the victims' parents were crisis actors, etc. all that to push for gun control.
And he does that for every mass shooting : Orlando, Vegas, Parkland... it's alse fake according to him.

But Sandy Hook is the ones he always speaks about (probably because it's the one that shocked people the most because of the age of the victims)

And one off the big issues with that is that for monthes now we've had report about victims' parents being harrased, receiving death threats, etc. all that from people who are InfoWars believers. And he doesn't seem to care, he never adressed that, never apologized to these people, etc. Instead he's been doubling-down running segments about Sandy Hook being a false flag operation.

He doesn't give a shit about the consequences about what he says (I even think he likes it, but that's just my opinion).
Several parents sued him for defamation, he did not showed up to the trial, he did not had the guts to watch the people he calls crisis actors in the eye.

Defamation isn't protected by the First Amendment. the right to free speech doesn't gives you the right to falsely accused people of something they didn't do, something you can't prove they did. And certainly when you have millions of people listening to you, trusting you.

Did you watch the whole video? I did. Jones sensationalizes, but on at least 5 different occasions in the video that you posted he said clearly that he “doesn’t know what happened”. He questioned the coverage of the event more than anything. He said he was playing devil’s advocate. If a jury believes that he defamed or libeled the parents then so be it.

What should not happen, is for him to be singled out. That is what is happening.
He’s entertaining to me and I have made a few references to him here in the past but I’m not out putting InfoWars stickers on my car. You like most leftists seem to be ok with suppression of speech. I am not, but something tells me that this isn’t going to do anything but make Jones even more popular. He has become a sympathetic figure now.


Hiliary 2020
The guy is an actor playing the role of a for lack of a better word truther.

His role is to represent people like me who only want the truth.
He doesn't.

He is an actor.
He is controlled opposition.
Similar to what FOX news is.

This is just a publicity stunt done by the same people who control all of your information.
The main goal is to make the unaware masses who only take their heads out of their asses long enough to stare at their cel phones for a bit think that A Jones is the king of "conspiracy theorists".
He ain't. He never was.

Just another actor in another show reading from another script, just like most everything that people here and all over discuss and debate over.
But its all bullshit.
We're just animals chomping down on the slop they chuck in our trough.

As far as the censure ship on goggle, yootoob, bookface, tweeter, and the other large forms of "social media" that people used to be able to express their thoughts, opinions, and questions according to that silly amendment is real.
I've witnessed channel after channel, user after user get deleted and TERMINATATED over the last year and a half, many for simply asking a question or questioning a thing that simply didn't make sense.

The reason they started doing that is because after each weekly mass killing and terror attack, more and more people were asking questions.
More and more people were catching on to the lies and deceptions.
Waking up. Because the truth spreads just as fast as a lie.

They can't have that. That is not in their best interest.
So shut it down. Pass speech laws.
And limit the masses ability to speak of the things that are not in those best interests.
They can, and they are, right now.

So A Jones and his bat shit crazy ACT is supposed to represent the all the people from those who ask simple questions to those who flat out call these weekly events for what they really are.
He doesn't. He never did.

That was me expressing my thoughts.
And a pre-emptive Fuck You to anybody, particularly a very naive French guy with his head stuck so far up his ass that he can't even smell it anymore who likes to tell people to shut up.

Thank you, Thank you kindly


Hiliary 2020
How did building 7 collapse straight down from small office fires and why did BBC report it a half hour before it fell?
Fuck you, you're TERMINATED.

Why is there no footage of over 500 children (or any children) being evacuated from a school in Connecticut when the entire area was on video the entire day?
Fuck you, you're TERMINATED.

Why did no blood begin to appear in BOston for over a minute when 270 people got blown up including 14 amputees, all legs?
Fuck you, you're TERMINATED.

How do people, hundreds at this point, get shot multiple times with guns then get released from the hospital the same day to head directly to a CNN microphone to do word for word smiley interviews all day without a hint of pain or emotional trauma?
Fuck you, you're TERMINATED.

Why did thousands of law enforcement and military storm an airport in Broward pointing guns at people and herding them out onto a tarmac 2 hours AFTER a GUNMAN was arrested?
Fuck you, you're TERMINATED.

How did a 67 year old man mange to shoot 600 people in 10 minutes from a half mile away and not one cop or security person made it to his room until after he decided to stop and commit suicide?
Fuck you, you're TERMINATED.

Why did Sherriff ISRAEL state that 17 people were killed when 2 of them were still supposedly alive in the hospital?
Fuck you, you're TERMINATED.

Question nothing. You are better off that way.
Just don't fucking tell me I can't, please.


Hiliary 2020
9/11 is total bullshit. We didn’t kill 3000 of our own people.

When you say "we" who do you mean?
Like us? Freeones talk people?

Or do you mean the people who have been making TRILLIONS of dollars every year off of it?
I could give you a list if you cant figure out many of whom they are.

Or do you mean a little country that was founded in 1948 by means of forcibly removing people from their land they pretending they are the fucking victim?
A country who already attacked us in 1967, by accident.
A country who has their citizens all throughout the US GOV in very high mostly unelected positions of power?
A country who "we" have basically bombed all their neighbors with the exception of 1 into the Stone-Age since 9/11? And with no end in sight.
A country whose leader invented the phrase WAR ON TERROR and who is openly "very close friends" with the fellow citizen who bought the towers 3 months before they were destroyed?
That "WE"?

And by the freaking way , when Jones says the word GLOBALIST 100 times a day, exactly who is he referring to?

Just this once, think it all the way through, and ask yourself: If not them, then who?

Ladies and Gentlemen Mr. Elvis Presley

Ladies and Gentlemen Mr. Dean Martin

Ladies and Gentlemen some guy who made a cool song and video



This is a liberal scientist that is backing up what Alex Jones claims. Chemicals and pesticides are turning frogs gay.
So, being that our government can’t be trusted, what else are they doing? Maybe fluoride does affect people.

Once again you purposely twist the truth and portray what is said out of context.
The black scientist isn't backing up what Alex Jones said.
The frogs aren't turning gay, the pesticides are mutating their bodies and turning them into females.
And yes too much fluoride is bad for us. Eating foods or supplements with selenium prevents our bodies from absorbing fluoride, chlorine, mercury, and some other toxic chemicals/minerals/elements.
But it's not the government that's doing all this, it's the large greedy corporations that have been illegally dumping toxic chemicals at millions of different sites across America and around the world for over a century, because it's way cheaper than safely storing or destroying those toxic chemicals, aka greed.
How do corporations get away with these crimes against humanity, they "lobby" aka bribe the government to look the other way.
The toxic crap and byproduct waste that corporations create every year has killed or made sick billions of people around the world over the last century.
Monsanto is a prime example of a corrupt greedy corporation that puts profits above human lives.