How about "None of the Above"? Smoking disgusts me and has killed multiple members of my extended family. It is like asking which color of shit I prefer to eat. However, not my place to judge, go ahead with your poll, this is my last entry on the subject.
Why don't you talk some sense for a change.
I'll second that....How about "None of the Above"? Smoking disgusts me and has killed multiple members of my extended family. It is like asking which color of shit I prefer to eat. However, not my place to judge, go ahead with your poll, this is my last entry on the subject.
It is a fact that marijuana cigarette contains more tar than a ordinary cigarette.
Try one without a're comparing apples to oranges. Also, if you use a vaporizer, you take out the THC, without burning the pot, and getting the bad stuff in the also get high as a motherfucker!.
I used to smoke 2 packs of Camel non filters a day, and I smoked them for at least 5 years...I started with Maralboro, but to many people would try to bum a smoke from me, so I switched. It's been about 10 years since I've quit, but I do smoke cigars, I don't inhale, but I doubt that makes them healthy, it'll just cause cancer somewhere else....but my doctor did say it's better then chewing tobacco, or whatever that Skoal shit is.
People talking about medical cannabis, but most of them use it as a drug.
Fact is that marijauana contains a huge amont of tar, it makes people go crazy and woman who uses it can get a child which is like a monkey.
Proper doctor will advice how to get rid of tobacco.
Smoking cigarettes is also dangerous and it is a sin.
It's a sin! Ha lolololol
I'm the world's dirtiest sinner I guess. Cigarettes, alcohol, and porn, oh my!
Then your mother musta smoked A LOT of dope, because you're about as big of a fuckwit as it gets around these parts.
Scientific studies have shown that the human body has more canniboid receptors in it, then ANY OTHER creature on the planet, and after extended use, in the proper quantities, the human body will begin to repair itself, after using cannabis.
I should also point out to your half retarded ass, that no where in the bible does it condemn the smoking of weed.
People talking about medical cannabis, but most of them use it as a drug.
People talking about medical cannabis, but most of them use it as a drug. have a very legit point there.
Marijuana is not a problem, but people who use it can cause many problems.
A person who has drinking alcohol can easily find out how drunk he is if he uses alcohol meter, but I quess marijuana user can not do the same before he goes to drive a car. :dunno:
How about "None of the Above"? Smoking disgusts me and has killed multiple members of my extended family. It is like asking which color of shit I prefer to eat. However, not my place to judge, go ahead with your poll, this is my last entry on the subject.