Smashing Pumpkins

Anyone else pick up the new release? I'm a Corgan fan so I was buying this regardless of the name attached to it. After a few listens though I actually think it sounds like a Pumpkin record. "Doomsday Clock" and "Tarantula" sound like they could have fit right in the set during the Mellon Collie era. Here's hoping that the project is profitable enough to warrant further Pumpkins releases.

BTW, I picked up the Target version with one of the three available bonus tracks.


knows petras secret: she farted.
Anyone else pick up the new release? I'm a Corgan fan so I was buying this regardless of the name attached to it. After a few listens though I actually think it sounds like a Pumpkin record. "Doomsday Clock" and "Tarantula" sound like they could have fit right in the set during the Mellon Collie era. Here's hoping that the project is profitable enough to warrant further Pumpkins releases.

BTW, I picked up the Target version with one of the three available bonus tracks.

that album is fucking great. i got the target version. it is mellon collieish. reminds me of bodies/where boy fear to tread, and x.y.u.

im going to see them in santa cruz on the 20th. my wife and i are huge fucking fans of them.
So then, the solo projects didn't go so well for the individual members? I kept hearing Billy was a genius.

I keep trying to like them, but I just cannot stomach Billy Corgan's voice. Musically, I like their sound, but his voice kills it for me.


I don't like this album at all. First of all, why does Target get the bonus tracks?? So much for supporting your local record stores. Seems like a sell-out maneuver to me. Billy Corgan needs to hang it up, before it gets any worse.

I also found it amusing that he announced the Smashing Pumpkins were getting back together the same day The Future Embrace came out. That indicates to me that this "reunion" is nothing more than a publicity grab, and a quick way for BC sell more albums before he calls it quits. Think about it...neither Zwan or The Future Embrace were big sellers, so SP is the only way left for him to make big $$.

I have no idea why he hasn't tried his hand at producing...he could make money at that, without totally destroying the SP legacy.
I'm a fan of early pumpkins up to mellon collie. I wasn't sure at first about picking up this album. But if you guys say its like mellon collie, then I guess I can give it a whirl. Was anyone else here a fan of Zwan?
I don't like this album at all. First of all, why does Target get the bonus tracks?? So much for supporting your local record stores. Seems like a sell-out maneuver to me.

I'm a big pumpkins fan (no, not Penelope Pumpkins, though). I'll probably pick up the album because I have always liked all their albums...yes, even pisces iscariot, gish and machina...I also liked the two songs they played on the radio from the new album. But i'm with you sputnikgirl on the bonus tracks situation...really don't like it


knows petras secret: she farted.
there were like 5 different versions of the album out there. so what target had one out, so did itunes. all you people with your ipods are no better. and supporting the local recored store. ha. limewire, bearshare, kazaa. c'mon.

as far as the future embrace, it was billy doing something new, something different. it wasnt a band, it was an experimentation of sounds. from the get-go when the pumpkins "broke up" in 2000, billy said he was heartbroken, that the pumpkins were his life and he wanted his band back.

zwan was a mistake he admitted doing, he said his "heart wasnt in it" and that it was just like an attempt to duplicate the pumpkins but it left him hollow and unfulfilled. mind you that jimmy chamberlain stuck with him even through zwan and with zietgiest out, did you notice who did the music on there, who the pumpkins are now? its jimmy on drums and billy on everything else. of course he has people for the tour but the pumpkins have always been inside of billys heart and through jimmys support.

i saw a future embrace show in hollywood, it was incredible. i truly appreciate the new sounds and im sick of hearing the same old bullshit crap music comming out, which is what billy was stating with that album. if you that same old money making garbage, then dont listen to him shit. i truly belive that all his music is heartfelt. it gives me chills, and jimmy is incredible as well.

listen to the album 2-3 times. its fucking beautiful. not to mention the shows are gonna be the shit. hes playing songs from all the albums. i <3 adore!

mi very very very picky about music. the pumpkins are a major part of my life. a huge part. so yeah, ima defend billy and jimmy no matter what happens. i also speak as a musician myself. music is something i take very serious.

yeah bobm, give it a couple of listens. i didnt like adore right off the bat, and now its probably my favourite.


also, if anyone thinks this is about money, take a look at machina 2. it was fucking free. 2 cds worth of awesome music. who the hell does that?


Closed Account
Smashing Pumpkins is one of those bands I really love, but hardly ever buy their records, like Foo Fighters.

I can't wait to see them live at Reading this year :banger:
I'm a fan of early pumpkins up to mellon collie. I wasn't sure at first about picking up this album. But if you guys say its like mellon collie, then I guess I can give it a whirl. Was anyone else here a fan of Zwan?

I really liked Zwan. I thought it was much different than the Pumpkins and respected Billy Corgan for that even more. Shame they had the internal issues that caused the break-up.


knows petras secret: she farted.
Nice audio find. It's rare you hear Billy speaking out

thanks, ive had that bookmarked for about a year now. its a great find with great points. it really explains the way he looks at things.

I really liked Zwan. I thought it was much different than the Pumpkins and respected Billy Corgan for that even more. Shame they had the internal issues that caused the break-up.

i also liked zwan. it took a few listens but its good. it sucks about the internal issues but again, his heart wasnt in it. kinda like the "rebound" band.


Is somewhere outhere.
I bought their album Zeitgeist and thought it was the best thing they've done since Mellon Collie.I agree with dvda it was a shame about Zwan but I honestly think that Zeitgeist was better.

May the Pumpkins live on,because they are still the best for me :thumbsup:


knows petras secret: she farted.
another awesome thing billy and jimmy are doing are allowing all amateur video and audio taping on the tour. i just bought a camcorder today just for the show on friday.
another awesome thing billy and jimmy are doing are allowing all amateur video and audio taping on the tour. i just bought a camcorder today just for the show on friday.

No one can say anything bad about him after that. He's asking people to break the law to go against the music business. Kudos to Billy :hatsoff:


knows petras secret: she farted.
No one can say anything bad about him after that. He's asking people to break the law to go against the music business. Kudos to Billy :hatsoff:

this is contrary to popular belief for some reason. i just bought a camcorder just for the show im going to. who gets a video of the concert they went to? i mean seriously. he also kept the venues small so they would be personal. no squinting required.
I bought the new cd and I like it. Sucks its not all the orignal members. I'm also going to see them at their Columbus date OCT 11th. Im excited.


knows petras secret: she farted.
I bought the new cd and I like it. Sucks its not all the orignal members. I'm also going to see them at their Columbus date OCT 11th. Im excited.

yeah, the absence of james and d'arcy upsets some, but i noticed something. the members are billy corgan and jimmy chamberlin. the other 2 are for the tour only. kinda like what trent reznor of nine inch nails does. to me, the pumpkins always have been jimmy and billy. jimmy has supported and been behind billy since day one, even through zwan. im totally cool with it myself. i think its probably best for the 2 steady and grounded members to be the band. this album is proof of that.