there were like 5 different versions of the album out there. so what target had one out, so did itunes. all you people with your ipods are no better. and supporting the local recored store. ha. limewire, bearshare, kazaa. c'mon.
as far as the future embrace, it was billy doing something new, something different. it wasnt a band, it was an experimentation of sounds. from the get-go when the pumpkins "broke up" in 2000, billy said he was heartbroken, that the pumpkins were his life and he wanted his band back.
zwan was a mistake he admitted doing, he said his "heart wasnt in it" and that it was just like an attempt to duplicate the pumpkins but it left him hollow and unfulfilled. mind you that jimmy chamberlain stuck with him even through zwan and with zietgiest out, did you notice who did the music on there, who the pumpkins are now? its jimmy on drums and billy on everything else. of course he has people for the tour but the pumpkins have always been inside of billys heart and through jimmys support.
i saw a future embrace show in hollywood, it was incredible. i truly appreciate the new sounds and im sick of hearing the same old bullshit crap music comming out, which is what billy was stating with that album. if you that same old money making garbage, then dont listen to him shit. i truly belive that all his music is heartfelt. it gives me chills, and jimmy is incredible as well.
listen to the album 2-3 times. its fucking beautiful. not to mention the shows are gonna be the shit. hes playing songs from all the albums. i <3 adore!
mi very very very picky about music. the pumpkins are a major part of my life. a huge part. so yeah, ima defend billy and jimmy no matter what happens. i also speak as a musician myself. music is something i take very serious.
yeah bobm, give it a couple of listens. i didnt like adore right off the bat, and now its probably my favourite.
also, if anyone thinks this is about money, take a look at machina 2. it was fucking free. 2 cds worth of awesome music. who the hell does that?