Silent Hill: Homecoming


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Silent Hill Games = Almost never disapointing. SH4:The room was still great.. but the enemies that you cant kill = fuggin' weak.
Resident Evil Games = UGH. What concrete wall are they driving the series into?!?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I can't wait for SH, and i have to agree with you there Torre, but they might go back to the roots some time in the future.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I can't wait for SH, and i have to agree with you there Torre, but they might go back to the roots some time in the future.

I've heard RE5 will be in Africa.. so if you mean by the roots of mankind.. perhaps.

Going back to the old style? Ehh.. they've screwed the series over. Completely gone.

RE1 = great.
RE2 = great.
RE3:Nemesis = tough/annoying but okay.
RE:Code Veronica = mediocre.
RE:The Gun and RE Online = disgusting.
RE4 = What the hell? Science turned into religion. Zombies turned into people. Survival horror turned into cinematic thriller.

RE the remake for GameCube and RE Zero = paying homage to the original by jamming up the difficulty, making the zombies track stars YET.. the graphics are incredible.


Anyway, there isnt a bad Silent Hill. That fact is just awesome. Silent Hill games = still SCARY AS HELL, all the last resident evils arent.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Not that root, to the good old style.
depends is this only out on Play station or is it out on other formats as in a decent machine the 360 if so then i am hyped as much as you. always been a fan of silent hill was one of the main reason i kept my PS2 that and a few other games.