should I have a threesome with my best mate

Recently my best friend invited me to join him and his girl in a threesome at first I thought he was joking but he asked again and I'm kinda interested because I'm a short ugly fat guy so I try and sieze every chance I get but I'm not sure what I should do any tips or whatever

Ps. I'm still a virgin so...

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Sorry, it's really loud over here. Give me a second... All right, almost there... Okay, it's off now. Sorry, my bull shit alarm was on red alert status. It's loud as fuck when that happens. The only truth to your statement was probably the virgin part...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Other than coming back to the board when you turn 18, nah, can't say I can offer you any advice.
The couple will break up afterwards (I'm not speaking from experience or anything :rolleyes:) - but at least you could say you lasted 25 seconds during a threesome.

So, fuck it. Why not.


first post sorry I smell Bullshit

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
1st. I am 18 dipshit 2nd. I'm in a real dilemma not some bullshit that some 15yr old does to get some attention, so why don't you give people some respect ...


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
1st. I am 18 dipshit 2nd. I'm in a real dilemma not some bullshit that some 15yr old does to get some attention, so why don't you give people some respect ...


Your age says 17 in your member information, scooter. And you're not in a real dilemma. Families in a financial crisis have real dilemmas. Your little problem has a simple solution - either put your dick in or don't. But don't act like this is some major, life altering choice. It's not, grow up! A word of advice though: people rarely respect someone who calls them a fuckwad. Keep that in mind...
I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Seems like you've got nothing to lose, it's not your girlfriend, and if your friend is the same age as you then I doubt this is the love of his life, so go nuts. Cover yourselves in vegemite and get as freaky as you can. If they break up as a result, who cares? They're 17. And if it causes peoblems with you and your mate then it was a flimsy friendship to start with.

(For those who don't know, 16 is the age of consent in Australia)

Oops, this came in just after I posted:
1st. I am 18 dipshit 2nd. I'm in a real dilemma not some bullshit that some 15yr old does to get some attention, so why don't you give people some respect ...


No more benefit of the doubt, you're a douchebag.
Yea I fucked up the age thing in my user cp but that's cos I'm using my fone and I don't know how 2 change it
Yea I fucked up the age thing in my user cp but that's cos I'm using my fone and I don't know how 2 change it

If you can't change it, you can Hide Age/Date of Birth in your Privacy Settings.:)


1st. I am 18 dipshit 2nd. I'm in a real dilemma not some bullshit that some 15yr old does to get some attention, so why don't you give people some respect ...


DOUCHBAG:ban::nanner: and a troll:ban:
^I would leave it alone. I think it would just complicate matters - friendship etc. - IMO :)
^^Doing my best...some might disagree LOL :thinking: