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Shoppers killed in Nebraska shooting

I just heard about this. I can't believe how badly this year has been loaded with shootings. This is a crazy world we live in.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Never heard of any shootings where i live must only be in USA :tongue:


All you need to know - Do your own research (if you're objective). As much as many would like to blame firearms :rolleyes:

Eric Harris was taking Luvox
(a Prozac-like drug) at the time of the Littleton murders

by Peter R. Breggin, M.D.

On April 29 the Washington Post confirmed that Eric Harris, the leader in the Littleton tragedy, was taking the psychiatric drug Luvox at the time of the murders. On April 30 the same newspaper published a story quoting expert claims that Luvox is safe and has no association with causing violence. In fact, Luvox and closely related drugs commonly produce manic psychoses, aggression, and other behavioral abnormalities in children and young people.

Luvox is a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) that is approved for children and youth (up to age 17) for use in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder. However, doctors often give it for depression, since it is in the same SSRI class as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil.

According to the manufacturer, Solvay, 4% of children and youth taking Luvox developed mania during short-term controlled clinical trials. Mania is a psychosis which can produce bizarre, grandiose, highly elaborated destructive plans, including mass murder. Interestingly, in a recent controlled clinical trial, Prozac produced mania in the same age group at a rate of 6%. These are very high rates for drug-induced mania--much higher than those produced in adults. Yet the risk will be even higher during long-term clinical use where medical supervision, as in the case of Harris, is much more lax than in controlled clinical trials. These drugs also produce irritability, aggression or hostility, alienation, agitation, and loss of empathy.

Reports suggest that Eric Harris may have had a relatively good family life. If so, it adds to the probability that he was suffering from a drug-induced manic reaction caused by Luvox. The phenomenon of drug-induced manic reactions caused by antidepressants is so widely recognized that it is discussed several times in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association and many times in The Physicians' Desk Reference.

I have typed it before,

either everyone should carry guns or no one should.

You usually make some great points, but have to say I completely disagree with the first part there.
If I had a gun, there are definietely times that I would have not been thinking rationally enough to NOT use it. c'mon, especially in today's society where everyone is seemingly worried about "losing face" or being "disrespected", people would be getting whacked left and right!!!
I have typed it before,

either everyone should carry guns or no one should.

And then you should be able to tell guys "draw"!!
On the serious issue though I will wait to here what his deal was before saying much.But it is hard to argue he could have done the same with just a couple knives.
We don’t need no stinking terrorist.

We have met the enemy and he is us. - Pogo


You usually make some great points, but have to say I completely disagree with the first part there.
Well, thank you for this.
If I had a gun, there are definitely times that I would have not been thinking rationally enough to NOT use it. c'mon, especially in today's society where everyone is seemingly worried about "losing face" or being "disrespected", people would be getting whacked left and right!!!

My point was/is that this gunman; like at Virginia Tech and like at Columbine and like many of these mass shootings would not have killed nearly as many people if at least some of the victims/bystanders were carrying a gun.
I doubt he/they would have even tried because they know they would have been shot almost immediately.

If Americans are so determined to maintain their 'right to bare arms', then every non-convicted violent criminal should be not only able to carry one concealed and on their person at all times. But also, the federal government should provide a handgun for any law abiding citizen that wants one and can prove that they cannot afford one.
Right now you have many law abiding Americans that don't own guns. And many that do that have large restrictions on how and when and where they can carry them.
Will there be some people that just shoot each other when they are drunk or something? Sure. But under the U.S. Constitution, what is to stop that happening now anyway?

My point is that it is too easy for bullies to prey upon the innocent because of the enormous number of firearms that are on American streets.
But if everyone owned a gun, armed robberies would virtually end.

You cannot have it both ways. You cannot have guns all over the place and have tens of millions of citizens having none and yet expect that this kind of thing will not continue to happen again and again and again.
Either everyone has the ability to arm themselves easily and carry those weapons whenever they wish. Or no one should (outside of the police and/or the military).

There is, in my opinion, no realistic way to stop this kind of thing from happening in the future otherwise.


Is somewhere outhere.
I guess it all comes back to the "gun" issue again.If there's anyone walking around the streets with a gun then they have every intention of using it.

But when you have gun stores all over the place etc etc then these things are going happen now and again.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Allow me to direct this conversation away from gun control by leaving you with a zingy one-liner...

A gunman has opened fire in a shopping centre in the US state of Nebraska, killing eight people before fatally shooting himself, police say.

I guess this gives a whole new meaning to bargain HUNTING, huh? :eyeso:
2 weeks ago. some dude walked into a local mall and killed some mexican girl, then killed himself. It turns out, he didn't even know who the girl was and the news played his phone call to his wife before he suicided and he sounded so calm. :dunno:


Is somewhere outhere.
Allow me to direct this conversation away from gun control by leaving you with a zingy one-liner...

I guess this gives a whole new meaning to bargain HUNTING, huh? :eyeso:

Maybe the poor bastard couldn't get a bobby dazzler at the shop and went ballistic ;)
A terrible thing.

I think this is another case of unnecessary violence by someone brought up on the culture of unnecessary violence on TV, the movies and video games.

The news was also distorting the reports as usual that the gunman "sprayed" shots all around from his semi-automatic rifle. If they knew it was a semi-automatic rifle, they would also know it doesn't "spray" bullets like a garden hose sprays water.

If any random responsible citizens in that store were carrying concealed weapons, it is very likely the killer would not have taken more than one shot. As this was a random event it is clear the Police were helpless to prevent any loss of life.


The deceased subjects' mother reveals that his suicide note read something about "going out in style". :dunno:

^ Archives "dangerous" . . . ARCHIVES !
I cannot understand why anyone would want to own a gun. What purpose does it serve?

A few reasons off the top of my head;

To shoot, kill and stop mindless people on killing sprees in department stores who feel violence against people and killing them in the mall solves some personal emotional problem? A problem they probably determined from some TV and movie violence could be resolved by a sense of power over others.

To defend a hijacked airliner heading for a crash in an office building complex in a crowded city.

To stop a home intruder in his tracks before he rapes and kills your kids, but otherwise I have no idea why anyone would want to own a gun. Someone explain that to me :dunno:
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I think it's also the sport aspect of it too. Punching overlapping 1/4" holes in a nickle sized target at distance has some appeal too.

Will E Worm

All you need to know - Do your own research (if you're objective). As much as many would like to blame firearms :rolleyes:

He was taking the psychiatric drug Luvox at the time of the murders.

It figures. :rolleyes:


Here's another reason and probably the true reason, other than he was probably depressed.

The young shooter, who left a note predicting, "Now I'll be famous," wounded five others, two critically, then took his own life.