Shooter fans, how would you feel about this?

What would you call of duty, Battlefield, Killzone etc fans think about a game company charging you extra for the game upon release but than throwing a good amount of DLC in on the deal for nothing months after release?

The idea......Call of duty: modern warfare 2 would cost you $69.99 instead of $59.99 on release day but 2 map packs would be free for you to download down the road whenever they would release them. This would eliminate a micro transaction via xboxlive or psnetwork later down the road.

Yay or nay?
I'm not sure. I don't really mind charging 5-10 bucks here and there on my credit card for DLC. I think I would have a problem spending $70 on a game though. What if you don't like the DLC? What if nobody plays those new maps? I bought the first map pack for World At War and it always got voted out anyway. Pissed me off.
I'd much rather just make the effort to make DLC cheap or free.
It's bad enough console games come out at $59.99 while the PC version comes out the same day for $49.99.

The day console games start costing $69.99 is the day I never buy a game until it's a few years old and on the discount shelf.



what the fuck you lookin at?
fuck yes! Map packs cost what? 10 bucks normally? So 2 packs for 70 bucks and the game itself is like saving 10 bucks. Really a no brainer to me.
no thanks .

i don't know for U.S.A. but in Europe games are already too expensive .
so putting higher cost for games is not a good idea IMHO .
i think they should either lower game prices to 49.99 us or keep it 59.99 and give all dlc with it