Serial Killers : KARLA HOMOLKA & PAUL BERNARDO - Canadian Ken & Barbie Killers

Friday night, June 14, 1991, and Leslie Mahaffy went out for the evening with a few friends. Ever since chilling reports of a mad rapist appeared in the press, her parents had imposed a strict curfew of 10 p.m. But Leslie ignored the ground rules set up by her parents, and was having too much fun with other girls from school to care when 10.00pm
came and went.

Leslie's parents anticipated that she would stay out until after curfew, and they decided to teach her a lesson. When she arrived home at after 2 a.m., she found she had been locked out. Wondering what to do, she called a friend and asked if she could sleep there for the night, but the girl's mother told her to go home and face the consequences. With nowhere else to go, Leslie decided to return to her house and see if there was a way of breaking in, without arousing her family.

Unbeknownst to her the Scarborough Rapist was prowling the streets looking for lhis next victim. Within a two-year period, the number of sexual assaults had numbered over twleve and after several months of quiet in 1988, the attacks on women began again. Women were terrified to be out after dark.
The rapist now was crouched behind a car when Leslie came strolling by. Carrying a hunting knife, he forced her into his car. He drove her to his house, undressed her, blindfolded her, and videotaped her naked. He was going to have vaginal intercourse with Leslie but he ejaculated prematurely.

When his girlfriend woke up, he gave her instructions on how he wanted her to have sex with Leslie while he videotaped the act. This done, he instructed his obedient wife to film him while he sodomized Leslie. The brute force of his anal penetration caused Leslie to cry hysterically.

In the late evening of June 29, 1991, a middle-aged couple were canoeing down Lake Gibson when they spotted a concrete block with bits of animal flesh protruding from several cracks. With the help of some fishermen who were standing on the bank, the block was retrieved. Using a tire iron as a crowbar, they split the concrete, but they were hardly prepared for the sight that met their eyes -- the calf and foot of a young female -- crawling with maggots.

At the same time, almost in another world to this horror a young couple were exchanging vows, and led to the reception in a brilliant horse-drawn carriage. The guest believed that Karla and Paul were the perfect couple.
A hasty call was placed to detectives and other homicide probers who immediately began searching the murky waters for additional parts of the victim. They found a total of five concrete blocks that contained body parts. But the really valuable evidence was the distinctive braces that provided positive clues to Leslie's identity.

Kristen French was a beautiful girl with deep brown hair and a georgous smile. On April 16, 1992, she was abducted the parking lot of a church she was attending. A woman lured the lovely brunette over to her car on the pretense of asking directions. A man brandishing a knife approached Kristen from behind and she forced to accompany the kidnapper team.

Throughout the night, the dispatcher relayed information about the missing woman to all patrol units.

The rapist and his wife had no intention of letting Kristen live because she knew them, knew where they lived, and knew their dog by name. Regardless, the rapist didn't want Kristen to realize this, specially since she was bigger and stronger than his wife and could have easily overpowered her in a fight. Knowing her life was in danger, Kristen kept her wits about her and went along with anything they suggested, even pretending to enjoy perverted sex with both her male and female captors. The more she pretended to enjoy it, the more perverse her captors became.

Kristen did not even resist when the man urinated on her. "Don't make me mad. Don't make me hurt you," he said as he rubbed his groin into her face. "Don't worry, I won't piss in your face."

Finally, he stood over her and urinated. Then he moved. Turning his buttocks into her face, he squatted over her face and tried to defecate on her without success.
"You're a fucking piece of shit. But I like you," he told her.

"You look good covered in piss."

The indignities went on for a day or two, all meticulously captured on video for the future enjoyment of the newlyweds. Kristen's sexual assault was all but intolerable. Yet throughout her ordeal she continued to be polite and answered questions with please and thank you. Even having her teeth knocked out one at a time and being fed her own chopped off hair failed to stop her will to live. Then came the final and worst indignity of all for Kristen French, but her death was not captured on film.

On April 30, 1992, Kristen's body was found in a ditch. Her naked body had not been dismembered like Leslie's, leading the investigators to erroneously conclude that the murders of the two teenagers were not connected.

Shrewd detective work took investigators back to a 1987 rape case where the young victim had given a very definite description of her attacker. He was handsome, six-feet tall, smooth-skinned and had round face and "Creepy-eyes." An identi-kit drawing made by a police artist, oddly enough, was never made public.

The inspector went into the file and read a complaint from one of this man's former girlfriends who accused him of raping, sodomizing, and physically assaulting her. There were coincidences in the rape case that raised an eyebrow on the detective. The man accused of raping her in the backseat of his white Capri was named Paul Bernardo. Several of the rape victims said their attacker drove off in a white Capri. Paul lived in the same area where the rapes were committed. Irwin noticed that the girl's complaint was never followed up.

In the wake of this information, police lead investigator Irwin contacted the media and had them publish the Identi-kit drawing of the rapist after several of his victims had agreed that the drawing resembled their attacker. To lure him out, a $150,000 reward was offered. These wild cards were enough to win all the chips.

Some former colleagues of Paul, having an after lunch drink at a country inn couldn't get over how much the newspaper picture resembled him. One of these men contacted the police. A cashier at the bank where Paul had an account, also noticed that how much her customer looked like the picture in the newspaper.

However, the reward had ignited an endless stream of tips and busy police didn't have the manpower to check either of these tips out.

The more police pondered the old 1988 file, the more they became convinced that someone should have a talk with Paul Bernardo. Detective Irwin found Paul very cooperative and Bernardo didn't strike him as the kind who could be a serial rapist. But detectives are a suspicious lot, and Irwin nevertheless took blood, saliva and hair samples from Paul before he left the house. In the morning, he carried them to Kim Johnston, at the forensic laboratory.

Paul's semen samples were matched with 230 samples from other suspects. Only 5 of the 230 samples fit the blood factors of the Scarborough Rapist. Paul Bernardo was one of those five. The noose was tightening.

Descriptions of the murderer and the semen samples left little doubt in the mind of Irwin that Paul was his man, however, his superiors pulled him off the case and assigned him to cases with more urgency. The rapes by now had mysteriously stopped, and the Scarborough Rapist case was put in the "cold" file.

Paul and Karla Homolka had decided to move their modus operandi to St. Catherine, in the Niagara Falls area. Following the death of Kristen French, authorities in Ontario formed the Green Ribbon Task Force with Superintendent Vincent Bevan as lead investigator. Base of operations were established in St. Catherine. American FBI forensic scientists worked in conjunction with the Canadian government in an effort to ferret out the rapist and quell near hysteria that had many citizens barricading themselves in their houses.

With the composite sketch of the rapist in every post office and frequently flashed on television, police began receiving more and more calls about a man named Paul Bernardo who resembled the picture. Detectives who interviewed him at his 57 Bayview home noticed he was clean-cut, handsome, and very polite and cooperative. Yes, he said, it was rather inconvenient and embarrassing that he looked like the Identi-kit drawing. They noticed the car in his driveway was a Nissan, which looked nothing like a Capri.

Consequently, Paul was not pursued as a suspect.

By February of 1993, the Scarborough Rapist had raped more women and had murdered several teen girls. Police were no closer to catching him.
Karla Delivers Paul To Police

The physical abuse had been going on for years, but this time he blacked both her eyes, knocked out several teeth, and kicked her ribs in. Using Karla as a punching bag proved to be Paul's fatal mistake. The Niagara police investigated the matter and took Karla to the hospital. Toronto detectives interviewed her at length. From there, more and more the pieces of the rapidly materializing jigsaw puzzle depicting Paul Bernardo as the serial killer were falling into place.
When Karla's favorite uncle arrived at the hospital she whispered to him that Paul was the Scarborough Rapist who had killed Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French.

Karla's uncle suggested she get herself a good lawyer. As a veterinary assistant, Karla had taken care of Lawyer George Walker's Dalmation. With an unobstructed view of Karla's connection in the murder horror, Walker told her frankly that he didn't know what negotiations could be made for her cooperation in view of her involvement. Karla balked. She wanted some kind of immunity if she was to tell all she knew.

With Paul's arrest on February 10, the case picked up renewed momentum. He was charged with the Scarborough rapes and the murders of Mahaffy and French, labeling him as a homicidal maniac. As police doggedness continued, Karla became afraid. She sat watching television bulletins about the murders, and, in complete confusion, gulped enough anxiety pills and alcohol to knock out a horse.

On February 19, police obtained a search warrant. For 71 days they combed the couple's Port Dalhousie home. They were flabbergasted to find a complete directory of all the rapes and murders written in Paul's own handwriting. As if this wasn't damning enough, the indefatigable Inspector Irwin found books on perverted sex and magazine stories on serial killers. What they didn't find were perverted videotapes that were not surrendered to police until Paul's lawyer, Murray withdrew from the case.

The videotapes showed Karla heavily involved in lascivious sex acts with two captives. The evidence of his own eyes assured Karla's lawyer that she was an enthusiastic partner in the crimes. It was barely a week later that lawyers on both sides came to terms. Karla would get twelve years in penal servitude for each of the two victims. The sentences would served concurrently.

It had to be done, prosecutors said. Without Karla's testimony the true story might never be known. As part of the plea-bargain, the attorney general agreed to use his influence to see that Karla served her time in a psychiatric hospital instead of a maximum security penitentiary. An unimpressed newspaper editor said it was probably the worst deal that the Canadian government had ever made with a criminal witness.

Karla agreed unconditionally to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the Scarborough rape and murder spree.

Karla's trial began admix a carnival atmosphere on June 28, 1993. The junior miss tartan kilt and blazer she wore clashed heavily with the sluttish ruby-red lipstick and false eyelashes. To set the scene for a plea-bargain deal, the defense called a psychiatrist, who told the court Karla knew what was happening but felt helpless and unable to act in her own defense or the defense of the victims. "She was in my opinion paralyzed with fear and in that state became obedient and self-serving," he told the court.

Her guilty plea, her age, her lack of criminal record were probably the mitigating factors that helped her escaped the maxim punishment allowed by law and readied herself for what was sure to be a nightmare -- the trial of her husband Paul Bernardo.

The delay of the trial for two years not only stirred the deepest wrath among the victim's families and friends but also upset the keenest senses of officers involved in the case. For one thing, Bernardo had given his lawyer, Ken Murray, the videotapes showing a curious episode of sex attacks filmed by Paul and Kara. He believed, by doing so, he would keep the films out of the hands of the prosecution. But prosecutors wiretapped conversations between Bernardo and Murray, and the lawyer was forced to turn the tapes over. He excused himself from the case and John Rosen became Paul's mouthpiece.

During the one-year delay since the start of the trial, newspapers gathered and published an interesting dossier on Paul Bernardo.
Paul Bernardo

marriage was doomed from the start, Kenneth abused his wife and prowled the streets at night, peeping into windows of neighborhood women. When Marilyn caught her husband fondling their infant daughter she seeked harborage in the arms of a former lover. Paul was conceived illegitimately.

As Paul matured he became enthralled with scouting and looked "cute" in his uniform. He worked summer vacations as a counselor and became very popular with the girls in his neighborhood. He was described as well-mannered, polite, and an excellent student. He was voted the most popular boy in school. Girls who had sex with him in high school said he was a gentle and thoughtful lover. The dossier also reflected his good head for figures and a predicted future as a successful businessman.

The Devil stepped into Paul's life when he became sixteen. He and his mother got into an argument and she told him he was a bastard child with no ligament name. Since that day, when she wanted him she would call, "come here, bastard. Or "breakfast is ready, bastard." In turn he called her a "fat slob" and a "whore." The house of cards collapsed under the strain. Paul moved out and took to the streets. He began hanging out with gang boys and developed a macho attitude.

Women in particular, became the target of his animosity.
As Paul grew into manhood he continued to use his Valentino looks and persuasive ways to seduce girls he met in bars. To him, getting a girl into bed was as easy as pie. By the time he enrolled at the University of Toronto regular sex had become a bore. Forceful anal sex became his sexual fantasy and he found plenty of submissive women. Detectives pushing deeper into his background discovered that Paul enjoyed humiliating women: after having sex with them he urinated on them and beat them up.

His appetite for kinky sex could not be supported by a normal job. He started trafficking in stolen goods while still in college. After he graduated he obtained a position as a junior accountant for the prestigious firm of Price Waterhouse. By now his reputation as a sicko-lover had spread among his female associates. They crossed the street when they saw him coming.

Desperate for sex, he scoured neighborhood bars until he met the girl of his dreams in October of 1987. Karla Homolka was a pretty blonde with an hour-glass figure and an open mind for sex.

Whereas his former lovers found his sadistic sexual behavior unpleasant, Karla got off on it. Karla, handcuffed and on her knees begged to be humiliated and the degradation knew no bounds. He placed a dog's choke collar around her neck and rammed a wire bottle into her vagina. To further satisfy his sexual fantasies, he strangled her with a cord until her face turned blue and she passed out. His pet names for her were slut, bitch, whore and cunt.

They played games; he pretended to be a rapist sneaking into her bedroom and forcing her to have anal and oral sex with him. Over pillow talk one night he suggested that they really commit a rape. "Cool," she said.

Karla's testimony was the ammunition the prosecution needed to shoot Paul down in flames during his May 1995 trial in Judge Patrick LeSage's Toronto courtroom. The accused man faced two counts of first-degree murder, two counts of aggravated sexual assault, two counts of forcible confinement, two counts of kidnapping, and one count of performing an indignity on a human body.

He plead not guilty.
There were gasps of astonishment, disgust, even outrage when prosecutor Ray Houlahan rolled a videotape of Karla naked in bed, masturbating with a bullet-shaped end of a flashlight inserted into her vagina. Few people were expecting to see a pornography tape of the country's most infamous women involved in various sex acts and positions even the most experienced prostitute couldn't have dreamed up. It was Houlahan's way of showing the court how Bernardo forced his will on a woman who would do anything for him -- even kill her own sister.

Karla's testimony portrayed her apparently consensual demeanor on the tapes as an act meant to appease her violent and dangerous husband out of fear for her own life. You could hear a pin drop in the courtroom as she told how she helped drug and rape her 15-year-old sister, Tammy. It happened in December of 1990.
What caused Karla to commit such an unspeakable crime? She explained to the court that Paul was very upset when he discovered she was not a virgin the first time they had sex. It was therefore, her responsibility to make it possible for him to take the virginity of her pretty younger sister Tammy. It would have to be videotaped without Tammy's knowing anything about it. Kara decided to give her sister to Paul as a Christmas present.

In order to wrought brutality on her kid sister, Kara turned to her profession as a veterinary assistant with the knowledge of sedatives used for animals. Her knowledge, however, was limited to how much to use to render Tammy unconscious so Paul could take her virginity. She decided on halothane, an anesthetic animals breathe in before an operation.

They planned out the rape, methodically, right down to Karla holding
the halothane-cloth over Tammy's nose. The sedation of Tammy involved a certain risk without the proper equipment. Karla would make sure her sister had air enough to breath and would check her condition throughout the rape.
On December 23, 1990, the machinery was set in motion for Tammy's deflowering. At a family gathering Paul used his new video camcorder to take movies of Mr. and Mrs. Homolka, their daughters, Kara, Tammy and Lori, and the Christmas tree. When the other members of the household retired for the night, Paul fed Tammy screwdrivers laced with Halcion until she passed out on the couch.

Kara immediately started undressing her little sister, even remarking how pointed her budding breasts were. Paul set the camera into position while he penetrated Tammy. Karla kept the halothane-laden cloth over Tammy's nose and mouth. After he had ejaculated, Paul ordered Karla to perform cunnilingus on her sister.

She was doing this when Tammy suddenly began choking in her own vomit. Karla reverted back to her experience at the veterinary clinic. She held her sister upside down in an effort to clear her throat. Poor Tammy went into a coma and never regained consciousness.

Certainly it was a rape of maniacal magnitude. Their efforts to revive Tammy having failed, they dressed her, hid the camera and phoned an ambulance. Even paramedics armed with a portable breathalyzer could not bring Tammy back to life. Tammy's parents, who had been awakened by the commotion in the living room, agreed with authorities that Tammy had too much to drink and drowned in her own vomit.

That was the first Karla's family knew what had happened to Tammy. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. Tears flowed like rain while Karla tried to convince the court that Paul used Tammy's death to blackmail her into helping him fulfill his sexual phantasms.

Prosecutors ascertained that Karla had smothered her sister with a pillow and choked French to death with a cord during a botched escape attempt.

Karla was convicted in 1993 of manslaughter and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Her possible released date is June of 2001, much to the disdain of the families of the victims who unsuccessfully tried to keep the tapes of their daughter's rapes from being viewed in court.

Paul Bernardo was sentenced to life in prison, under a "dangerous offender" classification that meant he should never get out.

But it was not yet over.

Bernardo's attorneys went to work seeking an appeal on the grounds that Judge LeSage made several important errors in law when he made his original charge to the jury in 1995. The appeal focused primarily on whether the jury was given the necessary instructions to make accurate assessment of the character of Karla Homolka. The failure to inform the jury was a "fatal mistake" in the charge, defense lawyer Tony Bryant said, because Karla's testimony was the main evidence convicted Bernardo.

"The issue in this case was which of these two was the actual killer," said Bryant.

The case was finally put to rest on March 28, 2000 after a three-judge panel, unmoved by a series of arguments on alleged blunders by Judge LeSage, dismissed Bernardo's appeal of his 1995 murder conviction. Bernardo's attorneys say there will be no more appeals.
Homolka in Prison

During her imprisonment Homolka received psychological evaluations from at least seven different psychologists who all agreed that she exhibited the symptoms of "severe clinical depression, battered spousal syndrome and post traumatic stress disorder," all of which she has been treated for while in prison.

The parole board that reviewed Homolka's case in 2001 referred to her as a psychopath, but these were not trained psychiatric professionals. None of the psychologists and psychiatrists who have examined her personally have diagnosed her as a psychopath although the term has been widely used. Those professionals that have used the term relied upon interview transcripts, case reports, video documentation, and newspaper articles as the basis of their diagnosis. Dr. Sharon Williams, an expert on incarcerated sex offenders and psychopaths, who evaluated her between 1996 and 1999, concluded that Karla Homolka was not a psychopath, and not likely to reoffend. In 2005, during Homolka's 810.2 release hearing, psychiatrist Louis Morrisette said the 35-year-old did not represent a threat to society and was not a psychopath.

Homolka participated in every treatment program recommended by prison authorities, until she was asked to participate in a program that had been designed for male sex offenders. She refused, on the grounds that she was neither male nor a convicted sex offender. She did, however, take courses such as "Improving Your Inner Self," "Anger Management," "Survivors of Abuse and Trauma," and many more. She also earned her bachelor's degree in psychology from Queen's University, and achieved very high grades.

At one point, a released inmate leaked photos which showed Homolka at a birthday party. Since Homolka was, at that time, being held in the Joliette Institution for Women (a medium security prison in Joliette, Quebec, 80km northeast of Montreal), such birthday parties were common. When the photos were published, the resulting fuss led to Homolka's placement in solitary confinement. It is not clear that the pictures show Homolka's own birthday party portrayed in the pictures. The photos caused quite a stir in the Canadian press, which dubbed Homolka's experiences derisively as "Club Fed", a play on the name of the vacation-property company Club Med, because of the vacation-like lifestyle Homolka appeared to be living at Joliette.

Homolka has expressed remorse for her crimes, most notably to her family in a letter to them regarding the death of her sister Tammy, and to the doctors treating her throughout the years. In letters to one of her previous psychiatrists, she described at length the continuing nightmares she had about the two murdered girls. Whether this remorse is genuine or feigned cannot be reliably determined.

On March 15, 1996 the "Galligan Report", also known as "Report to the Attorney General of Ontario on Certain Matters Relating to Karla Homolka," was delivered to Attorney General Charles Harnick. This report concluded that the plea bargain with Homolka was legitimate and "driven by sheer necessity."

On September 22, 2000, the Montreal Gazette published an article on Homolka's prison life which gave the impression that Homolka was in a lesbian relationship with convicted child-rapist Christina Sherry. The article was accompanied by a photo of Homolka and Sherry together, which reinforced this particular misconception. In fact, Homolka's lesbian relationship was with Lynda Verroneau, who had been convicted of participating in a bank robbery. The independently wealthy Lynda Verroneau later sold pictures and stories to the media claiming that Homolka had pretended to be her lover in order to get lingerie and a computer.

In January 2003 the Toronto Sun published a series of pictures of Homolka in the Joliette Institution. These pictures showed Homolka, apparently at ease, sunbathing, playing with a cat, and on a swingset, among others. At the time, these pictures caused an uproar among the Canadian public. On April 9, 2005 the paper published a story about a supposed "Internet Frenzy" about Homolka.

Homolka was released on July 4, 2005.

Homolka post prison
On June 3, 2005, after a two day hearing, Judge Jean R. Beaulieu ruled that Karla Homolka, upon her release on July 4, 2005 would still pose a risk to the public-at-large. As a result, using section 810.2 of the Criminal Code, certain restrictions were placed on Homolka as a condition of her release:

She was to tell police her home address, work address and whom she lives with.
She was required to notify police as soon as any of the above changes.
She was likewise required to notify police of any change to her name.
If she planned to be away from her home for more than 48 hours, she had to give 72 hours' notice.
She could not contact Paul Bernardo, the families of Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French or that of the woman known as Jane Doe (see below), or any violent criminals.
She was forbidden from being with people under the age of 16 and from consuming drugs other than prescription medicine.
She was required to continue therapy and counselling.
She was required to provide police with a DNA sample.
There is a penalty of a maximum two-year prison term for violating such an order. While this reassured the public that Homolka would find it difficult to offend again, it was felt that it might be beneficial to her, because her high profile and public hostility might endanger her upon release.

On June 10, 2005, Liberal senator Michel Biron declared that the conditions placed on Homolka were "totalitarian," according to an interview with CTV Newsnet. Conservative deputy leader Peter MacKay called this "moral support" for Homolka "repugnant," and other members of government called for Biron's resignation.

Homolka filed a request in the Quebec Superior Court for a wide-ranging injunction aimed at preventing the press from reporting about her following her release.

While at Joliette Institution, Homolka received death threats and was transferred to Ste-Anne-des-Plaines prison north of Montreal.

On July 4, 2005, Homolka was released from Ste-Anne-des-Plaines prison. She granted her first interview to Radio-Canada television, speaking entirely in French.[5] She told interviewer Joyce Napier that she chose Radio Canada because she had found it to be less sensational than the English media. She said that she had likewise found Quebec to be more accepting of her than Ontario. She affirmed that she would be living within the province but refused to say where. She said she had paid her debt to society legally, but not emotionally or socially. She refused to speak about her alleged relationship with Gerbet. During the interview, her solicitor, Sylvie Bordelais, sat beside Homolka; however, she did not speak. Homolka's mother was also present but off-screen, and was acknowledged by Homolka. She also stated in the interview the first thing she wanted after being released from prison was an iced cappuccino from Tim Hortons. A company spokesperson did not think the comment would have any impact on sales.

On July 5, Canadian media reported that Homolka had relocated to the Island of Montreal. On August 21, the newspaper Le Courrier du Sud reported that she had been sighted in the South Shore community of Longueuil, across the St. Lawrence River from Montreal.

The Société Elizabeth Fry du Québec offered its services to Homolka.

On November 30, 2005, Quebec Superior Court judge James Brunton lifted all restrictions imposed on Homolka, saying there was not enough evidence to justify them. On December 6, 2005, the Quebec Court of Appeal upheld Brunton's decision. The Quebec Justice Department decided not to take the case to the Supreme Court of Canada.

On June 8, 2006, TVA reported that her request to have her name changed was rejected. She had attempted to change her name legally to Emily Chiara Tremblay (Tremblay being one of the most common surnames in Quebec). The Crown argued that her lawyer was too late in appealing the previous ruling.

On July 25, 2006, Global News reporters tracked down Homolka at a Montreal bus stop and videotaped her as they asked her questions to no reply.
The 1988 Original FBI Profiles of Scarborough Rapist


Here are two prominent FBI profiles of the Scarborough Rapist, a.k.a. Paul Bernardo. The second profile was actually used as circumstantial evidence to secure a murder search warrant for 57 Bayview Dr. after Bernardo was arrested for the Scarborough rapes and murders of Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French on February 17, 1993.

DATE 17/11/1988


Chelsea Hagen
Laurel Aister
Erin Calister
Shari Sykes
Erika Paxton
Crystal Bradley
Danielle Collins

Metropolitan Toronto Police, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 4, 1987, May 14, 1987, July 27, 1987, December 16, 1987, December 23,1987, April 18, 1988, May 30, 1988. NCAVC -Serial Sexual Assaults (Criminal Investigative Analysis) Foreign Police Co-operation(F.P.C.)

The following criminal investigative analysis was prepared by Special Agent Gregg O. McCrary, in consultation with Supervisory Special Agent James A. Wright and other members of the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crimes (NCAVC). The analysis is based upon a review of the materials submitted by our agency, and the conclusions are the result of knowledge drawn from the personal investigative experience, educational background and research conducted by these crime analysts as by other NCAVC members. It is not a substitute for a thorough well planned investigation and should not be considered all inclusive. This analysis is based upon probabilities noting however, that no two criminal acts or criminal personalities are exactly alike and, therefore, the offender at times may not fit the analysis in every category.


Analysis of the victims in an effort to determine their risk factor is of significance. The susceptibility of these women becoming victims of asexual assault was examined in conjunction with their individual lifestyles, background, and overall social and physical environments. We found nothing in any of these women's backgrounds or lifestyles that would elevate their risk of becoming victims of a violent crime and/or sexual assault. We consider all of these victims to be low-risk victims.

There are observable similarities in that the victims are white females 15-21 years of age, with six out of seven living in the Scarborough area and three of those living in extremely close proximity to one another. The significance of this will be discussed in greater detail in the crime analysis section of this report.

The fact that four of the victims either traveled from or through the downtown area immediately prior to the attack is noted, but is not felt to be of significance in this analysis. If the offender was selecting his victims from a downtown location and surveilling them to their residential area for the attack, we would expect to see a far more random geographical pattern to the attacks than there is. With the exception of the Clarkson attack, all are clustered in the Scarborough area.

Another notable similarity among the victims is their small physical stature, ranging from 5'1" and 95 pounds to 5'3" and 135pounds. This will be discussed in more detail in the crime analysis section also.


The result of the medical and laboratory examinations of each of the victims is complete and specific details are readily retrievable from those reports, therefore, no attempt will be made to summarize the findings.

All reports are consistent with and tend to corroborate the individual victim's specific allegation regarding each attack.


A meaningful behavioural analysis of a series of sexually motivated attacks is best accomplished by examining the assailants verbal, sexual, and physical behaviour during the commission of the attacks. In conjunction with these considerations, the following aspects are being set forth as significant.

The process by which an offender targets and/or selects his victims is of obvious importance.

We feel your offender uses bus stops for staking out points. He surveils streets rather than homes and does so at night. Some victims were victims of opportunity while others appear to have been previously targeted to a degree. We believe the offender has seen victims or potential victims in passing, but had no urge to attack and at other times has seen victims, had the urge to attack, but the moment was inopportune.

The successful attacks occurred when the urge, opportunity and victims coincided. The victims are being targeted by the offender in the areas in which the attacks are occurring. He is following them short distances before attacking them.

The six victims in Scarborough were all approached from behind, while the victim in Clarkson was approached from the front. He gained control over all the victims by the immediate application of injurious physical force. He maintained control of the victims through the use of physical force and verbal threats of bodily harm and/or death, all of which were often accomplished while brandishing a knife in a threatening and intimidating manner.

All victims were attacked outdoors, while walking alone, near their residence during the hours of darkness.

Typically, this type of offender starts his attacks in an area with which he is familiar. This familiarity is usually the result of the offender living or working in that area and gives him a sense of security and comfort as he knows the neighbourhood well, can plan escape routes etc. The behaviour exhibited by your offender is consistent with this premise.

We believe your offender resides in the Scarborough area, specifically within walking distance of the first, second and fifth attacks. Because he lives in his attack area it is of utmost importance to him that the victims not see him. This is one of the reasons he prefers to approach the victims from the rear. Upon contact he forces them face down into the ground and/or demands that they keep their eyes closed to ensure they do not see him.

The victim in Clarkson was approached in a slightly different manner. After following her for a distance on foot, he approached her under the guise of asking directions. This approach allowed the victim to see his face, but was short in duration as the victim did not finish her first sentence before being physically assaulted and forced face down to the ground. It is our opinion that the offender was less concerned about being seen by this victim as he does not spend a great deal of time in the Clarkson area and believes that it is unlikely he would be recognized or seen there again.

Another reason your offender approaches his victims from behind is that he harbours some inadequacies. These inadequacies are further evident in his verbal behaviour as he scripts many of his victims to say, "Tell me you hate your boyfriend and you love me." "Tell me you love me, tell me it feels good" and other ego-gratifying statements.

Another indication of his inadequacies is evident in his victim selection. He selected victims that appeared non-threatening to him .As noted in the victimology section, the victims are physically small and could offer no real resistance to the attack. Each victim was walking alone at the time of the attack and was virtually defenceless
Anger, however, is the primary behaviour exhibited by your offender. His intent is to punish and degrade the victims as he is angry at all women. This is evident in the blitz style approach and the majority of his verbal behaviour as well as the type and sequence of sexual acts forced upon the victims in conjunction with the punishing physical force used against them.

The typically profane verbal behaviour combined with scripting the victims to describe themselves as a bitch, a cunt, a slut etc., evidences his anger and his need to punish and degrade his victims.

This anger is also apparent in your offender's sexual behaviour. By forcing the victims to perform oral sex on him after he has repeatedly vaginally and anally assaulted them, he is punishing, degrading and humiliating them. The type and sequence of sexual assault is consistently observable in the series of attacks.

His anger is unmistakable when observing the excessive physical force he uses against the victims. What is of concern is the escalation in violence observable in this series of attacks. He is using far more physical force against the victims than is necessary to control them. In addition to this, the offender has stuffed articles of clothing into the mouths of victims and in the case of the sixth victim, not only broke her collar bone, but poured dirt on her and rubbed it into her hair and onto her body. This is a symbolic gesture which expresses the assailants opinion of women.

We do not believe the offender would attack a victim with a premeditated idea of murdering her. However, we would opine, based upon our research and experience, that if confronted by a victim who vigorously resists his attack, your offender is the type who would likely become so enraged he could lose control and thereby become capable of unintentionally murdering the victim.

This type of behaviour is observable in your offender to a lesser degree in these attacks. In analysing the interaction between the individual victims and the offender it can be seen that the victims feel overpowered by him and are generally compliant and submissive. Still, when the victims either misunderstand a command or delay, even momentarily responding to a demand, the offender immediately becomes enraged and escalates the amount of violence directed at the victim.

The offenders escalation in violence is observable also as the first three attacks could been seen as attempted rapes where no penile penetration occurred , while the rest of the attacks were successful rapes from the offenders view point as he achieved penile penetration. This expansion of the sexual nature of the assaults was accompanied by an escalation in the verbal and physical violence directed at the victims.

Also observable in the offender is the development of sadistic tendencies. He asked the seventh victim, should I kill you, thereby making her beg for her life. The sadist achieves gratification by the victims response to his attempts to dominate and control her, either physically or psychologically, by posing a question that made the victim beg for her life he is deriving pleasure.

He has shown adaptive behaviour, indicating he is becoming comfortable in committing the assaults and feels unthreatened and in control. This is exemplified in the sixth attack. While he was accosting the victim and attempting to gain control over her, a car pulls out of a driveway a few inches away and drives by them. He does not panic, but forces the victim into some bushes near a house and continues to assault her.


Your offender is a white male, 18 to 25 years of age. It should be cautioned that age is a difficult category to profile since an individual's behaviour is influenced by emotional and mental maturity, and not chronological age. No suspect should be eliminated based on age alone. The behaviour exhibited throughout these assaults suggests a youthful offender rather than an older more mature one.

As noted above, we believe your offender lives in the Scarborough area. He is familiar with Scarborough, especially the initial assault sites, and, therefore, in all probability lives in the immediate vicinity of those first assaults.

The offender's anger towards women will be known by those individuals who are close to him. He will speak disparagingly of women in general conversation with associates.

He had a major problem with women immediately before the onset of these attacks. His anger would have been apparent not only for the particular woman involved but those close to him.

He is sexually experienced but his past relationships with women have been stormy and have ended badly. In all probability he has battered women he has been involved with in the past. He places the blame for all his failures on women.

If he has a criminal record, it will be one of assaultive behaviour. The arrests will likely be for assault, disturbing the peace, resisting arrest, domestic disturbance, etc.

His aggressive behaviour would have surfaced during adolescence. His education background will be at the high school level with a record of discipline problems. He may have received counselling for his inability to get along with others, his aggressiveness, and/or substance abuse.

He is bright, but an underachiever in a formal academic setting. He is nocturnal and spends a good deal of time on foot in the target assault area.

We believe your offender is single.

The offender has an explosive temper and can easily become enraged. This rage transfers over into the rest of his life.

He blames everyone else for his problems.

His work record will be sporadic and spotty as he cannot hold a job due to his inability to handle authority.

He is financially supported by his Mother or other dominant female in his life.

He is a lone wolf type of person. He can deal with people on a superficial level but prefers to be alone.

The personal property of the victims which your offender took from the assault scenes is being kept by him. These effects are viewed as trophies by the offender and allow him to relive the assaults. He will keep these items in an area which is under his personal control and in which he feels is secure, but yet allows him ready access to them.

The nature of these attacks will continue to be episodic and sporadic. In all probability, they will continue to occur outdoors as he is familiar with the area and this familiarity gives him a sense of freedom and mobility which would be denied if he were to attack indoors. Each attack is precipitated by a stressor in the offenders life. This stressor could be either one in fact or in his mind.

The offender recognizes his inadequacies and attempts to mask them, but very often overcompensates. These inadequacies are not known by casual acquaintances, but are well known by those closest to him.


Your offender harbours no guilt or remorse for these crimes. He believes his anger is justified and, therefore, so are the resultant attacks. His only concern is being identified and apprehended.


MAY 1992

Note: the profile is not given verbatim, but is shown how Bernardo relates to the profile in a police report. All the parts in italics are taken directly from the McCrary profile.

Supervisory Special Agent Gregg O. McCrary has twenty-three years experience with the FBI and is a Criminal Investigative Analyst with the NCAVC at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. NCAVC is a law enforcement oriented behavioural science and computerized resource center which consolidates research, training and investigative support functions to assist law enforcement agencies with violent crimes which are particularly complex or bizarre. Since 1981, NCAVC has focused its research capabilities upon serial killers and severe sexual offenders utilizing behavioural science methodology to develop a reliable data base and analytical framework for use in law enforcement. The unit reviews and studies information contained in hundreds of cases which are submitted each year for consultation purposes. The foundation of its data base is empirical research into the case histories of some thirty-six serial killers, forty-one rapists, fifty arsonists, seventeen child abductors/molesters and thirty sexual sadists.

Agent McCrary serves both as a consultant to law enforcement agencies and a research project coordinator. He entered on duty as a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1969 and served in various investigative capacities throughout the United States. He has been associated with the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime since 1985.

He consults in the investigation and prosecution of such crimes as serial murder, serial rape, sexual homicides, kidnappings, and child abductions/molestations.

He has provided expert witness testimony before Select Senate Committees on Sexual Violence as well as in homicide trials in the United States. He has consulted on thousands of cases throughout the United States, Canada, Central America, Australia, England, Austria, Italy and China. Agent McCrary has provided consultation or instruction to the Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug Enforcement Administration, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, National College of District Attorneys, National Criminal Intelligence Service of the Netherlands and numerous other local, state, federal and international agencies.

Agent McCrary's formal education includes a Master's degree in psychology from Marymount University. He is a featured speaker to legal, medical, law enforcement and private sector audiences throughout the world.

Special Agent McCrary and his colleagues at NCAVC studied the available information (most of which is provided herein) about the first eight offences of a then unknown offender called the Scarborough Rapist. During those offenses the rapist displayed several sexually sadistic characteristics and was becoming more and more violent a s demonstrated by his punishing and beating of the victims. As a result of the behaviour of this offender, Mr. McCrary was able to predict that the danger posed by this person would escalate. The use of force beyond that necessary to subdue the victims, together with the psychological abuse, assisted in identifying this offender as a sexual sadist.
Special Agent McCrary is of the opinion that as time passed the sadistic component of this offender's actions would continue to grow. Research has demonstrated that such an offender will not stop of his own volition. He only stops with the exertion of external forces, that is he either dies or is in custody. The offenses may stop in a given area because this type of offender moves, but Mr. McCrary would expect to see the offender act out in the area to which he has relocated. In the case of Paul Bernardo, he moved from the Scarborough area and the offenses attributable to the Scarborough Rapist stopped. Within nine weeks of Bernardo's arrival in St. Catharines, a rape occurred in close proximity to his new home. This rape clearly demonstrated the same modus operandi used by the Scarborough Rapist as described elsewhere in this document. This pattern is predictable in the case of the sexual sadist. Mr. McCrary would expect to see another offence in close proximity to the offender's new home and the cycle would start all over again.

Mr. McCrary predicted an escalation in the nature of offenses based upon a lifestyle change. In the case of Paul Bernardo, while living in Scarborough, he was in a home which was controlled by his parents. Once he moved to St. Catharines, he had a home of his own over which he was able to exert complete control. This change in his circumstances, aids him in the escalation of his offenses to the point where he can now bring his victims home.

Abduction is a predictable progression for the sexual sadist. However, abduction of a victim virtually guarantees that murder will result. If the sexual sadist has held a victim he feels in his own mind that he can't possibly let them go. As his fantasy escalates he needs more control and gains that control through abduction and forcible confinement of his victims. The ultimate fantasy of a sexual sadist is to totally possess his victims, both physically and psychologically. He seeks to achieve control over their life and ultimately over their death as well.

In the expert opinion of Mr. McCrary it is predictable that some of the Scarborough Rapist's victims would be killed by this point in time.

Rapists identified as sexual sadists are statistically less than 2% of all of these types of offenders. Therefore, the probability o f having more than one of these type of offenders in the geographic area and population we are concerned with is statistically very remote. There is a high probability that the Scarborough Rapist and the sexual sadistic murderer of Mahaffy and French is the same offender. Further, sexual sadist tendencies when combined with a very rare phenomenon where hair is collected from victims, as Bernardo did with two women in Scarborough, and as happened with Kristen French, is a strong indicator this is the same offender. The taking of hair satisfies Bernardo's need to punish, degrade and disgrace his victims. It also serves as a trophy.

Special Agent McCrary and his colleagues at NCAVC studied the available information on the murders of Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French and concluded that they are likely victims of a sexual sadist. Paul Bernardo demonstrates almost all of the characteristics which are typically found in the sexually sadistic serial killer. The following characteristics, from the police investigation apply to Paul Bernardo:

White male: Same. Above average intelligence: Investigators have established that Bernardo completed a four year University Degree in three years. Neat and well groomed: Surveillance has established that Bernardo presents himself very well in a social setting, especially during daytime. However, during the hours of darkness while stalking potential victims, his appearance changes. Parental conflict: Family members report that Bernardo expresses hatred for his Mother and thinks she is crazy. At age 14 years Bernardo learned that who he had thought of as his Father was actually his step-father since he was a product of his mother's affair with another man. Will select an occupation which makes him an authority figure: When asked about employment, Bernardo told his wife's parents, who have been interviewed, that he was involved in a secret ‘project’. He currently claims to be involved in writing ‘rap’ music and has told his sister-in-law that he will be the white ‘M.C. Hammer’ a popular black rap musician. Fascination with weapons: Several people have reported that Bernardo has a ‘special’ knife that he usually keeps in his car under a seat. A prior girlfriend, who also became a victim, describes this knife as having a personal inscription on the blade. A knife has been used in numerous offenses. Family members have disclosed that Bernardo has purchased a ‘Stun gun’ and normally keeps it under his bed. Compulsive driving: Surveillance has established that Bernardo, for several days in a row, drove an average of 650 kilometres . Initially presents the image of a sincere, caring, loving and attentive individual: Past girlfriends and his wife's family all report that Bernardo, during the early stages of his relationships, showered the women with gifts and attention. He maintained an outward appearance of being loving and attentive. Dominating personality: Family members report that Bernardo told his wife how to wear her hair and chose her clothing. Over the course of time he isolated her from her former friends. A close friend of Bernardo, Van Smirnis, disclosed that he observed many occasions when Bernardo treated his wife with a total lack of respect. In January 1993, after charges were laid against Bernardo for beating his wife, she disclosed a long history of physical abuse. Obsession with sexual sadism; suffers from an overpowering compulsion to inflict pain upon and totally dominate any sexual companion: A former girlfriend has disclosed that Bernardo was unable to achieve an erection unless he frightened or inflicted pain on her. With that woman, Bernardo used ligatures around her neck while engaging in anal intercourse. He also used foreign objects including bottles and sticks by inserting them into both vaginal and anal cavities of his victims. Further, any non-compliance on the part of his victims or willing sexual partners resulted in violence. Compulsively collects and uses pornography: A friend, Van Smirnis, has reported that Bernardo made a videotape of himself having sex with an unknown woman. He then showed the video to his wife. Smirnis also reports that Bernardo disclosed that his wife had been searching their home for a video tape that recorded her having sex with another woman. Further, Bernardo is known to own a video camera and playback equipment. He, as a matter of habit, videotapes people and events and collects these. Collects and keeps as trophies and mementos personal items belonging to past victims (e.g., undergarments, shoes, jewellery, wallets or identification); such trophies then serve as a source of perverse gratification and enrich the offender's sexual fantasies: Investigation has revealed that each victim has lost an item during the attack which could be characterized as a ‘trophy’. Trophies include photo identification, articles of clothing, jewelry, head and pubic hairs. Selects victims who are particularly vulnerable - favours the young: Most victims are young women found alone at the time of the attack. Victims all have the appearance of being between 14 and 18 years of age. Married at time of offense: Paul and Karla Bernardo lived together from February 1991 at 57 Bayview Drive. They were married June 29, 1991 . Therefore they were in at least a common-law relationship at the time of Mahaffy and French. Known history of Peeping or Obscene telephone calls: In at least one of the Scarborough Rapist offenses Bernardo told the victim he had watched her inside her home. One other victim reported receiving telephone calls after her attack. In addition, the victim in the Henley Island attack also reported phone calls. 93% of sexually sadistic serial killers plan their crimes carefully: Surveillance has established evidence of stalking victims during both the daytime and night-time. The method of disposal of the body in the Mahaffy case is indicative of planning. The condition of the body in the French case also indicates planning since the body was cleaned to remove trace evidence. All rape attacks occurred in dark areas where there was some sort of cover. Also, during the rapes he forced victims to swallow semen in order to destroy biological samples.
According to Special Agent McCrary, the NCAVC research found that the sexually sadistic serial killer exhibits a high degree of predictability in his criminal behaviour. Accordingly, Special Agent McCrary believes that it is not a question of whether, but when, Paul Bernardo will offend again. Since there is no limit upon his appetite for sadistic gratification, it is only a question of time until his next victim does or refuses to do something which he perceives as a threat to his control over her. When that happens, he will react as he has always reacted. The documented case histories demonstrate conclusively that offenders like Paul Bernardo cannot stop raping and killing of their own volition. They stop only when they are stopped by external forces.

Offender activity may be suppressed for a time. Close brushes with law enforcement would lead to a period of inactivity. In Bernardo's case, he was interviewed as a suspect in the Scarborough Rapist case in November 1990. No offence was committed in that area after that time. This behaviour is consistent and predictable. However, this quiet period will consistently be followed by renewed activity by the offender. Hence the offence in St. Catharines in April 1991.

Special Agent McCrary agrees with those who attended the case review conference that Paul Bernardo will react as predicted. Finally, with respect to the likelihood that tangible evidence will be recovered through additional searches, Special Agent McCrary indicated to the Task Force in the month of May, 1992, that he believed that such evidence does exist and can be recovered for the following reasons.

Supervisory Special Agent McCrary relates that a prime characteristic of the sadistic offender is to keep and conceal journals, graphic materials and particularly audio and video tape s which will feed his fantasies and enable him to relive the exhilarating moments of his past offenses for continual gratification. Indeed, 53% of the sexually sadistic offenders studied by NCAVC actually memorialized their offenses in some tangible form. Depending upon the particular offender's living arrangements and how secure he feels in any particular location, this collection of memorabilia may be hidden but will be somewhere within reasonably easy access. Paul Bernardo should feel relatively safe in his home because although he was a suspect in the Scarborough Rapes and provided biological samples, 27 months have elapsed since he gave those samples and nothing has happened to him. He has no reason to believe that he is currently the target of any police investigation. Hence, he is likely to have his stash of ‘trophies’ and mementos of the kind described above concealed in his home or in a related storage area, the location of which a thorough search of the home should reveal.

The high risk nature of the abduction of Kristen French was a predictable action of a sexual sadist such as Paul Bernardo. Since he believes he was not detected when biological samples were collected from him in November 1990, his confidence has grown and he ha s developed a sense of invulnerability. He will begin to think he won't be apprehended and therefore he indulges in more high risk offenses. The opinions and information above described, provided by Special Agent Gregg McCrary, have been reviewed by Peter I. Collins, M.C.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. (C). Doctor Collins concurs with the opinions offered by Mr. McCrary. Rapists who are also sexual sadists are rare. Doctor Collins is the Consultant Psychiatrist, Violent Crime Analysis Section of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.”
The real issue is good-looking blond man can commit crime just like any black man !

Even he is an accounting book-keeper, married, able to keep a job.
I cried all the way through reading your post, there are some very sick and deranged people out there!

So many young lady raped and murdered, it makes no sense and how could she help him do it?

There must be some to catch the sickos before the strike!
Didn't read the whole thing, so I don't know if you mentioned this already.

Karla is out on parole.
Response is death penalty for sex offenders and rapists. I also should add that the Canadian judicial system is beyond retardedness, it paroles the criminals because of health or mental problems even if they committed the worst crimes. You can thank the social liberalists in Canada for having fucked up brilliantly the Canadian judicial system.


Postal Paranoiac
That was some of the most bizarre shit I've ever read. :eek:


I have followed this case since I first heard of the couple, back when they were first arrested.
I have watched a few shows on the case, and one thing has always been clear...Karla was having a good time.
The way she dodged the bullet for all the horror she inflicted on the victims and their families, along with her hubby, angers me deep down inside where the dark things live.

I am surprised no family member of the victims has hunted her down and ended her wild ride.:dunno:
Didn't read the whole thing, so I don't know if you mentioned this already.

Karla is out on parole.

Karla Homolka not only remarried and left Canada to probably Trinadad !

Her current husband is from the Carribean and they decided to return to his homeland. The baby is probably 1 year old and is a happy ending.

Basically the justice in Canada is part exile, part instiutional confinement of 12 years for Karla Homkolka. It saves the government a lot of money than US BOP to put someone in for life or keep someone in for 25 years and then execute them ! It is a big business even when it comes to criminal justice in US !


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Karla Homolka not only remarried and left Canada to probably Trinadad !

Her current husband is from the Carribean and they decided to return to his homeland. The baby is probably 1 year old and is a happy ending.

Basically the justice in Canada is part exile, part instiutional confinement of 12 years for Karla Homkolka. It saves the government a lot of money than US BOP to put someone in for life or keep someone in for 25 years and then execute them ! It is a big business even when it comes to criminal justice in US !

She lives in the Antilles, doesn't she?

I'm one of the few people that think Karla holds no threat to society anymore, since that was decided on her release hearing. Of course, if she stayed in Canada and got attacked by reporters as she did, anything would be possible. She probably doesn't get bothered much in the Caribbean, and I think that's for the best. Just leave her alone.