True Story: At one of the theaters where I work there used to be an old backstage security guard who was notorious not only for talking everyone who came near him half to death, but for sleeping on the job. Nobody knows how, but Izzy could be completely out one moment, snoring even, and the moment someone approached him he would spring up and ask the person for a pass. The management finally moved him to another post because one night, after an Ice Cube show, he sprang up and started questioning Ice Cube's head of security, which was a bad idea not only because a local security guard was interfering with the artist's head of security, but because Izzy is about 60, 5'8", and is about as tough as Steve Urkell, while Ice Cube's head of security is a 6'3" wall of muscle that has one of those faces that says, "Go ahead, fuck with me. I'd love to rip your balls off and shove them down your throat." Good times.