Say you went grocery shopping and you saw this...

What would your reaction be? Of course we take out that this would involve someone getting arrested but lets say none of that is involved.


Whip it out and have a wank "Oh dont mind me luv, Btw Lilt is fucking shit, The good coca cola is on the top shelf"

What would your reaction be? Of course we take out that this would involve someone getting arrested but lets say none of that is involved.

I was in Bahama buying swimming suits with my girlfriend back in 1998, the store has partition/changing room but no doors at all. You can watch all the girls changed !

Girls "really" took off all their clothes and tried on the swimming suits.

I asked the owner why and she said this prevented girls from wearing the brand new swimming suits and walked out. (shoplifting)

By being nude, shoppers can not steal or hide stuff at all ! :nanner: :fight: :spump:


Member, you member...
I'd ask her if I could help her with her basket, then after she said no, I would walk away.



No we are not meant to say that , I would ask her if she wanted a special deal on a sausage?

My sausage
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I'd kick her in the butt, handcuff her to a grocery cart while waiting for the police to come. During the wait time I will be lecturing about having self-respect for herself and her body. And tell her she could have been brutally assaulted, killed, and her body parts be spread throughout the city.

Then I would try and touch her boobies...
I'd throw things at her.

Not big things of course I don't want to damage the poor girl, you know just small stuff; balled up pieces of paper, bread, eggs, a frozen chicken - just generally all of the things I usually throw at people while I'm at the supermarket.

I don't want to discriminate now do I?
I'd likely ask her to please wash her hands before handling any unbagged produce.

Then, I'd find her a bottle of lube and tell her to go play with the cucumbers.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'd tackle her and make a citizen's arrest. During the scuffle, I'd probably have to fondle and grope her a little. This would be unfortunate but necessary.