I've understood that it's one of the biggest porn companies which actually owns many of those infamous free porn streaming pages. Does this ring any bells? Let's make some hypothesis based on that; Actual problem are not those people who watch tube pages, but problem is coming from the very inside of porn industry itself and anyone who uploads their content to those pages to promote themselves or watches them. You know to look at mirror first when you start to point your fingers at someone regarding to free porn.
Big bad porn guys with suits probably originally saw that lot of people were watching porn for free and decided to take their part to get whatever leftover dirty money from traffic and advertisements by taking control of that part of business. How much of free porn content is actually legitimately owned by the very same people who manage those free porn sites and how much content is to bring down their competition?
Then again, kind of makes sense that porn girls don't dare to say anything against one of the biggest cause of their problems, because it's the same thing that pays their own salary. Those porn girls are already themselves as a part of problem they claim to fight against, they even contribute to the problem itself, they even directly promote those free porn streaming pages in events nowadays. Hypocritical, greedy and cowarded porn girls who only care for their own asses and money are trying to quilt trip people from watching free porn, while they themselves are working for the very causes of their issues, people who owns those free porn streaming pages. Why? Because they pay well, are big names and porn girls need publicy to get their business running? Who cares what happens to those videos once you have been paid for a scene?
Now the question is, am I too far away from the truth with my guess?
What comes to Youtube and bad guys called Google. Anyone with common sense already should know that Google itself is not only the biggest internet piracy companies of all time, but also one of the biggest collectors of personal information of people...