Even if weed isn't legalized, sending otherwise productive people who don't break any other laws to jail for what they do in their own free time and giving them a criminal record for it which may exclude them from employment even at a supermarket is really a waste. That is probably the biggest problem I got with the war on drugs. I am concerned about people getting high and then getting behind the wheel of a car, just like I'd be concerned about a drunk driver, but if you guys who get high don't drive under the influence then have fun. I think conservatives should also be supportive of legalizing weed, after all, we conservatives are all for PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. Even if pot were legalized, I still wouldn't use it, well, maybe I would try it to relieve pain due to a really painful injury. Conservatives are afraid that if pot were legalized, their kids would use it and end up looking and sounding as smart as Cheech and Chong. Again, it's all about personal responsibility, you don't want your kids to use pot, teach them about the risks of excessive usage.