Roads Less Traveled


Lord Dipstick
I live in North Central NJ and there is a rural road in Somerset County that has a wide open field with one dead tree in the middle of it with the remnants of a hangmans' noose on it, still to this day.
As the story goes, it was an old Satan worshipping spot where they used to hang dogs and other sacrifices. One time there were 2 children who were kidnapped by Satan worshippers and hung and as the fable goes if you go there after midnight on a calm night and you touch the tree, the noose will begin to jerk violently and if it's relly quiet, you can hear the brush moving and that is supposedly the ghost of the 2 kids and a breeze picks up.

Well, as a stupid teen, I went up there with a few friends on a humid 90 degree night in the early 90's and did all that mumbo jumbo and sure enough the rope started swinging and a breeze suddenly picked up out of nowhere......I NEVER ran so fast in my life and on the way running back to the car, I tripped and broke 2 teeth on a boulder and as I turned around with my friends and looked at the tree, the noose was swinging even more violently and the breeze came to a complete stop.

That night was the first night I actulally tried to fart in fear and shit my pants and from that day forward, I DO NOT fuck with that occult shit!!:nono:

Too much of it in NJ, for some reason...:dunno:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I live in North Central NJ and there is a rural road in Somerset County that has a wide open field with one dead tree in the middle of it with the remnants of a hangmans' noose on it, still to this day.
As the story goes, it was an old Satan worshipping spot where they used to hang dogs and other sacrifices. One time there were 2 children who were kidnapped by Satan worshippers and hung and as the fable goes if you go there after midnight on a calm night and you touch the tree, the noose will begin to jerk violently and if it's relly quiet, you can hear the brush moving and that is supposedly the ghost of the 2 kids and a breeze picks up.

Well, as a stupid teen, I went up there with a few friends on a humid 90 degree night in the early 90's and did all that mumbo jumbo and sure enough the rope started swinging and a breeze suddenly picked up out of nowhere......I NEVER ran so fast in my life and on the way running back to the car, I tripped and broke 2 teeth on a boulder and as I turned around with my friends and looked at the tree, the noose was swinging even more violently and the breeze came to a complete stop.

That night was the first night I actulally tried to fart in fear and shit my pants and from that day forward, I DO NOT fuck with that occult shit!!:nono:

Too much of it in NJ, for some reason...:dunno:

Remember Geraldo did that whole special on exposing Satanic Worshippers, that was when trash tv was at it's best!
Here is another road less traveled, I love the name of it.