Republicans post-2020 attempt to steal future elections

Kinda surprised this hasn't gotten a mention here yet. I assume that we're all a little exhausted still, I know I am, but republicans are still out there trying their hardest to subvert democracy any way they can, and after trump's colossal loss last year they're working extra hard to make sure the will of the people is never heard again.


After record turnout, republicans are trying to make it harder to vote

After record 2020 turnout, state republicans weigh making it harder to vote

Republicans react to 2020 defeats by trying to make it harder to vote

Republicans are going all out to limit voting rights. We know why (Guardian, so possibly paywalled, but opened fine for me)

republicans are pushing combinations of more onerous voter ID laws, reduced mail in voting, eliminating policies to encourage voter registration, and making it easier to purge voter rolls. republicans haven't learned anything from Jan 6, or their losses over the last 4 years. The only thing they've taken away is that if they can't win democratically, they need to eliminate democracy. republicans are scum.
It's like they are a minority party and quite frankly have been for decades, they know that, and the only way they can hold onto power is using shady tactics now.

Having an antiquated and now illogical electoral system that rates how much relative voting power people have by how much empty real estate is around them is bad enough, but then when they they add gerrymandering and voter suppression on top of that is makes it even that much worse. About the only small sliver of a silver lining is at least Republicans don't even pretend they are doing anything other than that anymore. Well, maybe with the exception they will use election security as an issue even though there has been infinitesimally small amounts of election fraud since our country's beginning, but other than that flimsy excuse they might as well just come out and say, "We are doing this just because we can."

Worse for them now is that Trump pissed a lot of normally apathetic left of center people off so both sides were equally fanatical when it came to voting this time. Usually that's an advantage only the Republicans have. If that keeps up they are pretty much screwed as they are outnumbered, and changing demographics will only make it worse. (Of course knowing the dems there is a good chance too many of them go back to not giving a shit and not voting like in the past.)
Of course knowing the dems there is a good chance too many of them go back to not giving a shit and not voting like in the past.

This is where the battle will be won or lost. More people have started paying attention in the last year than in a long time from what I've seen. And as grotesque as it sounds, things like covid and this storm in Texas have only highlighted the sheer incompetence and callousness of republican governments, while giving true leaders like AOC and Biden a chance to show everyone what their tax dollars SHOULD be paying for.
There's always a danger of people going back to sleep, but in order for that to happen they have to get comfortable again, and it's difficult to foresee that happening anytime soon. It could happen if those in power agree to give a little back, just to placate the masses, but it seems so far like those who helped create these messes are so hard line they're not interested in budging.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
We don't know it as well as Citizens United, but we can thank Shelby County v Holder for this. Certain states were required to get Federal approval before changing their voting laws. Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, Alito, and Kennedy disagreed.
From 2018:

They used the old vaccine argument. Why do we need vaccines when no one gets mumps, measles, polio, etc.? Because it keeps it that way is not a good enough answer? 🤷‍♂️

I remember that decision, and the reasoning for it - there's no racism anymore, so why do we need laws preventing it? I also remember that some ridiculous number of states had new voter suppression laws in the works within 24 hours. If republicans put half as much effort into governing as they do into spreading lies and dismantling democracy they would be a viable party.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
Opposing the Tumpistas about voter repression will involve the same things that made the African Americans succeed as much as they have. A group willing to fight and die for their cause. Selma Bridge, 16th street Baptist Church, the whole bit. Other wise the Trumistas will make it so only White property owners can vote like in the Original Constitution. And no more Absentee voting of any kind for sure. If you can't drag your lazy ass to the polls, well maybe you don't need an opinion.
If you can't drag your lazy ass to the polls, well maybe you don't need an opinion.

Assuming there even are polls in your area. There's only so much the poorest people can do. When voter ID laws are passed and then every DMV for 100 miles is shut down, what's an unemployed person supposed to do?
It's so fucking infuriating that it's the same fight they thought they won 50 years ago. The decade of civil unrest that led to the voting rights act.
It still blows my mind that the supreme court repealed part of the voting rights act in 2013 and there weren't immediately riots all over the country. At the time I thought holy shit, how can this be happening??? A lot of the current republican cancer is due to the removal of that right which now has to be fought for and won AGAIN, before anyone can even think about improving anything.
They've been openly dismantling democracy for decades, they barely even try to deny it anymore, if the try to deny it at all. They've maintained power by subverting democracy, and not doing too bad a job of it, if we're being honest, at least until they decided the taste of trump's grundle is the only thing that matters anymore.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
A lot of White people either don't care or just plain don't pay any attention to things that do not directly affect them. True of other races I bet but nowhere near as prevalent as among us.( I was guilty of this in my past)(Try hard not to be that way today) Problem with me is I have seen so much shit that it is hard to gear up to fight again.(I am old)
Yeah, I came to the states a young, arrogant, mildly right wing man, and living there turned me into a democratic socialist, believe it or not. I fully expected to be a republican.

There is a fight happening. I think it's going to take a long time, and there is plenty of work that can be done other than fighting the fight. I think one of the most important jobs is to keep the masses from being distracted. The last few years have made it abundantly clear that while one side is at least trying to make the lives of the average American better (with varied results), one side just couldn't give less of a shit, and is just there to line their own pockets. Just keep the spotlight on the facts, people will see for themselves. And there are plenty of younger men who will gladly fight the fight.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
North Dakota senate just passed a bill to withhold the vote counts of presidential elections from the public until after the electoral college meets.

GQP platform in 3 words: Democracy is bad.
This guy nails it:
Appearing on the political podcast Plain Talk, the former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, Saul Anuzis, said the measure was “almost a politburo situation from Soviet Russia,” referring to the political policymaking committee in the former Soviet Union.
Georgia is in the process of passing laws - GA HB531 - that make it illegal to provide food or water to people standing in line waiting to vote, among other things. Are there really people out there who don't think republicans are straight up movie villains? Bad guys this bad in a fucking disney movie would be a bit much.

The bill specifically states no gifts, including food or drink, can be provided within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established, within any polling place, or within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place. (emphasis mine)




Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Georgia is in the process of passing laws - GA HB531 - that make it illegal to provide food or water to people standing in line waiting to vote, among other things. Are there really people out there who don't think republicans are straight up movie villains? Bad guys this bad in a fucking disney movie would be a bit much.

The bill specifically states no gifts, including food or drink, can be provided within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established, within any polling place, or within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place. (emphasis mine)
George Washington objects:

"When twenty-four-year-old George Washington first ran for a seat in the Virginia House of Burgesses, he attributed his defeat to his failure to provide enough alcohol for the voters. When he tried again two years later, Washington floated into office partly on the 144 gallons of rum, punch, hard cider and beer his election agent handed out—roughly half a gallon for every vote he received."

Mitch McConnell Working With Kentucky Legislature on Senate Exit Strategy​

Legislation informally referred to as the Daniel Cameron Election Bill is moving through the Kentucky General Assembly

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has compiled a short list of successors in his home state of Kentucky, preparing for the possibility that he does not serve out his full term, Kentucky Republicans tell The Intercept.
The list is topped by his protégé, state Attorney General Daniel Cameron, and also includes former United Nations Ambassador Kelly Craft, whose billionaire coal magnate husband is a major McConnell donor, as well as Kentucky Secretary of State Michael Adams, a former McConnell Scholar.

Under current law, the power to appoint McConnell’s replacement falls to Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear. But new legislation McConnell is pushing in the Kentucky General Assembly would strip the governor of that power and put it into the hands of the state GOP.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
McConnell would just turn down the appointment. Kentucky's governor, the person who would appoint the replacement, is a Democrat so McConnell leaving the Senate on his own accord is only a dream.

This does bring about some post-Georgia hypotheticals though:
  • The Senate is 50-50 and a Democratic Senator vacates the office with a Republican governor. The Dems lose control of the Senate.
  • The Senate is 51-49 and a Republican Senator vacates the office with a Democratic governor. The Reps lose control of the Senate.
After the RBG situation, it be the epitome of karma if the Republicans got control at 51-49 and then a Republican Senator [becomes unable to fulfill the duties of the office]. A Dem governor appoints a Democrat and the Dems get control of the Senate.
Thank you for sharing the Kentucky article. I had not heard of Kentucky's plans, but the scenario is something I have been contemplating for the past few months (my post from December 6 in another thread). Both houses of Kentucky's legislature are controlled by the Republicans (29-9 in the Senate and 75-25 in the House) so this measure should be popular and veto proof.

The Democratic governor has already seen a few vetoes overridden:

I can hear McConnell to his friends going: "I've got this thing, and it's fucking golden. I'm just not giving it up for fucking nothing."