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Religion - The Other Taboo for Discussion

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Official Checked Star Member
but if they are believers, wouldn't it be God who gave them the illness in the first place? Isn't it all part of God's plan anyway so why wish your will to replace god's will?

During the health care bill debates in 2009 Fox news found that 37% of Christians polled said that prayer is a valid form of health care. Orin Hatch wanted prayer services to be reimbursed in Obamacare Christian Scientists don't believe in medicine and only allow prayer for healing and were going to ask for money for prayer services lol


Official Checked Star Member
Mariah, do you have a problem with normal working class type folks using religion or faith to help them lead what they think is a morally sound existence? Im talking about like 90% of religous people. Forget about lawmakers or Church leaders, or radical extremists. For many or its just a moral outline. Love thy neighbor, Thou shalt not steal. That type of thing. Yes I know know the "you on a porn forum thats a sin" routine. That doesnt hurt anyone. Faith also gives people something to turn to in times of tragedy and disillusionment.

To your point of religion causing all the worlds war and there being laws founded on politicians religous beliefs, I think this is trending downward. Mankind existed for a very long time with very little scientific knowledge and religion gave them something to find comfort in when times were tough. It will take a long time for this to go away.

Just saying people who beleive in god or prayer are stupid is just not how I think people should act. Have some respect for people.

I have said MANY times that if religious people minded their own business and kept to themselves that would be wonderful. But they don't. And how do I "forget about law makers?" They want laws that cater to their beliefs and unfortunately those laws affect many of us who don't subscribe to those same beliefs. I don't have any problem with a woman doing webcam in her home, but religious people do. I don't have any problem with gays adopting and raising a child, but religious people do. I have zero issue with gays being married but again, religious people do. There are laws against all of those things in many states. As well you are not permitted to possess a dildo in several states. You are not permitted to possess a porn movie even in your own home in several states. You are not permitted to mail porn to several counties in more than 30 states. why do you think that is? Isn't that infringing on the rights of the people who live in those states which are supposedly part of a free country? If you don't like it, don't buy it. Why force your morality on everyone else???


Official Checked Star Member
The Jewish faith does not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah, they never have and never will.

I am not familiar with all the tenets of the Jewish religion but it is safe to say that the website is probably not going to be holding a lot of high five sessions with JC.

you need to get out more. there are Jews for Jesus that do believe JC was the Messiah. The laws were clear for rabbi (again more than one rabbit) to marry and have at least 2 children. look it up
but if they are believers, wouldn't it be God who gave them the illness in the first place? Isn't it all part of God's plan anyway so why wish your will to replace god's will?

During the health care bill debates in 2009 Fox news found that 37% of Christians polled said that prayer is a valid form of health care. Orin Hatch wanted prayer services to be reimbursed in Obamacare Christian Scientists don't believe in medicine and only allow prayer for healing and were going to ask for money for prayer services lol

Like I said before, if you believe in God (which of course you don't and good on ya) you believe that you were born into a world of sin. God is not in the business of smiting people but because it is a world of sin people of faith believe that sickness, natural disasters, war, accidents , crimes, all happen not because God is causing it but because it is the natural progression and chain of events in a sinful world.

I am sure there are theologians that could reference and explain their interpretation a lot more succinctly than I can.

This is an area of discussion that I have never engaged in on this board and quite frankly doing so with a ex porn star is kinda weirding me out. The problem that most of us have with your views is not that you hold them, but that you are so "in your face" about it and are ready to insult the intelligence of people that have these beliefs just because you can't wrap your mind around it.
you need to get out more. there are Jews for Jesus that do believe JC was the Messiah. The laws were clear for rabbi (again more than one rabbit) to marry and have at least 2 children. look it up

Yes there are Jews that believe that. They are called Messianic Jews. I have visited Israel with my family and had the pleasure of visiting some in their home.

I have been to quite a few places during my life actually.


Official Checked Star Member
Aha! the attorney stepped in it!

You own a home correct? When the wind blows a tree over and it falls on your house or whatever what is that called by your insurance company? When your flight is delayed due to weather the airline doesn't have to pay for a hotel. Why?

AN ACT OF GOD is the answer to both!

so it's ok for businesses to use God as an excuse not to pay our claims when tragedy happens but when you survive it was God saving you from how did you say? "natural progression and chain of events in a sinful world"

and by the way, War is an act of man and NOTHING else. I know that your party loves war so you need any reason to opt out but there is no way you are going to include war with natural disasters and "shit happens" and get away with it! War is a deliberate decision made by a MAN. sadly many choose to go to war because their invisible man whispered in their ear that they should.
The problem that most of us have with your views is not that you hold them, but that you are so "in your face" about it and are ready to insult the intelligence of people that have these beliefs just because you can't wrap your mind around it.

assari's advice;

Never take on line diccussion seriously, but the real life conversations are always serious business. :1orglaugh


Official Checked Star Member
alright the tides coming in and I have a sandbar with my name on it. saw several young hammerheads there on Saturday so I'm bringing the mask and underwater video camera this time and try to swim with them.

enjoy your day and please, dont think that I hate people of faith. I hate what it does to people and the way it gives them a reason to judge. I hate that it empowers people who force their will on all of us and how it manipulates and oppresses so many people. if you are a believer and keep it to yourself then fuckin A awesome for you. if believing in all of that makes you a better person then ok by me. I wish you could be the better person on your own but if you can't handle it then pray your eyes out.

peace and treat everyone as you wish to be treated. simple enough.
Aha! the attorney stepped in it!

You own a home correct? When the wind blows a tree over and it falls on your house or whatever what is that called by your insurance company? When your flight is delayed due to weather the airline doesn't have to pay for a hotel. Why?

AN ACT OF GOD is the answer to both!

Um.. insurance companies pay out claims for "Acts of God" all the time usually through first party policies such as separate wind and hail.. And I am not getting into the nuances of contractual law or indemnification with you. I hated it in law school and I hate it now. lol

Suffice it to say that you are either intentionally misleading to make an argument or are very uninformed.
You're saying that every religious persons feels and acts the same way. Thats like me saying every pornstar is as narrowminded as yourself yet i know that to not be the case. Not every religous person forces it upon others. Ive found it quite easy to politley inform people trying to do so that I wasnt interested and theyve respected that. I know thats not always the case but its rare.

Heres an article to help with my point:http://www.practikel.com/2012/01/27...o-chicago-gay-pride-holding-apologetic-signs/
alright the tides coming in and I have a sandbar with my name on it. saw several young hammerheads there on Saturday so I'm bringing the mask and underwater video camera this time and try to swim with them.

enjoy your day and please, dont think that I hate people of faith. I hate what it does to people and the way it gives them a reason to judge. I hate that it empowers people who force their will on all of us and how it manipulates and oppresses so many people. if you are a believer and keep it to yourself then fuckin A awesome for you. if believing in all of that makes you a better person then ok by me. I wish you could be the better person on your own but if you can't handle it then pray your eyes out.

peace and treat everyone as you wish to be treated. simple enough.

This is the first reasonable post you've made in this thread. I glad you can finally admit this.
Mariah, it's quite obvious to most members in here where you stand concerning religion. Your argument is, that you are sick and tired of religion being forced upon you. Yet, you are the one who started this thread about religion.

Granted, some churches will occasionally walk a neighborhood asking if you would like to attend a church service. You have the choice of saying "No thank you", or "Yes, I will attempt to sit in on your service this Sunday."

Just as the person who knocks on your door and asks if you would like to give a donation to the United Way, UNICEF, Cerebral Palsy, etc. You have the choice of listening or not. Nobody is forcing anything onto you.

If you don't like the Nativity Scenes during Christmas, look the other way. If you don't like the Easter celebration that comes around every year in which many Christians celebrate, smile and walk on by. No harm, no foul. It's pretty simple really.

I find it very interesting that you oppose other people forcing you to believe in something that you don't (when in fact they ARE NOT forcing you to "believe" in Jesus Christ, or any religion for that matter).

Show me one neighborhood, one town, one city, or one state in The United States where it is mandatory to attend a religious service every Sunday.


:facepalm: Mariahxxx, Are you back using meth while writing all this drivel you're profusely shoveling out here ?

I am simply asking for some feedback but because you have zero proof other than "because I say so"

Mariahxxx, As the originator of this thread and conversation, conversely have you done anything to prove that Jesus Christ and the Christian Bible are false beyond a reasonable doubt aside from your own hate filled tirades, do you have infallible evidence otherwise other than your own "I say so"? I singled out the Christian aspect as that seems to be where the majority of your hatred is centered even though you named your thread with a more generalistic title of "religion". Can you prove the contrary for all of us, to support your expressed feelings? This way we can actually have a debate as you wished and not just hear your own self assured personal feelings and ramblings. Oh and do provide your answer with aspects of history, archeology, and nature to support your infallible theory which you present as evidence to make your point to all of us.

I'm not married.

No, never? Hmmm...

peace and treat everyone as you wish to be treated. simple enough.

So by your example we can treat you like a piece of shit as you have demonstrated here towards us? Do you understand the term hypocrisy at all?
And au contraire Monseigneur Dirk.

"The Jewish home is the most important institution in the Jewish religion, and thus all men are required to be married, whether or not they are rabbis.
So the answer to your question is yes; even 2,000 years ago Jewish men were married, rabbis or not.
Orthodox Judaism assumes the messaih will be married, as he will be and Orthodox Jewish man.
For more on the Jewish messiah:
http://www.whatjewsbelieve.org/ "

and another from a jewish website "in the time of Jesus Rabbis from ALL Branches of Judaism were required to marry and have at least 2 children."

Believing that you are so important that Jesus will come back and want to meet YOU is stupid, that is correct. It is naive and egotistical.

If you believe that prayer itself heals, then yes you are stupid.

Funny that someone who clearly and blatantly takes what I say way out of context and twists it around is calling me a troll. I didn't hijack anyone's thread. I started my own, so tell me Dirk how I am a troll in my own fucking thread???

Jesus was not a Rabbi. He held absolutely no title whatsoever. His followers called him Rabbi and Teacher, but according to the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees, Jesus was a common man with no job or title. He came from common people with no titles, either. Consequently, there is absolutely no reason to insist that he was married. Nor is there any evidence that he was. Also, what you call Orthodox Judaism is not the same form of Judaism as what Christ would have had. Christ was an observant Jew, that much is plain.

Again, in case that was too many words for you, Jesus was not a Rabbi.

Okay, not believing that Jesus will come back and want to meet you is stupid. You are so naive, and how egotistical do you have to be to believe that humans are the highest form of intelligence in the galaxy, and that your life is the climax of existence?

No Christian that I know would ever deny medical treatment because they were going to pray away a disease. You seem to have encountered the very worst of Christians. I guess you must also judge all Muslims by the type that strap bombs to themselves. Just recently in my town there was a man, a very vocal Atheist. He beat one of his own children to death. There are also several very famous cases of murder and serial murder done by Atheists. As you're an Atheist, I can only assume that you would do the same thing. Why are you a murderer? You horrible, horrible person. Don't you push your Atheistic views on others by murdering them.

See? Not terribly productive to be telling people their fundamental beliefs are stupid. I suggest you stop trying to "argue" this point. You've made your views on Christians known. You've attempted to do some research, and come back with incorrect and irrelevant information. You're not looking good here. Just let it go, and relax. People are going to believe what they want to regardless of your ridiculous "I hate the intolerance of Christians, so I'm going to be intolerant of Christians" perspective.
That's enough bantering back and forth with Mariah for me today. I'll let myself out.

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