Rebecca Saber

Does anyone know were to get some more pictures of her...:(


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Maybe contact Doc Brown and

With the 1.21 gigawatts you can transport Marty McFly all the way back to 1985!

Where's my DeLorean when i need it?:D
That girl was in the first porn mag I ever got my hands on. She was damn cute, too. But that was back in 1990 or so... so good luck finding her now.
i got a few pics of rebecca saber but they are on my comuter, not a website. she is so hot!!! i dont care if shes back from the big hair days or not, shes hot hot hot:thefinger

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I have got a few hundreds pictures of her, mostly glamour, but also from her X performances. There use to be one site dedicated to her, two or three years ago + one or two yahoo groups, but almost empty. Who is ready to start a new group ?

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