Rape - A hot topic issue.


You can look almost anywhere nowadays and find a rape case. It's not rare at all. It happens to many women and sometimes guys.

The problem is people don't believe the punishment serves the crime in most cases. Sometimes it does and other times it's like why do we even try. I don't think people should be castrated or executed for rape. I always thought about this as the perfect solution for rapists and pedophiles (yes I must include them to). It's the anger and frustration that causes us to want the worst for these type of people.

What if the person who committed the crime was proven innocent at a later time? This has happened in the past with DNA evidence coming into play, but the system seems to be getting better. I mean we don't just hang people if someone said they did something without a case. Also what if the person was having a good time when this happened and was enjoying it, but the other person boasted about the sex. She or he may decide to change their mind and bring a rape case against them, so they don't have to worry about what others think about the person whose being victimized and embarrased about this. I mean rape is embarassing, but if someone is boasting about it it's basically just as bad in many cases.

People also don't care about what's right or wrong in many situations as long as their bringing down someone they don't like. Basically what happened in the duke case. The players were victimized, but they weren't proven guilty because the girl had been bribed to lie.

In the end is execution or castration the real answer?
I think the real answer should be life in prison, so that way if new evidence is brought forward proving them innocent they won't be gone.

This also brings up if the death penalty is right or wrong. Who should be allowed to decide who lives and who dies? Yes many people did commit these crimes, but aren't we just as bad as the person for executing them? Two wrongs don't make a right in my opinion.

What do you guys think? Am I crazy?
I think it should be a long time in prison because just as you said, what if the person is innocent? That's why I am against the death penalty, if one person executed turns out to have been innocent that's just one too many wrong executions to continue having the death penalty.
DNA is a good way to prove guilt or innocence but it is not full proof. What if the woman slept with someone and and like the next day gets raped? She probably won't tell about the previous person she slept with because that might make her actual rape seem less possible and people might look at her as a "slut" instead. They do a rape test kit and find the guy's DNA who she had consentingly slept with and he gets blamed. It's a tough issue but I definitely don't believe in the death penalty, plus it actually costs us more and as I said, one innocent man executed is one too many.
I think long prison sentences are appropriate for rape, but not necessarily LIFE sentences. How about 15-40 years, depending on the scenario? Maybe 20 minimum?

It's a horrible, despicable crime, but it's also NOT murder.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I have mixed feelings about this topic... I think if a person is convicted via undeniable DNA evidence & the victim is 18 or younger. I think that's grounds for AUTOMATIC LIFE IN PRISON WITH NO CHANCE OF PAROLE. Also if the victim of the RAPE was killed by the person Charged its an AUTOMATIC DEATH PENALTY in any state where it is practiced & AUTOMATIC LIFE IN PRISON WITH NO CHANCE OF PAROLE, for states that don't use the Death Penalty.

Minimum prison sentence for Rape should be 25 - 45 yrs IMO, if it was a minor MANDATORY LIFE SENTENCE... I also think that unless DNA evidence is presented or a NO Doubt factor such as a witness or any other definite proof of a rape. the offender should NOT be imprisoned in gen. pop. until they are Absolutely Certain without a benefit of doubt that the man charged & locked up in solitary/protective custody indeed rape the person in question.. cuz even if you imprison an alleged rapist & they don't have solid/enough evidence. just exposing this person to prison life could get them KILLED.

So unless its a SLAMDUNK case against the Defendant.. I think the charged should NOT be thrown into the pit (GENERAL POPULATION in prison) cuz they might get killed & may not have done the crime. :uohs::dunno:
I think long prison sentences are appropriate for rape, but not necessarily LIFE sentences. How about 15-40 years, depending on the scenario? Maybe 20 minimum?

It's a horrible, despicable crime, but it's also NOT murder.

Did you see the rapist who was released after being in prison for 15 years, only to rape and kill 10 more???
.....Oh wait, perhaps there are "good rapists" out there, and them staying in prison for lifetime to protect society from a very high risk is "unfair.":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

BTW, many women would rather be killed than be raped.


Is somewhere outhere.
Did you see the rapist who was released after being in prison for 15 years, only to rape and kill 10 more???
.....Oh wait, perhaps there are "good rapists" out there, and them staying in prison for lifetime to protect society from a very high risk is "unfair.":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

BTW, many women would rather be killed than be raped.

For that separate case the person should have been executed ;)

From of all the tools we have now at our disposal to prove the guilty
- guilty I think they should either be castrated or executed.Especially
child molesters and serial rapists :)


Did you see the rapist who was released after being in prison for 15 years, only to rape and kill 10 more???
.....Oh wait, perhaps there are "good rapists" out there, and them staying in prison for lifetime to protect society from a very high risk is "unfair.":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

BTW, many women would rather be killed than be raped.

according to US crimal law Capital Punishment(Death Pen.) Crimes subject to the death penalty vary by jurisdiction. All jurisdictions that use capital punishment designate the highest grade of murder a capital crime, although most jurisdictions require aggravating circumstances. Treason is a capital offense in several jurisdictions.[35]

Other capital crimes include: the use of a weapon of mass destruction resulting in death, espionage, terrorism, certain violations of the Geneva Conventions that result in the death of one or more persons, and treason at the federal level; aggravated rape in Louisiana, Florida, and Oklahoma; extortionate kidnapping in Oklahoma; aggravated kidnapping in Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky and South Carolina; aircraft hijacking in Alabama; drug trafficking resulting in a person's death in Connecticut; train wrecking which leads to a person's death, and perjury which leads to a person's death in California

If you rape in these 3 states then you get the deth pen, the other 47 just jail time. Not saying its right or wrong, but it's the laws on the books. If you want to fix it then you need to take your case to your local repsentative's and make a case for putting a law on the books in your state.

BTW the last person excutiated for rape was Ronald Wolfe on May 8, 1964, in Missouri.
From hi post I assume the OP believes that rape is more common these days that it was a century ago. This is not correct. The only difference is that victims report the crime more easily and that there's much more media attention.

I can't prove it, but I do believe that Muhammad told girls to cover the beautiful parts of their bodies (including their hair) to protect them (If you can't see the girl, you don't get excited & if you don't get excited you won't satisfy your sexual urges on that person).

I don't personally agree with this, since you're essentially punishing a woman for something she's not responsible for. I believe men should be thought to control their urges better, maybe even in junior high (or another country's equivalent), but since this has never been done I don't know if it's even possible (& I'm no biologist nor a psychologist).

But since I'm no messiah or prophet, nobody's going to listen to me.
The thing about prison is, it's not really about handing out a punishment. It's the systematic removal of a person from society who has broken societal law in the hope that this individual sees the error of their ways and can at least attempt to be rehabilitated in the time that they’re there. Now of course some punishment does come from this. Take a person away from normal society for a long enough period of time and regulate how he/she runs their life and yes some punishment is observed.

I would agree that longer prison sentences for convicted rapists are the best way to go. It would seem to me that if a person were to commit such a brutal crime then they do deserve to be removed for a longer period of time than they already are. But this isn't going to stop rape, rape has been with us – probably - since the dawn of time and until there comes a time for us to protect those who may be on the receiving end it’s going to continue. As Gordar points out the reason “rape stories” are so prevalent at this time is that more people seem to be coming forward than they ever did before. I heard a statistic a few years ago it must have changed since then but I think it’s pretty pertinent to the discussion. Something like 50% [UK figures] of rape victims actually come forward and either admit they have been raped and try to expose those involved. Which I think tells you a lot about the way those on the receiving end feel about the situations they’re in and the fact that catching a rapist is not always the easiest thing to do.

But just because there are still going to be people raping others that doesn't mean the state should sanction killing these individuals when and if they're caught. No matter how heinous the crime the state should not be allowed to kill these people. Firstly it's nothing more than revenge on the part of the state on behalf of the victim and to me that isn't lawful in my mind and secondly after the deed is done and the rapist is dead he/she isn't going to care anymore about what they did and the victims will still have to live with it. No, allowing the person to live with their crime in a small room for 23 hours of the day for 20 or so years is far more of a punishment in my eyes than murdering them - which to me is what state sanctioned execution is.

I guess we’re going to have to look to the Polish to see if chemical castration actually works. Which I wouldn’t have too many ethical problems with.
I guess we’re going to have to look to the Polish to see if chemical castration actually works. Which I wouldn’t have too many ethical problems with.

Not sure what this is all about but it sounds interesting, and revolting.

I agree that punishment should reach the maximum levels but our judicial system and our prison system is sub-par at best. Both need to be reevaluated and done the right way before any of this becomes effective. I hate rape as much as the next guy but after seeing a few of the horrific stories as of late something needs to be done to make sentencing more severe and fearful.


If the evidence shows signs of great resistance (internally as well as externally), the use of sedatives or coercion (intimidation), I'm pro "extended" prison sentence s up to 30 years. Repeat offenders are lifers and shouldn't receive any reprieve whatsoever.

There shall be no "cultural defense" either ! I'm starting to see this crap more often as of late and it has to stop !

But how can we keep the bad guys locked up given the conditions that former NYC Mayor Ed Koch will address here ? It's a reasonable question that neither the republicans nor the democrats want to consider for fear of political retribution. How can we do it ?

Oh, and no open library !! Only Shakespeare for these rascals ! :hammer: :D


Hiliary 2020
as usual everyone sees just one side.
Keep in mind all rape or alledged rape iis not some violent attack.
For every one real accusation of rape there are probably 10 false accusations.
more people are falsely imprisoned by rape charges than anything else.
It only takes a good actress or an emotional victim identifying the wrong guy and an emotional jury to lock up an innocent man.
so before we say castrate him lets make sure we've got the right guy.


as usual everyone sees just one side.
Keep in mind all rape or alledged rape iis not some violent attack.
For every one real accusation of rape there are probably 10 false accusations.
more people are falsely imprisoned by rape charges than anything else.
It only takes a good actress or an emotional victim identifying the wrong guy and an emotional jury to lock up an innocent man.
so before we say castrate him lets make sure we've got the right guy.

Wow ! This is a sad state of affairs if true. There should be severe charges for lying about a rape as well. :uhem: (Duke) :hammer: bitch gets college tuition reward.
as usual everyone sees just one side.
Keep in mind all rape or alledged rape iis not some violent attack.
For every one real accusation of rape there are probably 10 false accusations.
more people are falsely imprisoned by rape charges than anything else.
It only takes a good actress or an emotional victim identifying the wrong guy and an emotional jury to lock up an innocent man.
so before we say castrate him lets make sure we've got the right guy.

Remove the bold pieces of text since there's no proof for it... Sure, false accusations happen, but there's no proof whatsoever that it's 10x as much as real accusations.

I also believe that the blue piece of text is much more uncommon than the underlined piece of text (but I have no proof of that either)...

Anyway, yes, I do agree with you that we should keep in mind that there are people in jail who've been wrongfully accused... But that's the case with any kind of crime, including murder, theft, etc. Still, a lot of people still defend the death penalty, even with this knowledge, so I have to say it's no more than logical that they'll also defend these kind of punishments concerning alledged rapists.


Rapists usually have mental disorders and should probably go in to psychiatric hospitals, but they should never be permitted to be around the population that they offended. One possibility would be to legalize prostitution. I know it sounds crazy, but maybe a new age brothel could keep an innocent girl walking home from school safe. Rape is a sad and touchy subject, and each rape should be taken case by case.
Rapists usually have mental disorders and should probably go in to psychiatric hospitals, but they should never be permitted to be around the population that they offended. One possibility would be to legalize prostitution. I know it sounds crazy, but maybe a new age brothel could keep an innocent girl walking home from school safe. Rape is a sad and touchy subject, and each rape should be taken case by case.

Prostitution wouldn't help. In psychology class we learned that rapists aren't doing the act because they aren't having sex with anyone or even out of desire for a certain person, it's all about the power it gives them. They are in control of someone else, forcing them to do what they want. Prostitutes can be raped as well, even on the job.