i think she looks good although the blonde hair isn't doing it for me. it doesn't look bad by any means, but i prefer the brunette look. rachel, who is your favorite male performer and why? and also what was the hardest scene to get into due to the lack of chemistry or what have you.
Wow talk about downhill.

Look at her in her scene with August in In the Crack. Absoloutly stunning. You should consider looking like that again (and doing another In the Crack :) )
yo, I've read this board and it seems like rachel doesn't do anal, and then i found this (!) http://galleries.pichunter.com/krawl/241/2415531/index.html gallery of her, and in one pic it looks like a guy is trying to stick his dick in her pooper! Does this happen in the actual movie or is it just this one pic?
I'd love if she acually did anal :D

No, she's never done anal on film. She had this to say about that scene.
