ProXMinistries - Intro Philosophy of Porn Phenomenology

The Power of Hardcore Porn. Everyday i am not only thankful for the software engineers that have learned recommendations to keep me permanently uplifted from Porn, but I am also thankful for the progress made in human communication to be able to discuss the Pornosexual experience.

Starting a conversation about Porn with some one whos privatized that aspect of their life, and will then out of guilt be unable to communicate as you both would on any other topic requires skill and a multidimensional insight that as the founder of the HolyXShryne will be glad to assist.

First off, background. The HolyXShryne is a creative writing project, alongside a harm reduction campaign promoting sexual awareness, wellness, and empowerment. More on the launch of that brand later. So a bit about me, obviously as a web persona I want little details that can show you I walk in both sides of worshipping it as an art form, but also in reverence to other people's indifference to it in their lives. What I will never tolerate in my presence is verbal attacks, or an attempt to devalue a human life because sex display makes that person uncomfortable.

Hence, in my writing exercises on this forum. I will attempt to help understand how one can comfortably communicate about things for which one is the minority, and is perhaps anti nominal. Moreover, distinguishing how one sees an art form qualitatively greatly is dependent on the context in which it was originally introduced.

I grew up very religious, but saw my first hardcore SpiceHotTV scene at 6, with an evolving love for it as an enthusiast the community that can form around the love of these films and their performers I don't believe has gotten the most articulate response. For example, What do I mean by response: if a person uses the word "offensive" or "obscene" to describe hardcore Porn could we conduct a word usage experiment to see whether that person intellectually can use that word in consistently with their values before we emotionally react to them as members of this community?

Let me remind everyone. If a majority believes that the US is a place built on Judeo Christian values, but forgets that in Israelite and Joseph Christian culture. Sex as a symbolic display of sublime messages has been a religious tradition abandoned because of ignorance of bible authors. Take into consideration, who would you think more reasonable in a debate? The psycho who made a career killing Christians only to become one, and then when having heard about a consensual relationship between Mother and Son issuing a suggestion for capital punishment?

I'd rather side with the anthropologists, the archaeologists who don't have a dog in the fight for theological debates, and would rather discuss the beliefs of the antiquities and what role those beliefs and practices played in structuring their society.

Likewise, there's an academic study of Porn. Join me as I attempt to put in words what the flesh silences in moving image. I hope you find it entertaining and thought provoking.