Post #100

For those that aren't keeping score at home, I've averaged 25 posts per day since I joined FreeOnes on Tuesday.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Congrats on 100! You're now only 9,900 from your own custom title...
Oh, mods absolutely just LOOOOVE it when noobs start kissing their own asses after 100 posts.
For those that aren't keeping score at home, I've averaged 25 posts per day since I joined FreeOnes on Tuesday.

congrats my friend good to see you love freeones as much as i do and if you keep this pace up you will make us all look bad.

but the mods do get pretty grumpy if you make a look i just hit another 100 thread they save those for each time you hit 1,000 in the members only section . congrats on 100 and gl on so many more
Oh, mods absolutely just LOOOOVE it when noobs start kissing their own asses after 100 posts.

He should have asked... I'd kiss it

Oh no, sorry... I meant KICK it :thumbsup:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Okay, now make yourself a meaningful member of the community and maybe someone will care...

Yeah, in other words, accomplish something he hasn't yet! :rofl:

I jest. It's a porn message board, and there aren't prizes for popularity.
For those that aren't keeping score at home, I've averaged 25 posts per day since I joined FreeOnes on Tuesday.

100 posts? LOL!!!

That's a fart in the wind my friend. Get back to us when you achieved 10K, 15K, or even 20K posts . . . :crash:



Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Great for you. :ban: Only joking.


Nikkala made me do it!
Did you hurt yourself pulling your hand off the keyboard to pat yourself on the back? :computer:

what I have to say --- Welcome ?

--- congrats on your 1K - 900 ?
hey give the guy a break he is excited he hit 100 so fast . dont 4get you were all noobs at 1 point in your life
Make sure you sign up for MyFreeOnes now. You don't want to get to 2300 posts and not get any points for it. fml