porn girls owe me one

i think all the porn chicks owe me at leat a thankyou! i watch more porn tham anybody alive and im always singing the praise for porn chicks. and now i have a swollen prostate from jacking off so much. i had to go thru a whole battery of painul tests.( they put some pistol looking thing up my ass and pulled the trigger 12 fuckin times!!!!). doctor told me i have an inflammed prostate from wackin it too much. i want my do, and i would like it to start here. porn is my life and now i got to cut down on my one true pleasuer....LIFE SUX!!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
You want a thank you for masturbating and claiming to watch more porn than anyone else? I think that just makes you a douche bag.... :dunno:
I figured the more jacking off you do, the healthier your prostrate was. I guess it's like exercising can be bad for you if you do it to the extreme.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
You know what would have been easier than sticking a pistol up his ass? Telling him to get a life.
I figured the more jacking off you do, the healthier your prostrate was. I guess it's like exercising can be bad for you if you do it to the extreme.

Maybe that thing couldn't cope with such levels of ejaculation? I mean, the ingredients come from somewhere, such a surfeit of wad-shottage would need plenty of 'fuel' to produce?

Hang on, just Googled it, over-masturbation can cause the gland to produce too much prostaglandin, leading it to become inflamed (this sensation can also lead to an inflamed urethra).

naldo, give your cock a holiday. :hatsoff:


Closed Account
LOL That's kind of fucked up, never knew that could happen. Maybe you should take up pottery to keep your hands occupied for awhile.