What about the theory that it was left behind from the last person to take credit or blame?....Regan inherited from Carter a recession....Regan tinkered and Bush kept at it...Clinton enjoyed the results and left it wrecked for the next guy....

Let's go back to before Carter-what did he inherit?....Then before Nixon...what did he inherit...Then .... Then.....

Or it's a business cycle and the president and his own personal influence has very, very little to do with it...more about others in power or who is at the controls of the Fed Resv. or who is controlling congress or what sitcom is popular...what inventions take hold...what car is cool to drive...what war started where....

I'm not convinced that we can point to one person and say things are their fault or credit.
This is just my politcawl slant.

Oh and BTW Fox News sucks!
^ since when did Carter or any Democratic President in the past have bragged about being fiscally conservative as past NeoCon presidents? NeoCons campaign on promises to be fiscally conservative but the facts show that in reality they don't practice what they preach as shown in this graph:

Click link to see it:

while i think there is some truth to the "the president inherits the good/bad of the previous president," i do not believe that four years of bush sr. dictated the entire 8 years of the clinton era financials. clinton clearly did some good things for the economy.

having said that, 8 years of w. bush will likely dictate all the years of finances during the obama administration. this is a deep, deep hole that we're all trying to dig out from. obama's costing money now, but whoever is next (because i'd be surprised if obama will be a two-termer) will inherit some good from obama, and lots of bad from bush.

clear as mud, right?
You have to factor in some other things than just deficit spending...like tax revenues...even the last few years of Regan's admin, when things were flourishing there was less deficit spending run ups. Clinton had the perfect storm of great economic recovery and all the money that had been spent before he got there. He didn't have to add to it. The second graph added by Hellraiser doesn't show what the running total was during the same time...I'm curious as to what that graph might be. Just because it says that Clinton wasn't adding as much as his predecessors might just mean he didn't have to because of extra tax revenue....

Get Ross Perot in here to explain this...."Now! You see here....This is just like drivin' your daddy's two wheel drive Gremlin when what you need is a bobcat....more metal and less likely tendancies to blow up..."

Just looked up some stats and The Deficit always goes up in a recession (2001--2003) and down when the economy recovers (last two years). Again some of these things can't be totally blamed or credited to the current admins policies.

Going back to the above cartoon...ANY admistration in power during the recovery will see the National Debt as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product go down...as a result of better tax revenues....

Of course that having been said...In the Great Depression, Roosevelt tried deficit spending, but he was too timid. Then he stopped in 1937 and the economy nose-dived. It took the humongous deficits of WWII to pull us out of the Great Depression. Those deficits blasted the economy from depression into overdrive. Back in 1942 the ND as a % of GDP was close to 120%! From 1980-1996 it went from 35% to around 61%. Clinton had it up to about 65% before handing it off around 55%...Bush's first two year were increases up to around 60%, then it leveled off...before the end of his term and the begining of Obama's where it is currently estimated to be close to 75% and rising...he needs to not be timid or things might crash and crash harder...so hang on to your seats folks, your current president will be adding a lot to this.

I will go wash the brunette dye out of my hair now and go back to being a diry blonde (color not behavior).
Dont know too much about American politics, I would take that cartoon with a huge pinch of salt and then some! Comparing it to Fox news is probably not that bolder statement anyhow is it?
^ That's why we should do as what the Bible says, God helps those who helps themselves and not expect the greedy behomoth corporations and their puppet politicians to do anything that is in the best interest of the middle class and the poor
