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Police: Body found appears to be missing porn star

A body found in Kansas appears to be that of a missing college student who led a secret life as an Internet porn star, police said Thursday.

Authorities said the preliminary physical description of the body found about 50 miles east of El Dorado matches that of missing college student Emily Sander. Investigators refused to give details about the state of the body or how it was found.

Sander's case drew wide attention after it was revealed that she appeared nude on a popular adult Web site under the name Zoey Zane. That site was temporarily inaccessible Thursday, as were several sites that bill themselves as "fan" sites of Zane.

But Police Chief Tom Boren insisted Thursday that Sander's Internet activity had no connection to her disappearance.

"The issue of the Internet and the spinoff of that has been literally crippling our investigation," Boren said. Police said publicity about Sander's explicit photos brought a flood of tips, many of them false leads.

Boren said the cause of death was not yet known. An autopsy is planned.

Sander, 18, was last seen leaving an El Dorado bar Friday with Israel Mireles. Mireles became the focus of a nationwide search after police found large quantities of blood in a Kansas motel room where he was staying.

Authorities are looking for Mireles, 24, and his 16-year-old pregnant girlfriend.

The rental car Mireles was driving was found abandoned Tuesday in Vernon, Texas, where he has relatives. Investigators interviewed family members and planned to bring the vehicle back to Kansas for processing.

"We feel they know where he is at, but they haven't shared that with us," Boren said.

Sander attended Butler Community College. Dozens of people gathered Wednesday in El Dorado for a candlelight vigil for her. The turnout moved her grandfather, Clement Sander, who said Emily Sander's disappearance shows tragedy can suddenly strike anyone.

"All I can say to you young folks out there is be careful," he said. "It is a cruel world."

I hope some Christian group doesn't use this as for a porn-is-evil crusade, or that it'll become a TV movie of the week.

RIP Emily.
I feel really bad for her. I hope her family is doing fine.


Staff member
Hope the murderer will be sentenced to the death penalty. May Emily rip.

Will E Worm

I agree this guy deserves the death penalty. Not only for this murder....

Seems people keep missing this...
Authorities are looking for Mireles, 24, and his 16-year-old pregnant girlfriend.

Will E Worm

It truly saddens us to see, in this day and age, that we still live in a society that ridicules a women for doing something that is completely legal. There was some incorrect information leaked to the press yesterday by a unknown individual named "David Thomas" claiming to have information about Emily's "Porn" career. We want to set the record straight. Emily was a solo nude model whose site went live September,25 2007. She was exactly that - a solo girl. There was no interaction between Emily with any Male. It was just Emily, her fun loving personality, and the camera.

This isn't her site. It was taken down. Now it just has information on her


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
May you rest in peace.
Oh come on, please. Some people believe in the death penalty, I say that supporting it makes us accessory to murder and there is never an excuse for murder, especially state sponsored murder.

But whatever you believe about that, you say he deserves to die cause he killed a hot young porn star, fair enough, that's your opinion, I say give him 20 years in jail. But you think that having a 16 year old pregnant girlfriend makes him somehow more hate-able or more guilty? Like hell! 16 is old enough for most things in most states and most countries, and is certainly legal in most of the midwest, just because this guy has a pregnant partner who is a teenager doesn't make him any more despicable or any less despicable, it's completely irrelavant. You know nothing about him or his girl or his baby to be, all you know is, he killed a woman, and it was a disgusting thing to do, and he should be punished accordingly. End of story. It's disrespectful to use someone's very recent death to try and prove moral points (that 24 year olds who get 16 year olds pregnant should be punished, even if it's legal). But each to their own I guess.

This guy should be killed and a guy his age knocking up a sixteen year-old is disgusting. It's called taking advantage of an impressionable mind. Most guys that do this are a bunch of losers.
I heard the local authorities might have been the ones that gave out the fact she was on the Internet. I wonder why they would do that if they though it had nothing to do with the case.
But whatever you believe about that, you say he deserves to die cause he killed a hot young porn star, fair enough, that's your opinion, I say give him 20 years in jail. But you think that having a 16 year old pregnant girlfriend makes him somehow more hate-able or more guilty? Like hell! 16 is old enough for most things in most states and most countries, and is certainly legal in most of the midwest, just because this guy has a pregnant partner who is a teenager doesn't make him any more despicable or any less despicable, it's completely irrelavant. You know nothing about him or his girl or his baby to be, all you know is, he killed a woman, and it was a disgusting thing to do, and he should be punished accordingly. End of story. It's disrespectful to use someone's very recent death to try and prove moral points (that 24 year olds who get 16 year olds pregnant should be punished, even if it's legal).

Keep him on free board and lodging for 20 years. Yep can see where that will punish him :rolleyes:

I've never been one to agree with the death penalty. But I do think that a punishment should fit the crime. But also be productive in a way that people benefit from the person been punished. Just giving them free board and lodging where they learn more skills to break more crimes isn't it. Hence why most criminals continue doing crimes when they come out.

People who get 16 year olds pregnant should be punished. Hmm....there's a reason why the age of consent is 16 in Britain Fox. It's because at 16 the person should be mentally and physically mature enough to be able to decided for themselves what they want. They are also mature enough to remember to take precautions to stop them getting pregnant.
So basically it is their own fault that they get pregnant, maybe more so than the man.
I agree, Fox. While I don't really like the idea that a 24 year old would knock up a sixteen year old, it is legal for him to do so in Kansas. I am much more interested, and angered by a guy who left a bar with a young woman who is NOT his girlfriend, and took her somewhere to kill her (if the facts presented play out as they appear).

The guy is a monster, but not because he has a 16-year old girlfriend. It's the heinous murder he committed.

oh no, RIP :(

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Oh come on, please. Some people believe in the death penalty, I say that supporting it makes us accessory to murder and there is never an excuse for murder, especially state sponsored murder.

But whatever you believe about that, you say he deserves to die cause he killed a hot young porn star, fair enough, that's your opinion, I say give him 20 years in jail. But you think that having a 16 year old pregnant girlfriend makes him somehow more hate-able or more guilty? Like hell! 16 is old enough for most things in most states and most countries, and is certainly legal in most of the midwest, just because this guy has a pregnant partner who is a teenager doesn't make him any more despicable or any less despicable, it's completely irrelavant. You know nothing about him or his girl or his baby to be, all you know is, he killed a woman, and it was a disgusting thing to do, and he should be punished accordingly. End of story. It's disrespectful to use someone's very recent death to try and prove moral points (that 24 year olds who get 16 year olds pregnant should be punished, even if it's legal). But each to their own I guess.

Leave it to you, to use this thread to debate what you believe to be right and wrong. You truly are wee Todd Did...you are, sofa king wee Todd Did. Now why don't you let the people that want to call for the mans head, do so as a way to vent their anger, and sadness. It's not like they can do much more then vent. I doubt the authorities are going to read this and shoot him on site, just because we say he should die. You spend way to much time trying to shove your opinions down everyones throats, and not nearly enough time trying to earn the respect you whine about not getting.


Closed Account
That's a big shame whats the world coming too lets just hope they catch who ever did it.


Closed Account
She was 18 years old, she could have enjoyed life much longer. I really hope the murderer is tortured for the rest of his life.
More a girl's fault than the man's? That's hardly fair. It takes two to make a baby and they should share the blame for their mistake or their creation. If in his home state the age of consent is 16, this guy didn't even commit a crime with his beau. It's not like he said "let's impregnant a 16 year old". Even if he had, how does that make him a monster? They're 8 years apart. The age of consent is 16 in more states than it is 18. They had sex. She got pregnant. It happens. His crime is murder. It should be left at that, and whether his girlfriend is 16 or 60 and has 10 kids or none shouldn't really be an issue.



The age of consent in Kansas is 16. Twenty-eight states plus the District of Columbia list the age of consent at 16 for heterosexuals (in many states it is higher for homosexuals. The next most common age of consent is 18, held by only 14 states, followed by five states at 17, two states at 15, and one state -- Hawaii -- at 14.


Britain has the highest teen pregnancy rate in Europe, compared with some of the more liberal sexual nations, it is deplorable and despicable. So English girls don't exactly have that reputation for responsibility that you suggest.

Really should consider what your putting here Fox.

First yes it is the same for each person entering a sexaul act to make sure protection is in place. But you still have to think that if she didn't want to get pregnant then she would make sure she was protected. The man might not have been bothered. You do get that type of man you know.

To listen to you talk about ages of consent and laws makes me laugh all the more. After all wasn't it you just last week telling everyone where to take minors to legally have sex with them?

The reason Britain has the trouble it has with teenage sex is actually simple. It has nothing to do with the age of consent been 16. As most people can handle a sexual relationship at that age. The problem is and still is the backwards way the Brits have always approached sex. Take the simple thing of viewing a sexual act. You wasn't aloud to even watch a film as a adult if it contained penetration. Till within the last ten years. The sex education at schools didn't begin till you was well into or past pubity at 14. Even then it was a very short version and not much was given on how to prevent it. Just the basic explanation of the act and how to actually make a baby. Again they've only just started to improve this.

So as I explained 16 is a age you can be considered old enough to have sex. But if the education of the act wasn't explained properly, you've got to expect a fault somewhere. Christ I know 16 year old girls that are more like 40 year old women the way they talk and act. So I'm sure 16 isn't the reason why.

Just imagine someone who says he was mature enough and at least a year in front of pubity at 10. Actually say that 16 is too young and is the reason why teens are getting pregnant in Britain :rofl: