

The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
So, the new editions of Pokemon were released in North America today. Did anyone go and pick one up? Being the nerd I am, I went and got a copy of Black. It's actually pretty fun. Planning to use it as a time-waster in the future, though I played it for five hours today.

Yes, I know... I'm a nerd. :surprise:
Are these new ones as fun as the old ones? Me and my friends would go out at night and play together. My mom thought I was doing drugs. How wrong she was.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Are these new ones as fun as the old ones? Me and my friends would go out at night and play together. My mom thought I was doing drugs. How wrong she was.

Actually, surprisingly it is. They made a bunch of small upgrades that make the game run better than the previous ones. I thought that Pearl/Diamond's battle system was too slow, but it's been sped up in Black/White, for example. Plus, they got rid of Geodudes and Zubats, so when you walk through a cave you don't have to fight all those worthless fuckers.


knows petras secret: she farted.
i havent played anything past the yellow version. the TCG on gbc was fun though.

i still play the the actual table-top TCG though.
Pokemon is fuckin awesome. I've disliked everything since Emerald but every now and then I play Crystal, yellow, or Fire Red when I'm bored. My girlfriend is going to buy one of these games soon so I'll probably try it out, but I think they've become really complicated, like using berries, acorns, all the element types the added, weird attacks, mating, happiness and a bunch of other stuff, I'd rather just play the oldschool ones.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I remember playing Yellow, good times.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I lost my GB a long time ago.