[SOLVED] Please identify this shemale

Who is the brunette having sex with some black guy. There's a red quilted headboard on the bed. Almost looks like a couch at first. She's wearing heart shaped earrings if that helps at all. Also its on one those typical shemale sets we all seen before. The one with the buttons/controls on the side of the bed or whatever they call that white box.

Thanks in advance.




The stills are from this video:


At 1:22 and 6:24 there's more but its hard to see because its so quick on screen.
I think (but far from certain) that you're looking at Barbara Vasconcelos (sp). Hope that helps.

Wow I think you're right. Thank you. :clap: I was leaning at Adriana Rodrigues at first but I didn't want to say to throw anyone off the track. Barbara looks more like the girl. Now to find that scene.
Nope, that's neither Adriana Rodrigues nor Barbara Vasconcelos, that's Amanda Vaz, and the scene is from Shemales_Get_Fucked_dot_com video

I hope this helps you finally finding that scene, because I had the same problem :)
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