Pics of DJs and Girls with guns

I'm looking for pics of both naked chicks DJing (or simply with headphones on), and/or chicks with guns.

can anybody direct me to some FREE sites with this kind of content?

lol - Whatever turns you on dude!

I'll keep a look out for pics n' links and I'll post any that I find. Hope you had a good christmas. :cool:
I hope she is not suffering from PMS!:D
i saw a bit of that action girls movie and it made me laugh so hard. There was a clip where this lass was firing a flamethrower into thin air for a good 10 minutes.

She could at least set something on fire
Sorry Rakete I cocked up the link and was to slow editing it. Sorted the first one so click on Set 1 above and you'll get to to the first 6? pics
Set 2
Set 3
The 3 sets contain 25 pics in total
It´s working now, thanks. Looks like she´s got some enemies or maybe she wants to protect her virginity?:D

:rubbel: :rubbel:
ok i give up:) go to ********* and in the babe section youll find what im trying to post a link to.