Pet on Fox's Red Eye?

Hello everyone.

I don't know how many of you watch Red Eye on Fox News (I don't, just happened to watch it one day). A few months ago, they had a Centerfold or Pet... she may have even been a pornstar on their show for an interview. I'm sorry I can't remember which exactly, but she said something about being born on Christmas. She has her own website, but I can't remember that either. I want to say her name has Angel in it somewhere, but an extensive search of Googling 'Angel' in any way, shape or form gives me nothing but a headache. She had shoulder-length black hair at the time and it may have had a streak of red or two in her hair.

Meh, sorry about the lack of information, but that's all I can remember and all I know about her (other than she's hawt). If anything I've said rings a bell or anyone knows who I am talking about, could you please post her name? Many thanks.