Hey guys ,
Since 2014 , my rig is I7 2600k stock , Asus Strix GTX 980 OC , 16 gig ram crucial ballistix tactical 1600 Mhz , Ax860i Corsair , windows 7 x 64, hard drive raptor 10.000 rpm 300 GB.
So my question is , do i need to upgrade my cpu ? And for the GPU side gtx 980 is still a good gpu in 2018 ?
I run most of my game in high or ultra ( 1080p) , but i feel like sometimes i can't sustain a solid 60 fps in ultra with newer games like the evil within 2 , or wolfenstein 2 new colossus .
Thanks !
Since 2014 , my rig is I7 2600k stock , Asus Strix GTX 980 OC , 16 gig ram crucial ballistix tactical 1600 Mhz , Ax860i Corsair , windows 7 x 64, hard drive raptor 10.000 rpm 300 GB.
So my question is , do i need to upgrade my cpu ? And for the GPU side gtx 980 is still a good gpu in 2018 ?
I run most of my game in high or ultra ( 1080p) , but i feel like sometimes i can't sustain a solid 60 fps in ultra with newer games like the evil within 2 , or wolfenstein 2 new colossus .
Thanks !