Little Red Wagon Repairman
Is there anything that Stanley Eisen won't shill or do for money?
Let's put him on a plane to Dubai and find out just what he will or won't do for money. Maybe that Nikki chick will give him some of her frequent flyer miles and he can go for free.
Vinny Vincent shoulda changed his name to Tranny Trincent in this video.
Let's just say that I was in a rock n roll band and we wanted to write some originals and one of my band mates ran these lyrics by me..."Hey man I am cool ..I am the breeze"!.....
Pretty sure I would run over him with a car or something.
Have you heard this one? I am a huge fan of their early stuff pre-Dynasty.
I like it.
Is there anything that Stanley Eisen won't shill or do for money?
People can say what they will, but I still think William Shatner still holds the all time spot as the person that will do anything involving television, movies, or commercials as long as even a little bit of money is involved somewhere. Somebody could probably get him to come to a local public access show a guy holds in his basement for twenty bucks at this point. I'm sure Eisen is just trying to follow in those illustrious footsteps.