Paris "Prison Break" Hilton


Closed Account
I was wondering that myself.

And you people that are deriving pleasure from this:why do you care so much?
What is this big thing she has done against you? My guess is nothing.

If I knew her my guess is that I would not like her. And I am DEFINITELY no fan of hers.

But considering all the terrible things that transpire in the world; on the grand scale of things I would say she is WAY down on the bad person scale. If even on the scale.

I would not gain pleasure at watching someone else's misery. Unless they had done terrible things to others. To my knowledge, she has not.

And having been to jail (rather briefly) I know how incredibly unpleasant it can be.

Some of you people need to get way more things in your lives if you honestly derive such pleasure from watching virtually harmless women suffer.

I don't blame you for not feeling sorry for her. I don't really either.

But to revel in her misery?

I pity you people more then I do her.

I'm just happy because she really believed she was above the law, and she could get away with things just because she was a celebrity. And she has learnt now that she can't.

It's not like she is getting hung and tortured and i'm enjoying watching it, it's just jail time. EASY jail time may I add.

I think it's just a good message to all the members of the recent outbreak of talentless "celebrities".

McR, don't pity people who don't need to be pitied.


It's good to be the king...
OK - I was initially happy to see Ms. Hilton resume her sentence, too.

Then after reading this thread (and other comments elsewhere)...I wondered: apart from justice being seen to be done, why am I happy that Paris Hilton is going back to the clink?

It's baffling that this silly, immature woman whose only contribution to society appears to be some modelling, a lot of partying, a Razzie award (for Worst Supporting Actress in "House of Wax") and a rather dodgy homemade sex video, is the subject of such a lengthy debate. Even more baffling that she is also a "role model" for others.

Like other members has stated on this thread, this says a lot more about how celeb-obsessed we've become, imo......

Being a celebrity is the 'best thing in the world' say children

When I read about surveys like these, then I despair...:(

(ps: I'm still can't help feeling some pleasure that she's going back to jail - no matter how I try to be objective about this....sorry)
Wow, quite a thread!!
I was wondering that myself.

And you people that are deriving pleasure from this:why do you care so much?
What is this big thing she has done against you? My guess is nothing.

If I knew her my guess is that I would not like her. And I am DEFINITELY no fan of hers.

But considering all the terrible things that transpire in the world; on the grand scale of things I would say she is WAY down on the bad person scale. If even on the scale.

I would not gain pleasure at watching someone else's misery. Unless they had done terrible things to others. To my knowledge, she has not.

And having been to jail (rather briefly) I know how incredibly unpleasant it can be.

Some of you people need to get way more things in your lives if you honestly derive such pleasure from watching virtually harmless women suffer.

I don't blame you for not feeling sorry for her. I don't really either.

But to revel in her misery?

I pity you people more then I do her.
That was the PERFECT post.I agree with You completely!!Why is Paris hated so much?--I think it is a sad,sad society that enjoys Her misery so much.I guess people are envious of Her and to see something bad happen to Her somehow makes people feel better about their own boring everyday lives.I cannot understand why most of America and the World seems to want "revenge" on a young Woman that they have never met.What has She done to any of You personally that makes you celebrate Her misery??--I don't get it.-There are many real villians and bad people in this city,,hell,in any city.She IS NOT one of them.--In My opinion these hateful and envious attitudes point out a bad side of human nature and really show what is wrong with society.
And yet a society that respects and worships her isn't sad?
I seriously doubt that anyone worships Her,but I believe that human beings do deserve respect.And after all,She is not a murderer or child abuser,She is guilty of a traffic misdomeaner.Los Angeles has way bigger problems than Paris Hilton.If You had ever been here,You would damn sure agree with Me on that.


Closed Account
I seriously doubt that anyone worships Her,but I believe that human beings do deserve respect.And after all,She is not a murderer or child abuser,She is guilty of a traffic misdomeaner.Los Angeles has way bigger problems than Paris Hilton.If You had ever been here,You would damn sure agree with Me on that.

That is where you are wrong, there are a lot (A LOT!) of teenage girls (and younger) who look up to her and idolise her. This is a good thing to happen, for their sakes.

I know she isn't a child abuser or murder, BLAH BLAH. Yes, it was a misdomeaner, and she got put away for it. She got put away for it. She is spending time in jail, the same amount of time any normal citizen would....

And you don't see why people are happy?

She is a useless celebrity who thinks she is amazing, and she thought she was untouchable. This has proved her wrong.

That is why people are happy.
That is where you are wrong, there are a lot (A LOT!) of teenage girls (and younger) who look up to her and idolise her. This is a good thing to happen, for their sakes.

I know she isn't a child abuser or murder, BLAH BLAH. Yes, it was a misdomeaner, and she got put away for it. She got put away for it. She is spending time in jail, the same amount of time any normal citizen would....

And you don't see why people are happy?

She is a useless celebrity who thinks she is amazing, and she thought she was untouchable. This has proved her wrong.

That is why people are happy.



Closed Account
What is this big thing she has done against you? My guess is nothing.

She has tried to beat the system. Thinking she is better than every other citizen and above the law because she was born into money. I take great offense to that, yes I do.

But considering all the terrible things that transpire in the world; on the grand scale of things I would say she is WAY down on the bad person scale. If even on the scale.

She certainly is, I agree wholeheartedly on that. What you seem not to be taking into consideration here is the thread is about her, not world hunger. So we are posting accordingly.

And having been to jail (rather briefly) I know how incredibly unpleasant it can be.

Then I'm sure you know the old adage "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." ? Nobody should be allowed to be above the law. Sorry, that's just the way it should be and if its not carried that way, yes it angers me as a citizen.

Some of you people need to get way more things in your lives if you honestly derive such pleasure from watching virtually harmless women suffer.

This is a bit dramatic isn't it? Nobody said they got pleasure from her (I won't say suffering because calling it that's a joke) being incarcerated for breaking the law. We only stated her trying to buy or bs her way out of it sucks. You have your opinion we have ours, but trying to make it something its not isn't fair.

But to revel in her misery?

See above.

I pity you people more then I do her.

Don't pity me I see with my eyes wide open. ;) I really am growing tired of the "you people" crap too. Sorry, but in every thread just about you talk down to us. Its getting real stale. I , as well as others allow you your "freedom of speech" without implying anything about you personally. The same in return would be nice. We all are as you well know entitled to our "opinions". All the above IMHO only of course.

I don't revel in her misery, but the stupid cunt (pardon my expression ladies) has to realize she isn't not above the law, and that if she breaks the law she will pay. She should be grateful because i'm SURE she could have gotten a worse sentence, so she needs to shut her spoiled mouth and just take her punishment. The rest of us would not have been able to get out of it.


It's good to be the king...


This is a bit dramatic isn't it? Nobody said they got pleasure from her (I won't say suffering because calling it that's a joke) being incarcerated for breaking the law. We only stated her trying to buy or bs her way out of it sucks. You have your opinion we have ours, but trying to make it something its not isn't fair.
It seemed pretty clear to me that some members on here were getting certain levels of joy at the image of her crying and going off to jail.
To get joy in that to me is wrong.
If you wish to feel that justice was done - fine. I think it was. But to actually enjoy seeing someone suffer - which clearly in that picture she was - is insensitive and is rather petty, in my opinion.
Can you people not find other more worthy people to thrust such pleasure at their downfall and unhappiness on?

Don't pity me I see with my eyes wide open. ;) I really am growing tired of the "you people" crap too. Sorry, but in every thread just about you talk down to us.
And exactly which post did I make that I indicated that I felt superior to anyone period, let alone anyone here? Because if you are going to make such an accusation, I would appreciate you backing it up.
Stating one's displeasure or disappointment or disagreement with what others believe or type does not necessarily mean condescension.
And for the record, I feel zero superiority to anyone in here. Why? Because NO one is better then anyone. Ever.
Its getting real stale. I , as well as others allow you your "freedom of speech" without implying anything about you personally. The same in return would be nice. We all are as you well know entitled to our "opinions". All the above IMHO only of course.


Imply all you wish about me. In fact, please state it straight out when you have a problem with me. I welcome it. I am here to pass the time and to learn. And one can learn much from such comments/complaints. Do you not agree? Maybe you will make me aware of something I am not aware of myself.
Though I would appreciate it if you would try and keep your comments - past the first one - to pm's and not let them disrupt the thread. But you obviously know that.

That was the PERFECT post.I agree with You completely!!Why is Paris hated so much?--I think it is a sad,sad society that enjoys Her misery so much.I guess people are envious of Her and to see something bad happen to Her somehow makes people feel better about their own boring everyday lives.I cannot understand why most of America and the World seems to want "revenge" on a young Woman that they have never met.What has She done to any of You personally that makes you celebrate Her misery??--I don't get it.-There are many real villians and bad people in this city,,hell,in any city.She IS NOT one of them.--In My opinion these hateful and envious attitudes point out a bad side of human nature and really show what is wrong with society.

My guess is that you hit on the reasons pretty clearly. What other reason could it be? Probably others, but none that come to mind.

Great post, in my opinion.
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OK - I was initially happy to see Ms. Hilton resume her sentence, too.

Then after reading this thread (and other comments elsewhere)...I wondered: apart from justice being seen to be done, why am I happy that Paris Hilton is going back to the clink?

It's baffling that this silly, immature woman whose only contribution to society appears to be some modelling, a lot of partying, a Razzie award (for Worst Supporting Actress in "House of Wax") and a rather dodgy homemade sex video, is the subject of such a lengthy debate. Even more baffling that she is also a "role model" for others.

Like other members has stated on this thread, this says a lot more about how celeb-obsessed we've become, imo......

Being a celebrity is the 'best thing in the world' say children

When I read about surveys like these, then I despair...:(

(ps: I'm still can't help feeling some pleasure that she's going back to jail - no matter how I try to be objective about this....sorry)

A very good post, imo.
I know its petty of me to relish in the fact that she hasnt got her own way, hell she was about to throw a pool party for fucks sake. I honestly can't stand the girl and i want a whole world of pain to land at her door step.
She hasn't even gone to a proper jail with normal civilians. I reckon charlie manson would sort her type out.

Good riddance Paris, your a stain on society.


Hiliary 2020
OK - I was initially happy to see Ms. Hilton resume her sentence, too.

Then after reading this thread (and other comments elsewhere)...I wondered: apart from justice being seen to be done, why am I happy that Paris Hilton is going back to the clink?

It's baffling that this silly, immature woman whose only contribution to society appears to be some modelling, a lot of partying, a Razzie award (for Worst Supporting Actress in "House of Wax") and a rather dodgy homemade sex video, is the subject of such a lengthy debate. Even more baffling that she is also a "role model" for others.
This is a negative force and can be (or already is) a big social problem.

Like other members has stated on this thread, this says a lot more about how celeb-obsessed we've become, imo......

Being a celebrity is the 'best thing in the world' say children

When I read about surveys like these, then I despair...:(

(ps: I'm still can't help feeling some pleasure that she's going back to jail - no matter how I try to be objective about this....sorry)

Speaking about that link, I despair also.
Its that rotten box man, Its created a generation of kids with unrealistic ambitions, a something for nothing mentallity. Wheres my stuff man? Why didn't Mommy and Daddy leave me millions?
And I am afraid we are seeing the beginning of a Shallow, self centered generation who cares more about how others percieve them than anything else.

I hope you liked my post. I'm cool, I'm cool, really I'm cool, dontcha think I'm cool? I'm cool Damit!!