paranormal experiences thread aka SG's hobbies



Ok, I've had several requests, in threads & pms, to elaborate further on my paranormal experiences and/or hobbies. I've been a little busy lately, so I apologize for not getting around to it sooner. I'll try to explain as well as I can. Anyone can share a paranormal experience they've had, or discuss whether or not certain paranormal phenomena actually exist.

I believe it is possible to "survive" death, and exist on a plane that is neither earthly nor divine. I believe nobody really has the answers to what happens when we die, so spirit activity is a very real and plausible explanation to certain phenomena.

Why do I believe this? The life experiences of myself and my fiance seem to support these claims, as do the experiences of a large number of paranormal investigators.

When my fiance was a child, he lived in a haunted house. He consistently witnessed ghosts in his room at night, and in various parts of the home. Once his family moved from the house, they found out it was built on a burial ground. While I haven't witnessed a bodily apparition, my sense of smell and my dreams are my connection to the spirit world. A few weeks ago, I had a dream in which I heard two children screaming and a man talking. It was obvious they were being sexually abused by this man. I had a feeling that the dream was real, so I started to research my apartment complex at our local library. I learned that a convicted sex offender lived in the apartment complex, and committed suicide in prison, while awaiting trial for child abuse. I did not know this before I moved in...

One of my hobbies is recording EVPs, aka Electronic Voice Phenomenon. The theory is that spirits communicate via frequencies not audible to human ears the vast majority of the time. But if you use a voice recorder and software that picks up sounds on the tape that you can't, you can hear the voices of spirits. I've collected several EVPs from cemeteries in my area, and I hope to build my own website soon. It's a truly wonderful experience to hear voices responding to what you're asking or saying.

Another of my hobbies is cemetery photography. While not particularly paranormal, it's interesting to capture gravestone images before the old ones are eroded away. There's a certain quality to cemeteries that begs to be captured on film. It's also a way to respect the dead, and preserve their memory, imo.

The other day I was attempting to photograph a gravestone that had sunk backwards into the ground. When I put the camera to my eye, I smelled a truly repulsive smell. A dozen flies began buzzing around my head. I backed away about 3 feet, and the smell vanished completely. The bugs quit dive-bombing my head when I took another few steps back toward the road. There wasn't a logical explanation. The grass in the cemetery was freshly mowed, so no dead animals could be hiding in the grass. Three feet clearly isn't enough to stop a strong stench completely, and the behavior of the flies was awfully strange to have a scientific cause. I believe the spirit did not want it's grave photographed, and that was it's way of letting me know.

I also believe in psychic ability, and the power of the mind/body connection, as evidenced by my life experience. My fiance and I have the ability to communicate psychically. We discovered this only a few months ago while playing around with a quarter. I had a quarter in my hand, and jokingly told my fiance to guess the state on the back of the quarter. He guessed Virginia and got it right. I suggested we try another quarter...again, he guessed the state correctly. We decided to try other things, such as street names, authors, and movie titles. 90% of the time, his answers are correct. I can "send" info, but can't receive it..whereas he can "receive" info from me, but can't "send". However, I'm working on it with meditation and getting a little bit better. We like to entertain/scare friends & family with our "trick". There's no scientific reason why we get 9/10 answers correct, and that's a ridiculous probability when you consider how many authors and movie titles there are to choose from.

As for the mind/body connection, for the past four years I've experienced amenorrhea. I tried manufactured drugs, herbal drugs, etc. and nothing was working. Then I tried willing my body to cure itself, and it happened. I've been amenorrhea-free for 4 months now. I haven't changed my diet, exercise routine, or stress level to accomplish it - I simply used my mind to regulate my body.

Since this post is getting terribly long, I'll post some useful links below. Hope everyone enjoyed reading my experiences.
don't take the brown acid.


^^I've taken so many drugs, you can't count that high. Part of the reason I've had to take them is because of the unexplained shit that I can't deal with. There's been more than what I've posted, but I don't have the time or the mental capacity to explain it all.
Very cool thread. There is a show on A&E called Paranormal State. I do believe in other dimensions and I have an open mind about this and other unexplained phenomena. And I don't do any drugs.
And I don't do any drugs.


I'm going to skip all the complicated pseudo-science, but let me just say that there is a lot of thought about the properties and the capabilities of the psyche. Part of his phenomenon is probably most easily understood and recognized is the many familiar accounts of "out of body experience." There is also what is called Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming, all states that indicate a level of detachment of the consciousness from the apparent physical body.

There are also multiple experiments with drugs, most notably LSD and psilocybin, in achieving "altered" states of consciousness and perception. I'm curious about a hallucinogen (which I will not name, but some may perhaps know what I am referring to) that distorts the perception of time elapse as a possible meditative/learning tool.

so in a nutshell, I see your point. But let me suppose this: I'm not sure that I believe that when you die your psyche becomes a disembodied consciousness floating through space. Perhaps when you die you mentally conceive of yourself as a non-existing entity, and so you experience psychic death as you also experience physical death.

Or how's this for a far out idea... maybe your consciousness does leave your body, but it's not really as a consciousness, more like a subconsciousness, where you lack any awareness of self and past life. It simply becomes, for the time being part of the All Conscious, God, if you wish to call it such. And then at some point the soul-apparent, will be "beamed down" to possess, reincarnate,as it were, a new body and once again form an individual attached consciousness.


I've had an "OBE" or sleep paralysis on at least three occasions in my life, all 3 occurrences took place just after going to bed. Here's a description -

Brush Teeth - Get into bed and you're just lying there with your eyes open.

You feel yourself dozing somewhat, in sort of a suspended half asleep state and at the same time a "pressure" develops that fills the room. Your ear's begin to ring or at least get the feeling we get in our ears when traveling from sea level to 8,000 ' elevation in our vehicles. You absolutely cannot move, something is causing you to panic and you still cannot move. You hear yourself sort of yelling out, possibly waling, as a result of the paralysis. You insist to your inner being that your eyes are wide open, you begin to panic all the greater, like something is sucking the life out of you. Breathing also seems sort of restricted. You "see" nothing out of the normal.
You still cannot move . . . and you just ride it out for what seems like an hour, yet it's likely no more than 5 minutes of experience. An other worldly experience ! Not for the faint at heart :nono:
I can say that I am definitely into cemetery photography at least. One of my friends and I like to go to old cemeteries and take pictures. I've even gone with Becks to a couple of them. It is a cool feeling walking around the forgotten graves. When I was younger, I even had sex in cemeteries a few times. But I think I have outgrown that. Plus, looking back, it seems disrespectful to be fucking some chick while she's propped up on someone's headstone.

As for the other stuff, I am basically skeptical, but that's probably because I've never experienced anything weird myself. I've been in so many abandoned houses and buildings hoping to see something weird, but I never do. (Except one time, some guy was on the roof of his house with a shotgun.) Becks has told me that she's seen ghosts. Why don't they ever pick me!!! (Probably because I fuck on their graves I guess.)

It was interesting reading about your experiences, sputty.


(((Looking For Answers )))

What happens to a cemetery when all of the plots have been filled ?

How do the bills get paid ?

Who maintains them ? Is there a maintenance endowment fund which pays for maint well after the sites formally close their door(s).

Just Curious :dunno:
Yesterday I was chilling out with two ghosts, it was kinda cool. I need to say that those bastards are complete perverts: making use of their translucency and flying possibilities dirty motherfuckers enjoy sneak peeking and doing advanced upskirts. Those who were fond of "in the crack" porn series also afford themselves two slightly travel inside the pussy or even asshole of a good looking girl. No wonder, cuz one of them was a digger in his previous life.

They also tell me that they like to dig themseves into every blunt that is smoked on the planet Earth, and take the form of that thick smoke coming out.

I was almost jealous, until they told me about serious beef that happened between ghosts and werewolfs (most republicans are werewolfs after death). I understood that their life was not an easy road: even in the other world there it ain't no harmony!
One of my hobbies is recording EVPs, aka Electronic Voice Phenomenon. The theory is that spirits communicate via frequencies not audible to human ears the vast majority of the time. But if you use a voice recorder and software that picks up sounds on the tape that you can't, you can hear the voices of spirits. I've collected several EVPs from cemeteries in my area, and I hope to build my own website soon. It's a truly wonderful experience to hear voices responding to what you're asking or saying.


The other day I was attempting to photograph a gravestone that had sunk backwards into the ground. When I put the camera to my eye, I smelled a truly repulsive smell. A dozen flies began buzzing around my head. I backed away about 3 feet, and the smell vanished completely. The bugs quit dive-bombing my head when I took another few steps back toward the road. There wasn't a logical explanation. The grass in the cemetery was freshly mowed, so no dead animals could be hiding in the grass. Three feet clearly isn't enough to stop a strong stench completely, and the behavior of the flies was awfully strange to have a scientific cause. I believe the spirit did not want it's grave photographed, and that was it's way of letting me know.


I also believe in psychic ability, and the power of the mind/body connection, as evidenced by my life experience. My fiance and I have the ability to communicate psychically. We discovered this only a few months ago while playing around with a quarter. I had a quarter in my hand, and jokingly told my fiance to guess the state on the back of the quarter. He guessed Virginia and got it right. I suggested we try another quarter...again, he guessed the state correctly. We decided to try other things, such as street names, authors, and movie titles. 90% of the time, his answers are correct. I can "send" info, but can't receive it..whereas he can "receive" info from me, but can't "send". However, I'm working on it with meditation and getting a little bit better. We like to entertain/scare friends & family with our "trick". There's no scientific reason why we get 9/10 answers correct, and that's a ridiculous probability when you consider how many authors and movie titles there are to choose from.

As for the mind/body connection, for the past four years I've experienced amenorrhea. I tried manufactured drugs, herbal drugs, etc. and nothing was working. Then I tried willing my body to cure itself, and it happened. I've been amenorrhea-free for 4 months now. I haven't changed my diet, exercise routine, or stress level to accomplish it - I simply used my mind to regulate my body.

Since this post is getting terribly long, I'll post some useful links below. Hope everyone enjoyed reading my experiences.

The EVPs are potentially interesting, but my guess is that they're not much of anything. The mind-reading w/ your fiance is interesting, but as for the films and books, maybe you have similar inventories of books & films in your minds, and thus you greatly increase the odds of thinking of the same thing at the same time.

The graveyard incident probably could be explained logically in 1,001 ways. If you've ever been forced to unleash or inhale a fart in a closed space like a car or plane, you'll know that 3 feet can make a world of difference! I'm guessing that you have attached unjustified significance to some random events of nature.

The thing about curing yourself of amenorrhea is VERY interesting. Good for you that you were able to do that....somehow!
The starter of this thread may very well believe what she is saying but unfortunately the paranormal, occult and the supernatural have never had good evidence to prove that any of it is true. These phenomenon can be explained with easily with a minimum of scientific investigation. Try this link if you want the truth behind much of the unexplained:


(((Looking For Answers )))

What happens to a cemetery when all of the plots have been filled ?

How do the bills get paid ?

Who maintains them ? Is there a maintenance endowment fund which pays for maint well after the sites formally close their door(s).

Just Curious :dunno:

Most cemeteries are owned by churches, so they end up buying more land. If they're owned by a specific church, burial fees & church collections pay for the upkeep. If they aren't owned by a specific church, they fail into disrepair until the community decides to get some grant money to clean them up. Or the land they're on is sold to an individual owner and they end up mowing the property (which is about all the maintenance an old, abandoned cemetery needs).

I'm not sure who actually owns a couple of the cemeteries in my area or who the caretakers are. Those are the older ones, of course. I've seen stones dating back to the early 1800s.
I like ghosts and they like me.

OBEs are interesting. I have them, and they're cool. I just don't like the feeling of coming back to my body. To me, it's my equivilant of the feeling when the wheels of an airplane first hit the tarmac.


There's OBE & there's astral projection..I assume you guys are talking about astral projecting?
oo good one I can tell you that I would say I probably believe in ghosts or spirits. Heres a few stories believe em if you want. Whenever I was a kid I was lying in my bed and in the middle of the night. This spirit was sitting at the far end of my old room, it was like a small deer sort of thing with a goblin on it. I froze and wanted to scream but couldn't.
Furthermore more recently I remember one time my friend and my granny were both really sick. So I decided to look up don't ask me why an angel language on the Internet. I wrote a letter to my archangel and Michael the head angel and left it beside my bed. I can remember feeling like a breeze enter my room that night were I had left my letter beside my bed, no windows or doors open etc. The next day miraculously my friend and granny were both well and no longer sick to this day I believe that, to be the work of either an angel or some sort of spirit.