What a joke this whole thing is. Dr. Laura was 100% correct in what she was trying to say. Black people spout this word in every other sentence, but if a white person were to utter the word, even as in this case, when there is no malice intended, Al Sharpton comes out of the woodwork, and the entire black population goes crazy.
Dr. Laura should never have caved in and apologized. She was right.
yeah but its not a joke.
its getting to be a serious problem and i think a sign of a bigger problem in the future.
also keep in mind its not the entire black pop that making this a big deal,a lot just don't care or see it for what it is.
its mostly self loathing, imbedded guilt complex whites who make this crap a big deal and twist the reality of it so they can use the word racist and feel a feeling of self worth smugness.
but i'm getting sick of it.
its not about 1st amendment rights, its human rights.
its a form of bullying, intimidation actually.
but like i said a million times, keep whites scared and blacks angry.
divide and conquer.
sad that so many on this board fall for it over and over again.
ok so now we have a black prez, or half black but he calls himself black and the accusations of racism are more now than ever before.
i don't get it, is there a connection?
PS - Sara Palin, if youre reading this,do me a favor, stay off of my side.