Over the TOP!

I spent countless hours looking for an addtion to the thread I started...'over the hills...' http://board.freeones.com/showpost.php?p=3427577&postcount=1 that looked like this...

Then I decided that this should have it's own thread. I know its not funny but I really want you boys to appreciate the time and effort this took.

The fingers on my left hand are cramped from the frequent stops I had to take while working on this project. I bought rechargeable batteries and had to take them out and recharge them 4 or 5 times....You can't imagine the number of photos of naked women taken from every angle that I HAD to page through. Sometimes taking several minutes to 'examine' each one. I think I drank several gallons of water trying to replace my fluids...I think my record was 16 the first hour.
Please consider the sacrifice and enjoy the fruits of my labor...all that I ask in return is help finding more like this.

Hissy, do you want to add one of your own to this thread too? I'm sure I wouldn't be the only appreciative one here. And if you need help at the bottom....send me a ticket and I will be there!


  • 52226_0604_123_991lo.jpg
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Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Wow. Just wow. That's all that really needs to be said. I'm sure some sort of gratitude is in order - so I'll try to find a shot like this as well to show my appreciation. I can't imagine that it would be hotter than this one though...
What's hotter? The photo or the image that now imprinted in my mind of hillhopper getting a cramp in her left hand. I know I only have the small little picture in her avatar to go on but . . . it's there :D


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
dehydration is a common reaction when viewing this thread.

Thanks hillhopper

Ace Bandage

The one and only.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Wait is that you in the OP Pic Hillhop?

Ha! We wish. If you google "girls going down on each other" and then look at images, it's on the first page.
Damn, that's hot! :banana:
Amber adds nice view


  • amberlynnbach108-013.jpg
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Goodness gracious me... Hillhopper you're a goddess among mere mortals. If I could give you multiple rep for one post this would be it. We who are about to be unavailable for the next little while, salute you.
Wait is that you in the OP Pic Hillhop?

No not me, found by me...after hours of searching and 'researching'...

What's hotter? The photo or the image that now imprinted in my mind of hillhopper getting a cramp in her left hand. I know I only have the small little picture in her avatar to go on but . . . it's there :D

Thank you Blue..

Goodness gracious me... Hillhopper you're a goddess among mere mortals. If I could give you multiple rep for one post this would be it. We who are about to be unavailable for the next little while, salute you.

I figured you boys would like this sort of stuff, I certainly do!

You ain't the only one:thumbsup:

Thank you too, Sky

Wait so the OP Pic isnt hillhop but she is claiming it is her? Which makes her another fake on this site? :confused:

As above....no not me, no claims...I'm not even as brave as Hissy to post as much of me as she has..

Nice addtions RY! Reps to those who I could...