One Nation Under God.

I'm sure a few of you will have come across this image, but for those of you who haven't I submit this for your approval.

This is obviously a fundamentalist conservative Christians view of how the United States really is or how it really should be and I have to tell you it really is nice to know there are people out there who think this is the case. You may have even had one as a leader for 8 years. No, I doubt Bush was this ignorant, but you never know.

So what can we see here? We see a group gathered round a central figure. But no this is no ordinary group as you can plainly see. These are very important people; especially it would seem those on the upper level – the level of power we’ll call it. Those who have been at one time or another the in the position of leadership of the United States and all the power that goes with it. Ex-presidents, founding fathers plus a few soldiers and wives etc, etc. All in complete submission to this great central figure and you wouldn’t want it any other way, would you? Some even on their knees in an act of complete submission. Almost as if they have no power at all in comparison to this giant of a creature. The true power behind the United States lies within the brightly lit central figure it would seem and oh how proud you all should be because of it. :yesyes:

It’s quite surprising the level of factual ignorance there is within this picture isn’t there? Firstly the fact that so many of the founders were either closet atheists or of the deistic persuasion and had no interest in the Christian religion whatsoever and based many of their political beliefs on secular ideals; are just one of many flaws within it’s perceived logic. What else is presented here, other than Washington there’s only one other person who towers above the rest and that is of course that great conservative hero Ronald Regan. I wonder why? :D

Now we let our eyes drift downwards. To the bottom left hand side of the screen – or as it would be more fitting, Jesus’ right. We have a proud soldier, a mother and child and a group of people gathered around in prayer. Obviously a depiction of the artists clan and isn’t it sweet of him to give us some insight into their world. Now on the other side (Jesus’ left) what do we have? A depiction of the "other" side. I’m guessing the man in black with his face in his hands weeping is a judge and going by the context of the painting, I’m guessing that’s the chief justice and the papers scattered beneath him is a certain “Roe V. Wade” judgment of a few years ago that so many of the painters persuasion find so abhorrent. A pregnant woman who obviously wants an abortion (she is a woman after all, which is what they want. They can’t get enough of them). A banker, a female journalist. Someone who looks a lot like Richard Dawkins (maybe he's just a representation all of science and science teachers). And a guy in a red shirt who is quite obviously Satan.

Oh and of course, Jesus is in the centre holding up the constitution for all to see.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. There's some real talent on show here. :hatsoff:


  • jmOneNationUnderGod_web.jpg
    70.8 KB · Views: 99
nice post BB should make for some errrrmm interesting replies


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Throwing them a big bone.

I will check back into this for sure :)


jesus looked like yasser arafat, minus the towel.

and one nation under Tia Ling, for example, sounds so much better. if a country like that is ever created i will immediately join.


great post.

Hadn't seen that until now :D :rolleyes:
It'd be funnier if so many people didn't actually believe it.
Instead it's actually pretty chilling, but thankfully less so than when that cabal was in power.

It’s quite surprising the level of factual ignorance there is within this picture isn’t there?

Sadly it's not surprising at all.
It has a sort of Norman Rockwell look to it.

I have not much further comment.

Really doesn't bother me ,don't think it says much that is impressive.
There is an interactive version of this which has little explanations that pop up as you scroll across the painting. There is a another one which has opposing explanations. I'll try and find them.
Do you have a link for where you got this pic from?

also, where is this pic from?

I would like to see a bigger version of it to read what is on the books some of the characters are holding.

This pic has so many metaphors, I'am going to have to come back with my opinions.
Do you have a link for where you got this pic from?

also, where is this pic from?

I first came to hear about it when someone referenced it in a YouTube video. The name of which I cannot remember.

But I believe the original source is here:

The artist does attempt to comment on some of the criticisms levelled against him. Whether or not you choose to take his word for it is your choice.

I would like to see a bigger version of it to read what is on the books some of the characters are holding.

The person who I assumed was Richard Dawkins is definitely holding "The Origin of the Species" by Charles Darwin, but other than that, I can't help you.

Maybe there are bigger versions elsewhere.


Postal Paranoiac
This is clearly a pro-life supporter's artwork. It's well done. Too bad it's so biased. I'm pretty sure Jesus' artwork would be a little different.