Olympian banned for life!!!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member

Since I care nothing for the games, my only really 'constructive' opinion is that.. arent martial arts supposed to teach discipline? heh heh

Speaking of the olympics, I wonder if they made another Track 'n Field game for anything newer than the NES... button mashing badness. But still sorta nice as a time waster. Hmph.
d o u c h e b a g

And his coach, too. Reading the entire article, and having heard a few other stories it sounds as though the olympics has filled up with protesting, recount-demanding babies.

Or has it always been that way. I don't really watch, so I don't know.



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
It was, what, a twenty second difference? Why did you roundhouse him? The ref made a bad choice, sure, but if a ref got kicked every time they made a bad move no one would win a medal. Jesus Christ, tae kwon do was messed up these Olympics.
Speaking of the olympics, I wonder if they made another Track 'n Field game for anything newer than the NES... button mashing badness. But still sorta nice as a time waster. Hmph.

If you used a controller with rapid fire capabilities it made you almost invincible in a lot of events on that game. Otherwise that was the type of game that could pretty much destroy your wrist and fingers it was so hard on them.

Since I care nothing for the games, my only really 'constructive' opinion is that.. arent martial arts supposed to teach discipline? heh heh

Speaking of the olympics, I wonder if they made another Track 'n Field game for anything newer than the NES... button mashing badness. But still sorta nice as a time waster. Hmph.

I also find the Olympics unnecessary and uninteresting. He shouldn't have kicked the ref but bad things do happen to good people.:yinyang:
On one hand, the athlete never should have kicked the ref, but on the other hand, the athlete never should have penalized, he was getting stitches and that takes time, especially if you want it done right and carefully.
It seems the referee was just following the rules. If his opponent hurt him enough with a legal maneuver that he couldn't get fixed up in time then he shouldn't win.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
It seems the referee was just following the rules. If his opponent hurt him enough with a legal maneuver that he couldn't get fixed up in time then he shouldn't win.

From what I heard, the ref cut his time out short. He was supposed to get a set amount of time, as designated by international Tae Kwon Do rules, and the ref cut the time short. The ref had no right to do that, but the Cuban took it overboard.
It seems the referee was just following the rules. If his opponent hurt him enough with a legal maneuver that he couldn't get fixed up in time then he shouldn't win.
i agree with that!

From what I heard, the ref cut his time out short. He was supposed to get a set amount of time, as designated by international Tae Kwon Do rules, and the ref cut the time short. The ref had no right to do that, but the Cuban took it overboard.

The guy that needed stitches was the ref, not the fighter! the Cuban apparently broke his toe and could not continue, or at least that was what his side was saying. seems like the ref was just going by the book and following the rules!
That was pretty bogus, but the ref did make a wrong call. Matos shouldn't of kicked him like that. Shit, if only some of those fucking NBA & NFL refs would get the same treatment. . .

:2 cents:
Wrong call or not- this is supposed to be what makes us civilized people. Just because things don't go your way- Olympic competition or not- you can't violently attack someone else. And if you do, you shouldn't whine about the consequences.

I think there should be a criminal assault charge on this half-wit. I didn't see a follow up, did they ban his asshat coach, too?
