Ok, *ahem* Women are putting wasp nests in their vaginas

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

*Disclaimer: No flaky-ass rad-feminazis were harmed during the production of this post - but only cause they ran.
Great, the next porn craze. At least its not smelly anal :(

Mmm... I love how your vagina has a buzzing feel to i-- ow! What the he'll? Did I get stung? Fuck! What the fuck???

Doesn't my vagina feel tighter and better though baby?
Luckily I'm not allergic to be stings but that shit cray. A few years ago my neighbor came over pounding on the door and asked if I'd give her a ride to the emergency room STAT. I thought she was having a stroke or something because visably she looked OK. She mentioned being stung in the neck while mowing and that she was highly allergic. I ran to get the keys and grabbed a box of benedryl I personally take that was on the counter and hauled ass. I fed her 2 pills and 10min later when we got there she looked like the elephant man on water retention pills and was struggling to breath. The doc said her esophagus was swelling shut and it was a good thing I gave her those meds. I has a brain sumtimes ;)





Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Wait, what?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Beauty is pain. If you want to self-harm because your vag is loose, go for it.
Every harmful action you can do to skin causes it to scar and 'tighten', soo... I mean.. fuck letting a doctor give you a 5000$ bill for what you can do yourself. Slowly.
And dare I say.. 'green'ly. *rimshot*

(Saying it is gluten free would just be cheesing it too far, right? Right.)


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Folks, let me tell you something. I don't have a vagina. I have an anus. Putting a wasp nest up my ass would be passed out from defecation. How can I enjoy this wasp nest implanting on a regular basis? Please reply with your suggestions.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Bitches be crazy.