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Obama vs the Choices We Had


Official Checked Star Member
Everyone is being a Monday morning quarterback on the right. There is a lot of I told you so's and posturing about Obama and his failures and his evil plan to give poor people health care. So I thought I'd compile a little reminder of the choices we had.


John McCain - We had grandpa McCain who is a respectable senator, war hero and someone who has worked with both sides of the aisle to get things done, putting ideas first and policy second. One of the most disliked republicans within his own party for being so friendly with the democrats, but he was seen as the lesser evil. He was also considered to be the most electable and marketable to independents and democrats on the fence. And let's not forget his running mate Sarah Palin. She is considered to be a big reason he lost the election. She was originally a huge boost to the campaign with her history as governor of Alaska. Then she started to talk and everyone realized how clueless and unqualified she was. Then a scandal in Alaska popped up involving a fired state trooper. And then the anti-sex ed in schools abstinence only enthusiast's 17 year old daughter turned up pregnant out of wedlock. The hits kept coming and she became defiant to the campaign and a loose canon that hurt McCain far more than she helped.

Mitt Romney - The Ward Cleaver of politicians. A guy who inherited a ton of money from his father and ran a company that bought companies, borrowed against them and then ran them out of business called "Corporate Raiders" Some did well and many didn't. Many jobs were lost while Mitt got rich. VERY appealing to the pro-business republicans. But, he's a Mormon and that doesn't sit too well with the evangelists who have a ton of money and a big influence in Washington these days. Mormons believe Jesus lived in Missouri. They believe that we come from the planet Kolab which scientist have never found and that magical underwear will make us fertile and protect us from evil influences. Oh yeah, the religion was invented by a teenager in the 1800s named Joseph Smith. He spent more than 100 million of his own dollars on his failed bid to win the nomination.

Mike Huckabee Huckabee is a cartoon-ish looking guy, charismatic and seems like a nice guy. He was a far right religious person, and ordained Southern Baptist minister. You know, that division of the baptist church that says dancing is a sin. He plays bass and we all know that the nerd in the band is the bass player.

Ron Paul a libertarian who has a huge following and was the only republican candidate who wanted to end both wars. He had more support from the military than all the others combined. He just has zero charisma but obviously his ideas resonate with younger people which were his base.

The Result - Obama would go on to win a decisive victory over McCain in both the electoral and popular vote; he received the largest percentage of the popular vote for a Democrat in nearly a half-century. Obama's successes in obtaining a major party's nomination and winning the general election were both firsts for an African American. Obama won the popular vote by a little over 10 MILLION votes and nearly 200 electoral college votes.


Mitt Romney - Romney beefed up his campaign and this time won the nomination. He changed many of his previous stances on abortion (he was pro choice in the 2000's as governor of Massachusetts) and on health care which the Obamacare law was nearly identical to the health care that Romney implemented as governor. He refused to admit this and that made him look like a "say anything" candidate. He was backed by big business because of his pro-business anti-regulation views. He was predicted by the entire Fox news pundit staff that he would win in a landslide. Karl Rove donated over $100 million dollars to his campaign as did Sheldon Adelson who committed up to $150 million if needed. Romney ran the most negative campaign in history with 3 of every 4 ads being attack ads. Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal said afterward when asked why the election was lost that "Romney made the mistake of making his campaign about his biography and attacking the other guy instead of how he would fix things. He had no answers and no plan that he presented to the voters. He only said he had answers and a plan and instead of saying what they were, he just attacked Obama who had a very well run campaign and a very clear plan, like it or not. He gave people a reason to vote for him, Mitt didn't."

Newt Gingrich - Former Speaker of the house and lifelong adulterer Newt is a gifted debater. He is loved by the right even though he has openly and admittedly cheated on his previous 2 wives, one while she was very ill and considered to be dying. He married that mistress and then cheated on her with wife #3 who looks like a frightened bird. He was also for indefinite occupation of Iraq and in favor of bombing Libya, until Obama did it then he suddenly became against it. He was very negative towards Romney and seeing Romney as the front runner targeted him repeatedly making the nomination candidacy one of the most negative ever.

Herman Cain - the Republican token black and Former Godfather's pizza CEO had the 9-9-9 plan that he repeated like a mantra. He wore a pimp hat and ended his commercials with him showing a sly grin, wearing his pimp hat with a toothpick in his mouth. it was creepy and not exactly heartwarming to his racist party base. The ads said "Leroy is here for your white women!" He said god personally visited him and told him to run for president. He turned out to have too many skeletons in his closet with adultery and pissed off mistresses and dropped out.

Michelle Bachmann - ahhh Michelle. The comedian's dream candidate. Another one who claimed god visited her personally and told her she should run for president and that she would be the first woman president of the US. She has a closet homo husband and one of the most annoying accents in existence. The clinic she and her husband run turned out to be the recipient of medicaid and state welfare money and she denied every knowing that. She actually won the Iowa caucus and seemed poised to do very well. Then she didn't.

Rick Santorum Italian guy with a crooked face and radical religious agenda. He said college is overrated and an elitist place that exposes young people to other ways of thinking and different views than what they were taught (I would prefer to use the term "forced upon") at home. he was also for getting rid of the minimum wage and wanted christianity to be declared our national religion whatever the fuck that means. He wanted to require creationism to be taught in schools and is another who believes that the earth is only 6,000 year old despite all scientific proof otherwise. he is against birth control and says that gay people are "animals and disgusting". He is one of the most investigated people in the Senate. But the craziest thing he ever did was declare that Bush was correct about Iraq even in hind sight, and that WMD's were found in Iraq even though Bush himself said that there weren't any found. Not only did he make that blonder but he is very anti-libertarian and said In June 2011, Santorum said he would continue to "fight very strongly against libertarian influence within the Republican Party and the conservative movement." In an NPR interview in the summer of 2005, Santorum discussed what he called the "libertarianish right," saying "they have this idea that people should be left alone, be able to do whatever they want to do. Government should keep our taxes down and keep our regulation low and that we shouldn't get involved in the bedroom, we shouldn't get involved in cultural issues, you know, people should do whatever they want. Well, that is not how traditional conservatives view the world, and I think most conservatives understand that individuals can't go it alone." in other words, government SHOULD be controlling more of our lives and saying what we can and cannot do at home and in our bedroom! WTF!!!

Rick Perry - The owner of a ranch that had ******head painted on a rock at its entrance. A guy who showed up drunk at campaign stops in Vermont and Pennsylvania. Another religious right nut job who couldnt make up his mind about much else. He was a very promising candidate similar to Howard Dean was for the democrats. The more people saw him and heard him speak the less interested they became.

Jon Huntsman Another Mormon and someone that many people liked a lot but didnt get much backing. He seemed more level headed and not so radical religious with a much more moderate tone, which could never fly with the current republican party. But his daughter is fucking HOT so he was my favorite. She is like Miss America hot.

The Result - Obama won the popular vote by over 3 million votes.

So no matter what you say about Obama there isn't a single person on this list who would be doing better today. You can say we wouldn't have this shitty new law but guess what? Our health care before was a disaster! It was using up far too much of our budget and a massive failure for the money. We would be in 2 wars instead of one, which we are phasing out of. We would be spending more on military and allowing businesses to do whatever the fuck they want without any punishment.

Like it or not, we got the lesser of the evils.
wars will never end, there is too much money being made off of them, the affordable care act would have passed even if Mittens had gotten elected because neither him nor Barack have the final say on it and the mega corporations are still doing whatever they want, it does not matter if a dem or repub is in office, the majority of the end goals are the same


Staff member
Interesting Point Of View Miss Milano. :)
Any honest judgement of Obama's performance can only really look at his first 2 years. In early 2009, Obama and the democrats took control of the presidency, the senate, and the house, along with 2 mismanaged wars and an economy in freefall. In the 2 years that followed, the 111th congress was one of the most productive in history, making and passing more laws since the 1960s, including the first real step towards finally having a health care system that's not the laughing stock of the developed world, and Theodore Roosevelt had set out to do over a hundred years earlier.
Some of these laws included:
The stimulus, which actually did work, according to economists and not republicans
Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act
SCHIP - expanded healthcare for children
Credit card bill of rights - improved consumer protections from credit card companies
Increased regulation of tobacco products
Cash for clunkers, providing a much needed boost to the US auto industry and increasing fuel efficiency
Patient protection and affordable care act
Student aid and fiscal responsibility act - improved access to student loans
Financial regulatory reform
Repeal of don't as, don't tell

Then, in the 2010 midterm elections, on a campaign of misinformation and scare tactics, the republicans took back the house of representatives with the 112th congress, the worst congress that has ever happened to this country. The republicans controlling the house made the conscious decision to do nothing, to oppose every policy supported by the president - whether democratic or even their own policies(including Mitch Mcconnell filibustering his own bill), and to sit back and let the USA stagnate, just so that they could blame it all on him. The 112th congress was the least productive in history by a wide margin, at least until the 113th came along, which is on track to be even worse.
Here are some of the achievements of congress since 2010:
45 failed votes to repeal Obamacare
2 debt ceiling crises
A credit downgrade from Standard & Poors, citing "house republicans refusal to accept any measures that would increase revenue"
Repeal of section 4 of the voting rights act, leading to voter suppression and disenfranchisement in republican led states

From 1981 to 2004 there were an average 16.5 filibusters per year in the senate. Senate majority leader Harry Reid in his 6 years has been through over 430. On both of President Obama's inauguration days, republican leaders held private meetings discussing ways to sabotage his presidency. This is the president of the United States of fucking America, and these pieces of shit are having secret sabotage meetings. With no care for the country, American people, or the economy, the republican party has refused to even attempt to do its job since Obama was elected. Their goal from the start was to fuck the American system of government, and every time an American sits back and says "I'm sick of this shit, both parties are to blame," they gain a little bit of ground. They don't care how much shit they roll in, as long as some of it splashes on our president.

President Obama might not have been the greatest president ever, but he might have been a good president, with a record of saving the country from a depression, helping to end discrimination against gay people and minorities, and implementing the first steps to giving this country a real and affordable health care system. But the republicans couldn't take that risk, so instead they threw every single one of us under the bus to make sure that this president's legacy will be presiding over the first credit downgrade and the most ineffective government in history.

Both America and the world thought this country was ready for a black man to be president, but a vile and detestable portion of the population have proved us all wrong. The republican party and those who support them are traitors to this country.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Any honest judgement of Obama's performance can only really look at his first 2 years. In early 2009, Obama and the democrats took control of the presidency, the senate, and the house, along with 2 mismanaged wars and an economy in freefall. In the 2 years that followed, the 111th congress was one of the most productive in history, making and passing more laws since the 1960s, including the first real step towards finally having a health care system that's not the laughing stock of the developed world, and Theodore Roosevelt had set out to do over a hundred years earlier.
Some of these laws included:
The stimulus, which actually did work, according to economists and not republicans
Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act
SCHIP - expanded healthcare for children
Credit card bill of rights - improved consumer protections from credit card companies
Increased regulation of tobacco products
Cash for clunkers, providing a much needed boost to the US auto industry and increasing fuel efficiency
Patient protection and affordable care act
Student aid and fiscal responsibility act - improved access to student loans
Financial regulatory reform
Repeal of don't as, don't tell

Then, in the 2010 midterm elections, on a campaign of misinformation and scare tactics, the republicans took back the house of representatives with the 112th congress, the worst congress that has ever happened to this country. The republicans controlling the house made the conscious decision to do nothing, to oppose every policy supported by the president - whether democratic or even their own policies(including Mitch Mcconnell filibustering his own bill), and to sit back and let the USA stagnate, just so that they could blame it all on him. The 112th congress was the least productive in history by a wide margin, at least until the 113th came along, which is on track to be even worse.
Here are some of the achievements of congress since 2010:
45 failed votes to repeal Obamacare
2 debt ceiling crises
A credit downgrade from Standard & Poors, citing "house republicans refusal to accept any measures that would increase revenue"
Repeal of section 4 of the voting rights act, leading to voter suppression and disenfranchisement in republican led states

From 1981 to 2004 there were an average 16.5 filibusters per year in the senate. Senate majority leader Harry Reid in his 6 years has been through over 430. On both of President Obama's inauguration days, republican leaders held private meetings discussing ways to sabotage his presidency. This is the president of the United States of fucking America, and these pieces of shit are having secret sabotage meetings. With no care for the country, American people, or the economy, the republican party has refused to even attempt to do its job since Obama was elected. Their goal from the start was to fuck the American system of government, and every time an American sits back and says "I'm sick of this shit, both parties are to blame," they gain a little bit of ground. They don't care how much shit they roll in, as long as some of it splashes on our president.

President Obama might not have been the greatest president ever, but he might have been a good president, with a record of saving the country from a depression, helping to end discrimination against gay people and minorities, and implementing the first steps to giving this country a real and affordable health care system. But the republicans couldn't take that risk, so instead they threw every single one of us under the bus to make sure that this president's legacy will be presiding over the first credit downgrade and the most ineffective government in history.

Both America and the world thought this country was ready for a black man to be president, but a vile and detestable portion of the population have proved us all wrong. The republican party and those who support them are traitors to this country.

Well spoken, sir.


Minor correction - 2012, The President won the popular vote by 4,967,508. And he did it well before midnight, Pacific time.
the financial stimulus did not work for the people, it worked well for the mega banks that got bailed out and the federal reserve chairman til this day will not provide congress with a specific list of where the money actually went and I don't know what financial regulatory reform you are referring to but the enactment of the regulatory decontrol act of 1980 and the dismantling of the glass steagall act in 1999 have wreaked havoc on the economy and was a great cause of the 2008 crisis, and the current goal of the private federal reserve is not to stimulate and improve the economy, their only goal right now is to keep the game going which is why we will continue to see a suspended debt ceiling and increased spending all while the US dollar continues to slowly devalue as a result of the continued expansion of the money supply which means a continued loss of purchasing power over the long term for whoever decides to hold the majority of their wealth in federal reserve notes
the financial stimulus did not work for the people, it worked well for the mega banks that got bailed out and the federal reserve chairman til this day will not provide congress with a specific list of where the money actually went and I don't know what financial regulatory reform you are referring to but the enactment of the regulatory decontrol act of 1980 and the dismantling of the glass steagall act in 1999 have wreaked havoc on the economy and was a great cause of the 2008 crisis, and the current goal of the private federal reserve is not to stimulate and improve the economy, their only goal right now is to keep the game going which is why we will continue to see a suspended debt ceiling and increased spending all while the US dollar continues to slowly devalue as a result of the continued expansion of the money supply which means a continued loss of purchasing power over the long term for whoever decides to hold the majority of their wealth in federal reserve notes


Conservative ("conservative" meaning "not exaggerated," not "fucking insane") estimates say the stimulus created at least 2.5 million jobs, grew the economy by 3.8%, kept the unemployment rate from hitting 12%, and kept around 1.2 million Americans from becoming homeless. If that's not working for the people then I don't know what is. And yes, there were some extremely bullshit examples of ceos still getting their golden parachutes that pissed off a lot of people, and you can yell and scream and point fingers about that all day, but the people that managed to keep their homes and jobs probably have more important things to worry about.
The financial reform you managed to miss was called the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (HR 4173). Google it.
As for the rest of that rambling incoherent mess, deficits are shrinking, unemployment is decreasing (even despite the roughly 900 thousand jobs the republicans have cost us with their treasonous bullshit), things are getting better.
I thought that "things getting better" was the one thing we could all agree that we wanted, but I guess it's never enough for so-called Americans who want to crucify their own president for the great crime of trying to help Americans.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You have to take Roshi with a grain of salt, he had an "Infowars" signature for years.
Obama is only 3 points off of George Bush's worst approval rating and his likeability numbers are worse than Bush's at the same time in their presidency. It's official, the emperor has no clothes.
You have to take Roshi with a grain of salt, he had an "Infowars" signature for years.

lol hey xfire, that shill alex jones won't even go into detail on the banking system like I do and mongo the unemployment rate is over 12 percent and has not dropped and that Dodd Frank act has done nothing to protect consumers, the head of the CFBP is run right out of the private federal reserve with no checks and balances placed on them and last time I checked the national debt is ticking away in the northern direction, not southern so I still don't know what deficit reductions you are talking about and as far as crucifying goes, 90 percent of capitol hill is garbage, both the left, right, up, down and sideways are to blame IMO
Well, the most recent data from the bureau of labor statistics was september, with 7.2%, and an increase of 133 000 jobs that month. But maybe the bureau of labor statistics doesn't know anything about labor statistics and you do?
Dodd Frank is still in the process of being implemented, with many rules still not in place, but it is being enforced in the courts.
And finally, deficit versus debt. It's really not that hard. The debt is what we owe now. The deficit is how much we're borrowing. How much we're borrowing is decreasing significantly. When we stop borrowing and start saving we may choose to pay down the debt, not that it's even really necessary.


Official Checked Star Member
Roshi you need to let up on the federal reserve in every post. we get it. I get it. I wrote that thread about it. you are obsessed my friend. :)

and obama has lost rating because people in his party arent afraid to voice their unhappiness. the republicans will go down with the burning ship before they'll admit something's wrong.
sorry Mariah, the fed can't be let up on because that is where the major financial decisions are made and that is the main source of our economic woes :) and Mongo, I know this might be hard for you to take in but perhaps, just maybe, the bureau of labor statistics are cooking their numbers and Dodd Frank, even if fully implemented will still leave tax payers on the hook for future bank bailouts like 2008 and yes deficit vs debt, I disagree, the amount of borrowing has not decreased, in fact the day after both sides agreed to raise the debt ceiling, the US treasury borrowed 328 billion from the federal reserve in a SINGLE day which pushed the national debt past 17 trillion and as I have stated by the time Obama leaves office the national debt will be around 20 trillion


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Honestly, there are probably one or two in those lists that would have been better than Obama. They just sure as hell weren't the nominees.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
sorry Mariah, the fed can't be let up on because that is where the major financial decisions are made and that is the main source of our economic woes :) and Mongo, I know this might be hard for you to take in but perhaps, just maybe, the bureau of labor statistics are cooking their numbers and Dodd Frank, even if fully implemented will still leave tax payers on the hook for future bank bailouts like 2008 and yes deficit vs debt, I disagree, the amount of borrowing has not decreased, in fact the day after both sides agreed to raise the debt ceiling, the US treasury borrowed 328 billion from the federal reserve in a SINGLE day which pushed the national debt past 17 trillion and as I have stated by the time Obama leaves office the national debt will be around 20 trillion

To whom does the federal government owe the most money?